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Introducing the Les Paul Studio 50’s Tribute – Limited Run from Gibson USA

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I caved and ordered a honeyburst from Wildwood. The black one they displayed has been sold - it has been there for a while and was one of the antediluvian guitars. They have one honeyburst left. Wow, I find that when typing "honeyburst" it's easy to get "hineyburst" and that guitar I would not want to see. Now I gotta find a case....

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The black one they displayed has been sold - it has been there for a while and was one of the antediluvian guitars.


Nope,I just called Bruce at Wildwood after I read your post and he told me that they just got that Black one a couple of days ago.

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This was posted on TGP today:


"ATTENTION*****For those of you who placed an order at GC for one of these lp's


I just got off the phone w/ a GC representative because I received a 2nd backorder notice via the interweb. I called to make sure that my order (GT) would still be fullfilled and she stated that if I wasn't told that it would be in the first batch (8/31) date that my order WOULD be filled but the date was uncertain past that. THE IMPORTANT PART is that she told me to call back every 3 weeks because their automated system will throw a backorder into a "default" category after "X" amount of days if backorder still hasn't been filled and I would not get the guitar.


Meaning, if you orderd one from GC and you aren't scheduled to get one on 8/31 you need to call GC every couple weeks and let them know that you still want the product and won't get defaulted out of the system and lose out. "

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One more reason, to use a smaller (non-big box) dealer, huh? ;>)


Well, IF the Gold-Top, and Honeyburst models are ALL already sold out,

they (Gibson) must know "when" that happend, and any order after that date,

would be suspect, at best, as to actually being available to be shipped....save "cancellations,"

etc. Yet, we still hear of companies taking orders on GT's and Honeybursts.

That's setting some folks up, for a big disappointment, if they have their hearts

set, on those particular models. So, it would be nice, purdent, for Gibson,

to go on the record, as to when the cut-off time was, for a GT or Honeybust.


Then, if those that really want one, can or want to wait to find out, if they can get one,

via a cancellation, of an order, prior to the cut-off date. That's their decision, and so be it!

Maybe they have some perverse love, of the "feeding frenzy" that goes on, at times like

this??? ;>b But, it's quite frustrating, for their customers...IMHO (as always).



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"Nope,I just called Bruce at Wildwood after I read your post and he told me that they just got that Black one a couple of days ago."


Well, Nope, too, I spoke with Steve there and I tell you what I posted is what he told me. Regardless of when they got it, it must be pre-flood, because why would Gibson make and ship one random guitar?

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"Nope' date='I just called Bruce at Wildwood after I read your post and he told me that they just got that Black one a couple of days ago."


Well, Nope, too, I spoke with Steve there and I tell you what I posted is what he told me. Regardless of when they got it, it must be pre-flood, because why would Gibson make and ship one random guitar?[/quote']


Maybe it floated there?

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Does anyone have information on the number being made? I have read one poster stating he did not "make the cut" with a 6/15 order with GC. I got off the phone with a CSR at GC; and while she was very pleasant, would not give me any information as to what number in the order que I am. I am fairly certain that with all the computing power GC has; they should be able to tell me if my order is one of the b/o that will not be filled. Waiting is okay, not answering my questions is frustrating as hell.

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Does anyone have information on the number being made? I have read one poster stating he did not "make the cut" with a 6/15 order with GC. I got off the phone with a CSR at GC; and while she was very pleasant' date=' would not give me any information as to what number in the order que I am. I am fairly certain that with all the computing power GC has; they should be able to tell me if my order is one of the b/o that will not be filled. Waiting is okay, not answering my questions is frustrating as hell.[/quote']

What I got from my GC rep is that they simply can't be sure. It may be Gibson hasn't let on how many they can sell, or maybe they're being ambiguous as to how many will eventually be produced (they don't give out production numbers, but have said in ads this is a limited run, maybe they themselves are debating the limit?).


I was told GC expected 30 gold tops initially, and I am inside that number (told when I ordered, and no mention since). I was later told they expect 36. Either way, I hope to be covered. But I also was told they had over 70 orders (this was days or even a week after I ordered mine).


I've read here where GC, Amazon and others are assuring people they'll be getting guitars on certain dates,. etc. But the truth is, they can't know. Because until they are built and ready to ship (or just shortly before), even Gibson can't know. They've dealing with (or have dealt with) getting the shop back together, replacing equipment etc. Who knows when production resumes for sure, and what runs they will work on first.


To me there is a certain logic in cranking out production of these Les Pauls as well as some faded models and less labor intensive units, as they can be completed in shorter time, putting more guitars back in the pipeline sooner- the Nirto finish that takes so much time is one of the cost saving measures on all of these, and it happens that cutting back there also saves a lot of time (remember, time=money). So maybe they will indeed put a bunch of these on trucks in time for many of us to be in the 8/31 batch. If not, I'm prepared to wait a bit more (only if I have to :-k ).

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Still getting a bit of the run around from GC. It can't be that hard to determine where I am on the list. They have said the orders are filled in order of receipt. That tells me they have their list. Either I fell within the allocation

Or I did not. Don't see the point in all the ambiguity.

