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Disappointment at GC


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OK OK, I know how bad GC is. But holy cow, what a major disappointment todays trip was. I walked into the Tempe GC today to pick up a set of strings. It is difficult to walk into ANY guitar shop and not stop by the Gibson display to see what they have. So this pimple face kid walks up and asks if he could help. So I asked to see a Traditional. The guy looks at me like I have a second head. After getting past this so called Guitar expert and his complete lack of knowledge of the line of guitars he is trying to sell, I asked to check out a couple of Customs. What a load of crap...these idiots actually did not even bother to wipe the dust from the factory off before putting them on the wall, missing knobs and switches, and the setup was about 3/4 of an inch at the 12th fret! Plugged into a couple of amps they had near the Gibson display and again, either did not work or were missing hardware. So I get fed up and went for my strings. In the area of the store where they have all of the accessories, I thought I would check out some pedals. Another mistake. Some worked, but others did not or were missing hardware. I finally said screw it, I'll get the strings and go. So I asked the guy behind the counter for some Gibson Vintage 10-46 strings, and you guessed it, they didn't have any. That was 45 minutes of my life I'll never get back. What a waste of time, that is one store I will not be returning to.


Hey Gibson, maybe you should set a minimum standard for stores selling your guitars. Because these yahoos sure missed the boat.


Who else has had similar experiences?

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Check out what Nice Peter had to say about them....






I have a GREAT story to tell you about when I bought my Guild Blues Bird at that store - like a Twilight Zone episode.

Goes great with a cold beer one of these days....


Anyhow, here's a little something I've been working on for GC.


LOTS more to come.

I'm gonna spread the word once and for all instead of posting over and over again in every forum I visit.

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OK OK' date=' I know how bad GC is. But holy cow, what a major disappointment todays trip was. I walked into the Tempe GC today to pick up a set of strings. It is difficult to walk into ANY guitar shop and not stop by the Gibson display to see what they have. So this pimple face kid walks up and asks if he could help. So I asked to see a Traditional. The guy looks at me like I have a second head.


Who else has had similar experiences?[/quote']


A few years back, I went to the parts counter to ask if they had Grover locking tuners. The kid behind the counter looked all of 17, but yet had a nametag that said "gear specialist" or something to that effect. He asked me what they were, and I described them. He said he had never heard of such a thing. Just as I was going to give him credit for honesty, he pulls down a set of bass guitar tuners and asked "are these what you are looking for?"


Admittedly, I like going in to Guitar Center to browse. I have bought two guitars there that I still have, other than that it is a convenient place to get strings and to just blow off some time while the Wife shops.


I asked a GC manager about missing switch tips, knobs, etc. He told me that kids steal them. At his particular store he has taken to removing all the Les Paul switch tips from all the guitars within reach until sale.

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I recently rescued an old 1948 Gibson Southern Jumbo from Guitar Center. The store had drastically over-priced the guitar so it had hung there for a total of four years. It had obviously not been cared for - four of the inlay were missing, the finish had dried up and there were cracks on the top, back and one side. I assumed that a prior owner had not treated it well.


Then, by chance, I met the previous owner on another forum and he sent me a picture of the guitar as it looked shortly before it went to the store. Turns out that the guitar had made it through 55 years of existence just fine - it was the last four years at GC that aged it. Here's the before and after:






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I dunno, the one at my disposal in New London, those guys have been really good to me, I get freebees every time I go there, then again Joel (manager) remembers me from the "King Of The Blues" competition, so that helps too, I guess. And while yeah, they got their share of P.F.K.'s, they also have some pretty knowledgeable guys working there, but that's just my experience.

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You'll get that with any large chain, some will be good, lots will be crap. There WAS a chain in the UK called Motorcycle City, and they were the biggest, but always came absolutely last in the leaugue in customer service etc. You could get a bike there cheaper than at most other places, but you wouldn't want them to service it for you, assuming it was set up properly to start with.


Sound familiar?

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The Guitar Center in Fairfax VA was really a good store when I was there last , about four years ago, helpful knowledgeable staff . As a matter of fact that's where My Gold top came from .


As a rule I'll go in but won't buy anything cept'n maybe strings or cables , because for the most part they really suck .


