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Ignore Them And They Will Go Away

Ron G

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Keep dreaming...nice Asian copy of something that sorta looks like a Sheraton...but real Sheratons NEVER had stop tail pieces...nice copy' date=' as I said...but still just a copy of something else...



Given the inflation rate, would would a 1965 Sheraton cost today? My guess is that it would cost just about what a Heritage 335 style guitar costs today. Made in the same factory in Kalamazoo, if I wanted the closest thing to a 1965 Sheraton, I would probably have to buy a Heritage that looks like a Sheraton.

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Keep dreaming...nice Asian copy of something that sorta looks like a Sheraton...but real Sheratons NEVER had stop tail pieces...nice copy' date=' as I said...but still just a copy of something else...




That's an Elitist Sheraton, made in Japan to very high standards. Awesome guitars.


Mr. Nelson, have you read the comments written about you so far? I can't help but think that your comments on here, and numerous other threads are just intended to provoke. Why do you bother?

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And I'm always interested in Epiphone's new releases when they are gems like the Riviera. I wait with nervous anticipation at the release of the new Wilshire. If it is a piece of crap' date=' I won't buy it. And if it is great and I can afford it, I might buy it. I don't really care THAT much about Epiphone's history (I couldn't afford the $100+ collector paperback about the company). I am interested in playable, attractive, good sounding guitars at a price I can afford. After dozens of insults from the two house trolls, they have lost all of their credibility to me. Little of the content in their posts is useful to me at all. Like a heckler in an audience, I can tolerate them but wish they would shut up.[/quote']


Well, there is nothing wrong with anticipating a new release. And I'm quite attracted to the Wilshire by the looks of it.

I'm into any guitar that feels good in my hands and enables me to improve my skills. Brand names be damned.

As far as Epiphone history...Its all anicdotal as far as I'm concerned. I like reading about it and finding new tidbits in the forums. But that's as far as it goes. Truth be told, I'm not a big reader, but if there is one subject that can suck me in for hours on end, it's history! I remember when Nelson/Iconoclast used to go off on Epi history, Gibson history, Beatles history and just plain old music history...man, I ate that stuff up! Loved it! As strange as it sounds, that was a major draw for me to join this forum. Ahh, good times.

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Well' date=' at least some of you understood my point.......(sigh)[/quote']


Ron, your point was moot as soon as you posted. That's like purposely leaving the lid off of the trash can and then telling your kids that they "shouldn't do that" because the squirrels will get into the garbage.

Hence the :- ](*,) ](*,) in my first post. What did you think was going to happen?

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Ron' date=' your point was moot as soon as you posted. That's like purposely leaving the lid off of the trash can and then telling your kids that they "shouldn't do that" because the squirrels will get into the garbage.

Hence the :- default_eusa_wall.gif ](*,) in my first post. What did you think was going to happen?

Yeah, I suppose you're right. I, for one, will not engage. Best I can do.

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That's an Elitist Sheraton' date=' made in Japan to very high standards. Awesome guitars.


Mr. Nelson, have you read the comments written about you so far? I can't help but think that your comments on here, and numerous other threads are just intended to provoke. Why do you bother?




I know exactly what it is...I own a Casino made by Terada...and that's a nice copy of something else as well but still only a copy...what part don't you get? ....even "awesome" copies are still copies...plastic finishes, OEM electronics and all ...do you think that I don't know what I'm talking about?...try again....and if I cared what a bunch of self-validating dreamers wrote about me I wouldn't have lasted seven years in this forum...I was before any of these jokers and I'll be here long after they've moved on...and why? because if I can make one person an informed buyer I'll feel I've accomplished what I've set out to do...it's not about knocking Epiphone..Epiphone has consistently cut their production costs and lowered their quality and have never reflected this in their pricing and yet they've continued to exploit that name...it's all about capitalizing on a brand name and the suckers just seem to line up to by taken advantage of... if everyone wised up, maybe Epiphone would be forced to actually market a quality product rather than some glitz'ed up piece of chintz with only the facade of what the Epiphone name is supposed to represent...an actual quality guitar rather than something you'd expect to find in Wal*Mart ...the defenders of this garbage are the same few whose weak little egos and limited resources have forced them to stretch their imaginations and logic to validate that crap...as I said, ignore me all you want and say whatever you wish about me...it changes nothing...and I cannot think of anything as idiotic as posting a thread to ignore someone who isn't saying what this clown wants to hear..."I've got my fingers in my ears nananananananana I can't hear you " LOL




