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Nasty PMs


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The rules are pretty well defined as to what can be posted here, and I think in the grand scheme of things we do a pretty good job of keeping the forum on the proverbial straight and narrow. By "we" I mean everyone here. Once in a while a thread gets a little wild and the best thing at that point is for Duane or me or someone higher up to just quietly pull the thread and not make a big deal of it. Nine times out of ten the subject stays dead and it's forgotten.


Sometimes I get PMs from forum members saying they have received PMs from other members that are profane, demeaning, insulting... any combination of them I guess. Well, we mods don't have any access to PMs that are sent and frankly it's none of our business. A PM by definition is a Private Message.... pretty self explanatory.


We don't have any rules about PMs, at least none I could see. All rules address what is posted on the forum for all to see.


I guess I'm asking for people to show a little civility with their PMs, regardless of whether there are rules or not, and regardless of whether a mod can intervene or not.



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The rules are pretty well defined as to what can be posted here' date=' and I think in the grand scheme of things we do a pretty good job of keeping the forum on the proverbial straight and narrow. By "we" I mean everyone here. Once in a while a thread gets a little wild and the best thing at that point is for Duane or me or someone higher up to just quietly pull the thread and not make a big deal of it. Nine times out of ten the subject stays dead and it's forgotten.


Sometimes I get PMs from forum members saying they have received PMs from other members that are profane, demeaning, insulting... any combination of them I guess. Well, we mods don't have any access to PMs that are sent and frankly it's none of our business. A PM by definition is a Private Message.... pretty self explanatory.


We don't have any rules about PMs, at least none I could see. All rules address what is posted on the forum for all to see.


I guess I'm asking for people to show a little civility with their PMs, regardless of whether there are rules or not, and regardless of whether a mod can intervene or not.




I only got a nasty one from a troll

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agreed ksdaddy!


im over on some other forums and a thread was started about a particular pedal which then erupted into two vendors more or less bashing each other over whose work was better...


opinions are one thing...advice another...but cmon!

this is an internet forum!


what gives people?

sure some people have sarcastic/caustic humor...i am all for it...but there is indeed a line of decency and for the most part everyone here complies very well!


moreso than in other forums i have seen...yet every now and again...someone doesn't...thats what moderators like KSDADDY are for...but when it comes to PM's treat it like an info-mercial on tv...dont look at it...

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Hey how dare you call me a troll............


I'll sic Blitz the Wonder Dog after you.


Naw man....not you....though...to get to see that incredibly adorable ball of fur in person I would call you a troll again and again!

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I'll bet that 90% of offensive or innapropriate behaviour in forums like this is the result of being drunk in charge of a keyboard.


Maybe we need a machine that stops your computer working if you are over .05? :) [biggrin]


Then again, maybe not. I may never get to post again.[crying]

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Example of a Nasty PM [crying]O:)[biggrin]


Just a gag guys' date=' just a gag.






[biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin]


Gotta love the Iron Lady! I love it when she told George Bush Sr. "look George, this is no time to go wobbly". She is on the same plane as Churchill to me.

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I just got a pm from a "respected" member of the forum that was quite vile and insulting. For the record I just LMFAO and am glad to know who I'm dealing with. [biggrin]


It wasn't me. That line about "respected" should have been the clue.



Example of a Nasty PM [crying]O:)[biggrin]


Just a gag guys' date=' just a gag.




Brilliant! Almost sprayed coffee all over my keyboard.

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It wasn't me. That line about "respected" should have been the clue.


[crying] I quoted respected in order to be sarcastic. I hope this guy is not respected. He certainly does not deserve that honor.

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Example of a Nasty PM [crying]O:)[biggrin]


Just a gag guys' date=' just a gag.






[biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin]


I liked Maggie, she had teeth and a back bone!!!


One of my other favorite female roll models





They both taught me a valuable lesson, "It's a man's world, but dammit with hard work and perseverance a woman can rise to the top, and still be lady like!"


Besides my favorite Julia Child quote is, when asked what her favorite dinner is she said, "Steak and gin.....mostly the gin!"


-Aimee :)

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I've had pleasant talks with evol, glp1319, and many others, even dem00n O:)[lol]


Only time I got an unpleasant one was from a troll. I take this whole forum with a grain of salt, some people get keyboard happy.


Thanks guys


As for nasty PMS... I'm not going there [crying]

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