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Your Favorite Combo Amp


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Personally, I think Combos are the way to go. They Travel better and have a smaller Footprint on Stage. Personal Favorites are


Fender Stage amps

Mesa Mark IV,V or Dual Rectifier.

Egnater Tourmaster (Seriously Gassing for one of those)

not a Marshall fan, no "Shimmer" at all.

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craigh - you have a Victoria? Lucky!


I just got the Victoria the other day. Already she's #1.


The Victoria is nice but that Guild rocks! How does it sound? Clean? Can you get a crunch out of it? B)


The Guild sounds great. She came with an original Jensen. Full volume I can get a crunch with my R8. Just had her serviced by Andy Fuchs at Fuchs Audio.



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I just got the Victoria the other day. Already she's #1.




The Guild sounds great. She came with an original Jensen. Full volume I can get a crunch with my R8. Just had her serviced by Andy Fuchs at Fuchs Audio.




I want a Divided by 13 real bad... but a Victoria is up there. Once you go boutique, you don't go back. I still love my Sunn though, that gets my nod for this combo thread [flapper]

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I am still in the market for a combo, has anyone played a Jet City? Some great reviews but a

hard amp to find.


Lots on-line but none in stores


I'm assuming you are talking about the 20 watt combo?


I think it sound pretty good, not the best cleans, but if you want some crunch or high gain stuff at lower volumes, it is for you. For decent cleans, you have to keep the gain very very low, and just crank the master volume. It's a solid amp though

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Biggest mistake I ever made was swapping the Deluxe Reverb in the mid '70s for this big twin-speaker 120-watter I have right now that never leaves the house 'cuz I don't need the power nor the strained muscles. The company (AIMS) doesn't exist now, but I'll tell you, it's a helluva great amp for a band in about any size venue and it's aok as a solo amp 'cuz you can even run a mike through a separate channel - and it was designed for that.


I dunno, never had any problem making enough noise for the era with the DR - and that included a mid 60s' big auditorium show. Of course the audience expectations weren't what they are now. But even nowadays, it could be miked and still give me sound I like. It even works as that solo mike and guitar function in a small saloon or coffeehouse gig.


Alas... I now have a little 10-inch speaker 30-watt Kustom acoustic amp that is incredibly versatile for small solo gigs and even for recording my practice sessions. Separate channels for mike and guitar. In a way it's my favorite. I don't really know if I'd use a DR as much overall nowadays since it doesn't have that "line-out" option - and I don't need anywhere near the amount of sound anywhere I've played lately. In fact, I'm not sure I'd not just as soon run the little Kustom even a PA in a bigger joint though it's SS 'stedda tube if I were in a group; I'd struggle with the big mamajamma if it were a solo gig somewhere big if they didn't have a decent house pa.


I think with just a 12-inch speaker for a little more lows, the Kustom would make it as is with my multi-effect box added mostly for thickness. I've used it in a solo situation in a 500-plus size theater stage environment and never turned it anywhere near half way...



I remember those Aims, they were the rage for a year or two then went poof...as I recall they didn't make anything small.

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