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Yo you can't smoke in bars in VA Beach no more.


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.........What the fu-k is the deal.............

I just stopped to shoot a game a pool or more ..........depending on my luck or skill.........but noooooooooooooooo

I can not light up a cigarette in the place...........


WTF..........a bar means smoking and drinking and tryin to hook up for the other thing......screwing.............


...................blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh...............I got me an 8 ball............................

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Welcome to the new millennium Blackie.

Hell it's been that way in Californiacation for some time now.

Come to think of it, we can't smoke in parks or downtown public places.

They've banned smoking at the beach too.

Looks like you'll have to make other arrangements for the night.

Remember to wash you sock when you're finished.[cool]

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...............Sock ?.................um what kind of partying you doin ?.....................


I can just go up the street to a private club..............yeah ..........more money...........and the girls are all hookers.....but I can smoke.

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I get a kick out of the anti-tobacco crowd and then toss into the mix the pro-mary Jane smoking crowd wanting it legal but tobacco smoke being illegal and... Oh, you've gotta have candles burning so the wax gets into your lungs...


Since the anti-smoking crowd came to power the incidence of asthma seems to have skyrocketed and they give half the boys in elementary school drugs to calm them down. I guess that's the effect of global warming, though.


I lived in one town where meth was rampant, booze was as common as Hershey bars in high school - and middle school kids smoked weed like crazy. But they had a well-funded anti-tobacco community program.


It's a different world than that into which I was born, although 50 years ago the head of this state's WCTU had a "company" plane to travel to battle demon rum... <grin>


Ah, the cycles of odd group-think we find ourselves in when there's a decision to govern others' behavior. I can see it now in 2030, you can smoke mary jane and drink beer in a saloon, but they'll jail you for a smoke or chew of tobacco... and quadruple the tax on soft drinks and Hershey bars 'cuz they're evil sugar.



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I feel your pain Blackie.


We've had it outlawed in pubs for a few years now, and the government keeps increasing the tobacco tax, just a few days ago it went up 25%. As a result I'm forced to smoke roll your own ciggys and I'm not happy about it.


It's a legal fvcking drug last time I checked!

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................You the guy going .......oh lord my allergies and eyeballs are burned out........at an Arena show .......of course......I guess smoking is outlawed everywhere now..............well ..............then just die die die mo fker die........have a nice day

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I had quit smoking before the California Banned it in Bars and restaurants. I was firmly against it, couldn't imagine playing in a Bar without an Inversion Layer.


Now that's it's been in effect for a while and people have grown accustom to smoking outside, I like it. No more cigarette smelling hair and clothes after a gig, or even just a night out. The color of my Amp Grilles hasn't changed in years, making it hard to tell if a used amp's been gigged with or not.


Oddly enough, if it came back on the ballot to Un-Ban it, I would vote to Un-Ban, but not with a smile on my face. I still think it should be up to the Property Owner to decide whether or not smoking be allowed, falling under the heading of Property Rights.


Of course we won't be seeing that on the ballot because it's just too nice working, playing, and dancing in a Smoke Free Environment, most people don't miss it.

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I think it's a great law...... nothing worse than a filthy cigarette....

I couldn't agree - or disagree - more.


NOBODY hates tobacco any more than I do - in any form.

Nasty sh!t - but I never expected a bar to be sanitized for me.

Restaurants' date=' I had mixed feelings - but if I smelled smoke when I was eating I would get up and leave.

Didn't need any laws to tell me what stinks....


It came up for a vote in Arizona in 2004, I shouted from the rooftops that it was a stupid law.

Even the smokers in my own family were blown away, thinking I would vote for the ban.

No way.


Gotta be 21.

Gonna be drinking alcohol - enough of a sin by itself.

It's the one place EVERYBODY knows is gonna reek of smoke before they even get to the door.

No children, only consenting adults allowed within.




Law passed handily, and destroyed the nightlife/club business here - as nice as our weather is year 'round...


About the time the bar business started to recover a bit, the economy went into the sh!tter.



Yeah, I hate the smell.

Made my throat raw if I stayed more than an hour or so.

No way I could sing if I played in a band.

Had to take a shower as soon as I got home, and leave my clothes in the garage until wash day.

But I knew all that going in the door, and did so voluntarily.


Smoking bans in bars are incredibly stupid - says the militant non-smoker from Arizona.

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Along these same lines, here's something I put together a few years ago.

My idea of the perfect live music venue.


See if any of you disagree.


Sidewinder Slim's Rattlesnake Road House

Brews, Blues and Booze




So, what's in a name?

For me it sort of embodies all there is in playing or listening to the blues in some hot, smokey bar.

It's not a real place, at least not that I've ever seen, but I enjoy the concept.

I've seen alot of live music over the years in all sorts of bars, club, arenas and stadiums.

If I ever decided to create a venue for live music, this is where it would start......


Just off the highway in the Arizona desert, so the only neighbors to complain are the coyotes.

