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New Guitar Day


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As I've said in another thread, I have been looking around for a used LP in 1000 dollar price range. I was considering a couple of Classics and a'76 Custom from Craig's List. The Custom would probably have been the best deal but is 4 hours drive and 400 bucks more than I planned to spend since I already had a deposit on a 50's Tribute Studio. I wasn't looking for something resell anyway.

I looked at one Classic for a grand that I didn't like and was on my way to Vegas to look at another Classic but had a mishap and didn't make it to the CL Classic. The mishap was that I stopped by Guitar Center for the heck of it and fell in love.













I'm relatively new to guitar playing(1 year) but this guitar just felt perfect to me. Slim 60s neck, Coil tapping, locking Grovers. The Pleked fretboard was perfect as it sat in the store. Low action, no buzz at all. They had several nice LPs but none felt so nice as this one to me. There some with prettier tops but I'll really dig the"been sittin' in grandpa's cabin for 50 years" vibe of this one. So I went home and slept(sort of) on it. Next morning cancelled the 50s Tribute, kissed the wife's *** a bit and came home with this Trad Pro.

I traded in an old Chinese Washburn acoustic to get 15% off deal and got out the door for 1700. including tax. Enough typing gotta go practice and justify this madness.

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