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Introducing the Les Paul Studio 50’s Tribute – Limited Run from Gibson USA

Gibson USA

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Funny, your "on time" comment in the other post leads one to believe you fault Gibson for the delay in delivering these guitars. There of course was the little trivial matter of the devastating flood. But whatever, the Epi looks very nice, and if you're happy with it, so much the better. Frees us another Gold Top (it was a Gold Top I'll bet, right?) for someone else who really wants it and is willing to be just a bit more patient (sort of ironic really, you went through all the hard part of the wait, only to give up the ghost when the prize was practically in sight). I wonder if yours might've been in one of the early Sept. shipments I'm sure will be leaving Nashville... (not like you've hurt Gibson in the least BTW, the guitar is in such demand it will be sold the moment it becomes available). Anyway, as I said, the Epi does look nice. Win/Win/Win as I see it. Enjoy. [thumbup]



yeah cheers! i am not trying to whine, i just got frustrated to the point that i bought a guitar elsewhere. i it won't hurt gibson, and as a matter of fact in 6 months when the goldtops end up used on fleabay i'll buy one. but for right now i wanted a 2 p90 les paul and got one. a nice one. no harm no foul. best wishes to morty and everyone else waiting!!!

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Oh yea. One more thing I wanted to ask you guys. Every thread over in the Epiphone section won't or don't come up? Am I the only one that is having this problem? I just get blank page when I hit topic. ](*,)

Had the same problem with search results in this Forum. Blank page, unless it wass a multi page thread and I clicked on the page numbers. They're working on issues since the upgrade, but to make sure the right people are aware of the issue, you might want to PM one of the Mods from that area.


has anyone else noticed, they don't wear the edges of the goldtops as much as the rest?

Too early to tell that for sure, we haven't seen enough of any of them. My Honeyburst has a fair bit of the worn edge treatment, but the one sold on eBay yesterday had substantially less from what I could tell. They may simply vary a lot, or they may have toned down the worn edges altogether. We'll know more in a few weeks when some of the Membership here and elsewhere get the guitars they've been waiting for.


It's the stores who just kept accepting orders...more than their allotment, and even after Gibson said the guitar was sold out. How would that be Gibson's fault?

Precisely. [thumbup]

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A guy on the Fender Forum who ordered a Goldtop from Amazon on May 15th just got this email from Amazon:


"Hello from Amazon.com.


Due to a lack of availability from our suppliers, we will not be able to obtain the following item(s) from your order:


"Gibson Les Paul Studio 50's Tribute, Worn Gold Top"



We've cancelled the item(s) and apologize for the inconvenience. We must also apologize for the length of time it has taken us to reach this conclusion. Until recently, we had still hoped to obtain these item(s) for you.


Please visit the product detail pages above to see if these items are available from other sellers.


If you took advantage of a promotional offer when placing this order, this cancellation may affect your order's eligibility for that offer. If this is the case, please contact customer service:




If we determine that you should still receive the offer, we'll reimburse you for the value of the promotional discount. (This will not apply if all items in the order were cancelled.)


Your order is now closed."

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A guy on the Fender Forum who ordered a Goldtop from Amazon on May 15th just got this email from Amazon:


"Hello from Amazon.com.


Due to a lack of availability from our suppliers, we will not be able to obtain the following item(s) from your order:


"Gibson Les Paul Studio 50's Tribute, Worn Gold Top"



We've cancelled the item(s) and apologize for the inconvenience. We must also apologize for the length of time it has taken us to reach this conclusion. Until recently, we had still hoped to obtain these item(s) for you.


Please visit the product detail pages above to see if these items are available from other sellers.


If you took advantage of a promotional offer when placing this order, this cancellation may affect your order's eligibility for that offer. If this is the case, please contact customer service:




If we determine that you should still receive the offer, we'll reimburse you for the value of the promotional discount. (This will not apply if all items in the order were cancelled.)


Your order is now closed."


Hello! That's so strange! Does anyone know when those shops started to take pre-orders? 15th of May seems to be a very early date. I ordered mine on 21th of May, here in Central Europe, and the shop says they might arrive next week. Just wondering whats happening...

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Hello! That's so strange! Does anyone know when those shops started to take pre-orders? 15th of May seems to be a very early date. I ordered mine on 21th of May, here in Central Europe, and the shop says they might arrive next week. Just wondering whats happening...

WOW HERE COMES THE B.S. i can only imagine a lot of preorders getting the "sorry the product you ordered is discontinued"..... we are so sorry.... OH YEAH, WAY TO TAKE 200 ORDERS FOR A GUITAR YOUR ONLY GETTING 60 OF SAM ASH.

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Hello! That's so strange! Does anyone know when those shops started to take pre-orders? 15th of May seems to be a very early date. I ordered mine on 21th of May, here in Central Europe, and the shop says they might arrive next week. Just wondering whats happening...

WOW HERE COMES THE B.S. i can only imagine a lot of preorders getting the "sorry the product you ordered is discontinued"..... we are so sorry.... OH YEAH, WAY TO TAKE 200 ORDERS FOR A GUITAR YOUR ONLY GETTING 60 OF SAM ASH.