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.... because if I can make one person an informed buyer I'll feel I've accomplished what I've set out to do...Mr.Nelson

Funny thing is, Greg, I agree with you regarding educated consumerism, at least in a general sense; I suspect that many here do, too. But for every person you enlighten, 50 are put off by your demeanor, which more often than not, eliminates any chance of you getting your point across. I'm afraid that you do not accept that those who "get it" already did, and those who don't probably never will.

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I know exactly what it is...I own a Casino made by Terada...and that's a nice copy of something else as well but still only a copy...what part don't you get? ....even "awesome" copies are still copies...plastic finishes' date=' OEM electronics and all ...do you think that I don't know what I'm talking about?...try again....and if I cared what a bunch of self-validating dreamers wrote about me I wouldn't have lasted seven years in this forum...I was before any of these jokers and I'll be here long after they've moved on...and why? because if I can make one person an informed buyer I'll feel I've accomplished what I've set out to do...it's not about knocking Epiphone..Epiphone has consistently cut their production costs and lowered their quality and have never reflected this in their pricing and yet they've continued to exploit that name...it's all about capitalizing on a brand name and the suckers just seem to line up to by taken advantage of... if everyone wised up, maybe Epiphone would be forced to actually market a quality product rather than some glitz'ed up piece of chintz with only the facade of what the Epiphone name is supposed to represent...an actual quality guitar rather than something you'd expect to find in Wal*Mart ...the defenders of this garbage are the same few whose weak little egos and limited resources have forced them to stretch their imaginations and logic to validate that crap...as I said, ignore me all you want and say whatever you wish about me...it changes nothing...and I cannot think of anything as idiotic as posting a thread to ignore someone who isn't saying what this clown wants to hear..."I've got my fingers in my ears nananananananana I can't hear you " LOL





To be honest I thought by trying more positive approach, I might have been able to understand your points, criticisms and blunt attitude. And more so why this is thread dedicated to ignoring it all.


But, I understand now.

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Funny thing is' date=' Greg, I agree with you regarding educated consumerism, at least in a general sense; I suspect that many here do, too. But for every person you enlighten, 50 are put off by your demeanor, which more often than not, eliminates any chance of you getting your point across. I'm afraid that you do not accept that those who "get it" already did, and those who don't probably never will.[/quote']


Quoted for truth!


Thanks, Ron. Thats the point I was trying to make earlier.



...the defenders of this garbage are the same few whose weak little egos and limited resources have forced them to stretch their imaginations and logic to validate that crap


Greg, You had me nodding in agreement all the way until you said this. And although I dont neccessarily disagree, the "limited resources" jab reaches out much further than the "same few" people you speak of. And I dont need to stretch my imagination to know that my crappy guitars are 100% valid in relation to my needs and skills.

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Greg' date=' You had me nodding in agreement all the way until you said this. And although I dont neccessarily disagree, the "limited resources" jab reaches out much further than the "same few" people you speak of. And I dont need to stretch my imagination to know that my crappy guitars are 100% valid in relation to my needs and skills.[/quote']


If I decide to turn pro again (at 58?), I'll buy a Gibson, I promise. Like the Hood, Epiphone fulfills all of my needs. I'm not stupid nor am I being "fooled" by Epiphone.


Nelson, it sounds like your purpose really gets down to convincing people NOT to buy Epiphone. Is that really appropriate here? I don't mind devil's advocacy, but this is a bit more of a soapbox thing.