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What I got from my GC rep is that they simply can't be sure. It may be Gibson hasn't let on how many they can sell' date=' or maybe they're being ambiguous as to how many will eventually be produced (they don't give out production numbers, but have said in ads this is a limited run, maybe they themselves are debating the limit?).


I was told GC expected 30 gold tops initially, and I am inside that number (told when I ordered, and no mention since). I was later told they expect 36. Either way, I hope to be covered. But I also was told they had over 70 orders (this was days or even a week after I ordered mine).


I've read here where GC, Amazon and others are assuring people they'll be getting guitars on certain dates,. etc. But the truth is, they can't know. Because until they are built and ready to ship (or just shortly before), even Gibson can't know. They've dealing with (or have dealt with) getting the shop back together, replacing equipment etc. Who knows when production resumes for sure, and what runs they will work on first.


To me there is a certain logic in cranking out production of these Les Pauls as well as some faded models and less labor intensive units, as they can be completed in shorter time, putting more guitars back in the pipeline sooner- the Nirto finish that takes so much time is one of the cost saving measures on all of these, and it happens that cutting back there also saves a lot of time (remember, time=money). So maybe they will indeed put a bunch of these on trucks in time for many of us to be in the 8/31 batch. If not, I'm prepared to wait a bit more (only if I[i'] have[/i] to [blink] ).


The CSR at MF I spoke with today said that their first shipment of Goldtops would be about 1/3 of their total order so the 30 to 36 units makes sense if they ordered 90 to 100 Goldtops as I have read on other forums. Having said that,the CSR told me he was not confident that they would recieve any more after their intial shipment because Gibson informed them that the guitar was out of production.


Huh? How could it be out of production before they even make them?

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T bone' date=' when did you place your order? I still believe they should be able to tell me where I fall within the orders. [/quote']

Without double checking my order confirmation, I think (pretty sure) it was Monday the 14th. And GC only began taking orders that Saturday I think.


The ambiguity makes sense from a business point of view if you presume some things. That Gibson hasn't told them definitely how many they will get. And that they don't want to have a lot of folks cancel orders for guitars they might get.


How many of you guys fully paid for your guitars, vs. placing a deposit or just them doing a temp hold on a CC to secure the order?

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Without double checking my order confirmation' date=' I [i']think[/i] (pretty sure) it was Monday the 14th. And GC only began taking orders that Saturday I think.


The ambiguity makes sense from a business point of view if you presume some things. That Gibson hasn't told them definitely how many they will get. And that they don't want to have a lot of folks cancel orders for guitars they might get.


How many of you guys fully paid for your guitars, vs. placing a deposit or just them doing a temp hold on a CC to secure the order?


My G/T is bought and paid for with a receipt... but thats still no guarantee that I'll get one or when... it will all depend on when and if Gibson resumes production on them !! quite a few Artists lost their of equipment in the flood and that needs to be replaced (first priority)..... not to mention the equipment loss at Gibson! to make that production ...it might be awhile ....& so I guess it's a wait and see thing......

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How many of you guys fully paid for your guitars' date=' vs. placing a deposit or just them doing a temp hold on a CC to secure the order?




I'm a 50% deposit, and the gentleman all but took a blood oath that I'd get one at GC. I think he's a little more optomistic than I am. That was back on the 17th so who knows how it falls in the allocation. If it comes I'll be estatic, if not no biggy. My current Epi is fine. I'm interested in this guitar because my daughters SG Classic sounds wonderful with the P-90s.


As for the ambiguity. I have to think that for store purchases if one of these doesn't come in most people will just role it into another (possibly more expensive) guitar. For online purchasers I don't think the same is true, the money never left your hands.



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Nice job, Gibson. You offer a guitar folks are hungry for at a VERY reasonable price... and you make it a limited run? Perhaps that's one way to create the demand... but I'm sure many Gibson fans are not very happy with the thought of "the one that got away". Please rethink this model. Limit it to a model year run or a 6 month run... not just XX number of pieces. I for one do not like being told I missed the cut and can't order one (the Goldtop)... leaving me to the wolves of the secondary market after they are released... and I'm certain Gibson could use the revenue, rather than allowing the wolves to bask in the cash.

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Nice job' date=' Gibson. You offer a guitar folks are hungry for at a VERY reasonable price... and you make it a limited run? Perhaps that's one way to create the demand... but I'm sure many Gibson fans are not very happy with the thought of "the one that got away". Please rethink this model. Limit it to a model year run or a 6 month run... not just XX number of pieces. I for one do not like being told I missed the cut and can't order one (the Goldtop)... leaving me to the wolves of the secondary market after they are released... and I'm certain Gibson could use the revenue, rather than allowing the wolves to bask in the cash.[/quote']

It was a test.

Would you sell something that your not sure would sell and make thousands of them? [blink]

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Thank you! This whole thing is beginning to look like a Chinese fire drill.



No, it was like that from the very start.


Great to see the Customer Service folks posting in the Lounge about how Elvis made them want to play guitar, but nobody can answer a simple question like "will I get the guitar I ordered?"

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It was a test.

Would you sell something that your not sure would sell and make thousands of them? :-k


The traditional pro goldtop sold.......where's the follow up...


I'd hope that there is one, because I have GAS for a Humbucker goldtop.....the p-90 type just ain't gonna cut it now.

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