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Argh! This is what I was afraid of! Oversubscription! I've emailed my shop to double check I'm still in line to get a gold top - I'll accept nothing less.


And I've just noted in a UK guitar magazine, the price has risen from £799 to £899. My order was agreed at the earlier price so I hope I don't get squeezed for extra cash before I get one.


I'm trying to keep the faith and wait, but there are an awful lot of other guitars tempting me on ebay.... Must resist the siren call...

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Argh! This is what I was afraid of! Oversubscription! I've emailed my shop to double check I'm still in line to get a gold top - I'll accept nothing less.


And I've just noted in a UK guitar magazine, the price has risen from £799 to £899. My order was agreed at the earlier price so I hope I don't get squeezed for extra cash before I get one.


I'm trying to keep the faith and wait, but there are an awful lot of other guitars tempting me on ebay.... Must resist the siren call...


The strange thing is: Amazon was the 1st internet retailer to start taking orders for this a model(a month before MF/GC) and they were also the 1st to stop selling them when the had reached their allotment. This guys order was one of the 1st placed. This does not bode well for the rest of us.

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Could anyone else who has read this forum and has a UK order placed let me know where you are with your order? That is so I can either be jealous or more paranoid.


ps. I last felt like this trying to buy a Buzz Lightyear doll for my kids the first Christmas they came out. It was all sharp elbows at the door, queuing etiquette trampled underfoot.

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Could anyone else who has read this forum and has a UK order placed let me know where you are with your order? That is so I can either be jealous or more paranoid.


ps. I last felt like this trying to buy a Buzz Lightyear doll for my kids the first Christmas they came out. It was all sharp elbows at the door, queuing etiquette trampled underfoot.


I am repeating myself abit but us brits gotta stick together.

At the moment, the guy at the manchester devision of PMT MUSIC told me that there definitely getting one of every colour in their shop and I've got the Goldtop on hold (paid a 79 quid deposit). He said the 4-6 week wait he mentioned was wrong because he didn't realize the flood at Gibson was that bad. He also stated that I won't be able to get one anywhere else now and I shouldn't cancel my order. He couldn't give me a date or month it would ship, but would get in touch asap.


P.s I'm getting too excited about this guitar, but with all this non-playing time on my hands my mind is wandering to modding the guitar with a Bigsby, maybe a mini-humbucker in the bridge and some kind of varitone switch...



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Oh for F sake.


The flood was months ago. It was bad, yes.


But somebody somewhere does know what is shipping where, and when. They always have known.


I'd challenge someone (anyone, but I'm too lazy) to read this whole thread, and figure out how many of us are really rabid about this model, and have claimed orders.


I'll bet it's no more than a dozen or so, including those poor souls who've received an order cancellation.


One might believe that if the factory gave a good goddam, they'd step up and make an extra 10 or 15 and make their faithful whole.


Never mind - I've been banged hard for "doing it wrong" for posting about this in the past.


I give up.

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Honeyburst spotted at Sam Ash in Margate after another one sold yesterday (ask for Tony)

3-piece back, darker HB like the pictures in this thread, satin-like finish, sanding seemed to be narrow on the top in the usual place (which to me looks as much like an odd reflection as sanding), didn't plug it in, frets seemed nicely done, hi E seemed a little close to the edge (but I'm used to a Strat-type neck), not my color or pickup choice


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Hope the folk at Gibson are paying attention.....




it would solve a ton of problems.

I understand, clean up and such after flooding is no easy task.

If you think about it, how nice would it be just to left click order a Lester, or what ever happens to catch your eye, right from Gibson's website?

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If you think about it, how nice would it be just to left click order a Lester, or what ever happens to catch your eye, right from Gibson's website?


Couldn't stand it - NO fun, no trying it out 1st, no A/Bing, no price breaks, no one to deal with when something goes wrong, and A LOT of stress waiting and hoping it shows up with NO issues...especially when the UPS guy, who just drove it for a week across the country 'ground', throws it off the back of the truck and leaves it on my porch when its 110degree out in the summer or 2degrees in the winter.


No thanks! Prefer to shop and deal with a dealer who can have all that aggravation AND give me great prices and service!

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I called Gibson the other week and a CSR told me that every Gibson guitar is now put on the PLEK machine. I know on the details page it says that the nut is cut using the PLEK. I think he was implying that the frets are finished on it as well. Although I didn't see anything on the details page about the frets being done on the PLEK for this model, it specifically mentions it on other models details pages. any thoughts? If so, that is really badass

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I called Gibson the other week and a CSR told me that every Gibson guitar is now put on the PLEK machine. I know on the details page it says that the nut is cut using the PLEK. I think he was implying that the frets are finished on it as well. Although I didn't see anything on the details page about the frets being done on the PLEK for this model, it specifically mentions it on other models details pages. any thoughts? If so, that is really badass



I would think it is - I do know the set-up, frets, nut etc. on mine are surprisingly good.

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