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Funny thing is' date=' Greg, I agree with you regarding educated consumerism, at least in a general sense; I suspect that many here do, too. But for every person you enlighten, 50 are put off by your demeanor, which more often than not, eliminates any chance of you getting your point across. I'm afraid that you do not accept that those who "get it" already did, and those who don't probably never will.[/quote']


Wasn't the advice you gave not to engage?


Of course, you're absolutely correct. In the absence of moderators, the only way to truly get rid of the trolls is for everybody to ignore them completely. The problem is, it's just too tempting not to. Since the ignoring plan is not going to happen, everybody should go on the offensive.

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Wasn't the advice you gave not to engage?


Of course' date=' you're absolutely correct. [b']In the absence of moderators, the only way to truly get rid of the trolls is for everybody to ignore them completely. The problem is, it's just too tempting not to.[/b] Since the ignoring plan is not going to happen, everybody should go on the offensive.


Normally I would agree with you, but it is not so in this case. They have proven time and time again that ignoring doesnt work. They chip away continuously and turn every thread into an off-topic disaster until someone finally snaps. This is their modus operandi.

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I find that both (or if they are one in the same) are quite easy to ignore.


Only downer is what ever good info that is put out by this individual, it will simply go unrecognized by me. However, there is plenty of solid info everywhere on Epi's, new and old.

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What a touchy bunch of musicians. Mr. Nelson has a passion for vintage. Newer kids have a passion for what they can afford. Most of us that are a little older, buy what we can afford, like and what feels right and natural, regardless of other opinions.


Threads like this are like an accident on the highway, we all stop to see what's going on (like me. Hell I'm even responding), and then we go on.


I joined the forum for insight on upgrades; what other people have (I too love vintage, just not the wallet or wife to justify the purchase); and to keep up on Epiphones because my first was a Japanese EA-250 that did not come close to the originals. (You never forget your first!)


As for copies of the originals, everything today is a copy of the original. Even American made.


Epiphone will learn from thier mistakes. If they produce subpar products, people will decide to purchase a better brand. Many will start out purchasing them, work through the hassles, put them up for sale on e-bay, and will reject their products until a better product comes a long.


I would love to see Epiphone move in a better direction, but I'm smitten with the Brand and will watch what they do next. Not an assurance to buy the latest, but to at least keep informed.


Enough on this . . . Time to play.

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Four pages and 64 posts later' date=' I think the ignoring is going really well. You won't get [i']me[/i] to post about this topic! :D/


By reading between the lines, your point is well taken.


However at some point, something needs to be done. Members shouldnt have to be personally abused, and have their guitars referred to as "Chinese grabage." That is just way out of line.

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Four pages and 64 posts later' date=' I think the ignoring is going really well. You won't get [i']me[/i] to post about this topic! :D/


We have all demonstrated that those two will continue to abuse members, and members will continue to respond to them, so threads like this are fanning the flames. I don't care about that, but when a newbie gets trashed by one of them, he/she is likely to leave. It would be a nice courtesy for them to only abuse/insult those members who don't have "newbie" under their name.

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Said it before - but if I play a guitar and it feels good, plays good and sounds good, I know I must look at the label because my senses are wrong if it says Korea or China. It's just the way of the world. They are only good if they say Gibson and Made In USA.


I know that when I play a guitar and it feels good, plays good and sounds good, I am just being fooled by the marketing hype and my own delusions. This also applies when I play a Gibson and find it less than "angels singing in the rafters" perfect.


If I feel an attack of irony coming on, I know it is just a negative reaction to a guitar that feels good, plays good and sounds good, yet comes from a land east of the Statue of Liberty - a kind of amalgamation of Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom from slavery, oppression, and tyranny and the Greek Sun-god Helios or maybe the Roman's similar Apollo, and sculpted by the Frenchman Bartholdi.


But that is one nice sculpture.....


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