Dirt parking lot with lotsa room.

Not a big building, maybe 50 x 100 feet, all concrete.

Big roll-up doors to let the breeze in when the weather is nice.

Live Blues, 3 nights a week.

Probably have to put chicken wire up to protect the stage and all the gear.

The coldest, cheapest beer, the hottest rock and blues, and the ugliest male wait staff.

Bring yer OWN woman....


Well ventilated to get all the smoke out. Yes, you can smoke there - as bad as I hate tobacco!

Concrete construction with a good slick floor.

Why? Well, there's a couple of reasons.

Dancing for instance. Anybody with the urge to scoot some boots wants a nice floor.

Plus, it won't burn down and after a rowdy night I can hose the whole place out.

Also, when a fight breaks out, drinks always wind up on the floor and make a mess.

Slick concrete gets REALLY slick, and the fight slows down.

People fall over a couple times looking stupid, they don't seem near as mean.

I won't need a bunch of burly bouncers, just a couple guys to man a 2-inch fire hose.

Trust me, a fire hose will cool off ANYBODY, and nobody gets hurt.

Pretty soon, everybody involved is soaking wet and cold - and ready to go home.

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....I like that Snake Dude !

........woooooooooooo Neo is on my side of smoking the sh-t out of every body in a rock n roll bar..........well hey..........

.................I understand a little.......but I am the most smoked up smellin dude around.........my clients know it and take it as

........I walk in there houses.............I can not tell because I smoke Marlboro 100's ........about 3 packs a day.......yeah I am a chimney of smoke.

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smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke drink drink drink drink drink drink smoke drink smoke drink .........yeah .......cop some narcotics

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I smoke and like that it's illegal to smoke in restaurants; I can't stand it wafting over to me while I'm eating. But... bars? People who aren't smokers smoke when they drink. Smoking in bars has been illegal in NJ for a few years now and I deal with it but it still seems a bit silly that one can't smoke in an establishment that exists solely to sell alcohol.

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Now that's it's been in effect for a while and people have grown accustom to smoking outside' date=' I like it. No more cigarette smelling hair and clothes after a gig, or even just a night out. The color of my Amp Grilles hasn't changed in years, making it hard to tell if a used amp's been gigged with or not.


Oddly enough, if it came back on the ballot to Un-Ban it,[b'] I would vote to Un-Ban, but not with a smile on my face.[/b] I still think it should be up to the Property Owner to decide whether or not smoking be allowed, falling under the heading of Property Rights.



Similar law passed recently in PA, and I felt the same way - it should be up to the property owner, and if they let the smoke get too bad, they give up my business. That's only fair.


But like you said, the law passed, and my wife and I have commented many times how nice it is to come back from our favorite restaurants - places where we tolerated the smoke because of the food and atmosphere - and not smell like crap. My favorite quote on this subject, don't know who it's by: "Isn't having a smoking section in the restaurant like having a peeing section in the pool?" [thumbup] :- But again, should be the property owner's decision.

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It's a little different in PA, highwaynine. Whether smoking is permitted or not depends on the ratio of food to liquor that is served. If a bar or pub has a grill and deep fryer for selling burgers, fries and the like, smoking may still be allowed.

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The local bars in this area were pleasantly surprised that business was actually UP after the ban.


If some fella wants to stop off after work for a brewsky, but cannot stand the smoke, he doesn't stop off for a brewsky.


The waitresses and bar tenders are forced to endure smoke for their entire shift. That isn't fair either.


I avoided bars because I cannot stand coming home reeking of tobacco smoke. The one time a year I was compelled to spend time in a bar for an annual fund raiser. After I came home, I'd strip (not 100%) before I came in the house and let my shirt and slacks air out until morning. I then would have a splitting head ache the next morning. I've been told it is probably a nicotine hangover.


Now that the ban is in effect. I go to the fund-raiser and don't have to smell like smoke, and I don't have the headaches. AND.... I've noticed a different clientele at the bar. Actually it was always a restaurant / bar, but just sandwiches and the occasional steak and fish fry. Now that the establishment is more family friendly, FAMILIES are coming and eating full dinners with salad bar. I've never seen the place more packed.


I now frequent that establishment much more frequently.. as do my neighbors.

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Ok jumping in to this one lol


It has been ten years (I think) for the smoking ban in bars. I personally like the idea ,smoke doesn't get in to your clothes as much and not in your hair as much. I smoke less when I have to go outside and that's a bonus in my book.


In 1977, I was in the hospital. I can still remember my mother asking the nurse for a clean ashtray ...Times have sure changed lol

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I am an ex smoker. Loved smoking. I would still smoke if it didn't kill you.


As for bars....I feel for those who smoke. There's nothing better than having a smoke while drinking (or a drink while smoking).


But I am all for banning smoking in bars. Why should non-smokers have to put up with it? You go to a bar to drink, not smoke. That's the expectation.


And I say put as many hurdles in place as possible to make it harder for kids and young adults to start smoking.

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