Nice Peter has it down pat !

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I personally enjoy going to GC because they usually have lots to look at. Other than small items I rarely purchase from them though. I guess that maybe I accept them for the warehouse they are and don't expect much else, therefore it's hard to be dissappointed. For the level of service I expect from high end guitar shop, I go to a high end guitar shop.

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Hey Gibson' date=' maybe you should set a minimum standard for stores selling your guitars. Because these yahoos sure missed the boat.




+100 absolutely no excuse for having quality guitars in that condition.


I have had similar experiences, but not at GC. Don't you guys have like 3? Sounds like one needs to have it's franchise revoked.....

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Guitar Center.....

drastically over-priced the guitar so it had hung there for a total of four years.

It had obviously not been cared for - four of the inlay were missing' date=' the finish had dried up and there were cracks on the top, back and one side.

Turns out that the guitar had made it through 55 years of existence just fine - it was the last four years at GC that ruined it.


.... before and after.....



I have LOTS of stories about Guitar Center, this one tops them all.


We have FOUR of them in Phoenix.

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I personally enjoy going to GC because they usually have lots to look at. Other than small items I rarely purchase from them though. I guess that maybe I accept them for the warehouse they are and don't expect much else' date=' therefore it's hard to be dissappointed. For the level of service I expect from high end guitar shop, I go to a high end guitar shop. [/quote']


Aaresz, I agree. In fact, I think that GC brings a level accessibility and affordability to musicians that were missing before they came along. I just think that if they're going to deal in high end and vintage instruments, they should take better care of them.

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OK OK' date=' I know how bad GC is. But holy cow, what a major disappointment todays trip was. I walked into the Tempe GC today to pick up a set of strings. It is difficult to walk into ANY guitar shop and not stop by the Gibson display to see what they have. So this pimple face kid walks up and asks if he could help. So I asked to see a Traditional. The guy looks at me like I have a second head. After getting past this so called Guitar expert and his complete lack of knowledge of the line of guitars he is trying to sell, I asked to check out a couple of Customs. What a load of crap...these idiots actually did not even bother to wipe the dust from the factory off before putting them on the wall, missing knobs and switches, and the setup was about 3/4 of an inch at the 12th fret! Plugged into a couple of amps they had near the Gibson display and again, either did not work or were missing hardware. So I get fed up and went for my strings. In the area of the store where they have all of the accessories, I thought I would check out some pedals. Another mistake. Some worked, but others did not or were missing hardware. I finally said screw it, I'll get the strings and go. So I asked the guy behind the counter for some Gibson Vintage 10-46 strings, and you guessed it, they didn't have any. That was 45 minutes of my life I'll never get back. What a waste of time, that is one store I will not be returning to. [/quote']


I've never been to a Guitar Center but I have worked retail (including at a music store) so here's a few points in their defense.


A "pimple faced kid" was helping you. Assuming he's in highschool or college, how much do you think he makes per hour and do you think he plans on working retail as a career? Granted, some knowledge is necessary but I wouldn't expect a lot from someone who's barely out of highschool, probably making $6/hour and plans to go back to college in the fall. Next time, just point to what you want to see; obviously you know what you're looking at and have done your homework so you really don't need the kid for anything except to hand you what you want and write up an order if you decide to buy it.


As for dust, setup and missing parts:


Sales people should be diligent about dusting off merchandise on display. No excuse.


Setup: It is impractical to set up every guitar that comes in just to put it on display. Customers like them different ways (string gauge, action) and it costs a lot to have a tech spending his time to what will amount to setting up guitars for display just to have him do it all over again when somebody buys those guitars.


Missing parts: Customers STEAL. They will take stuff if they think they can get away with it. It's very easy to grab a toggle switch cap or knob and stuff it into your pocket. The only other explanation is that the store is taking those parts off before displaying the guitars because... customers steal them.


That's the other side of the coin. =)

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To shamelessly quote Aaresz.....

I personally enjoy going to GC because they usually have something to look at, and now and then something really cool comes in.

Other than small items I rarely purchase from them though.

I do indeed accept them for the warehouse they are and don't expect much else, therefore it's hard to be dissappointed.

For the level of service I expect from high end guitar shop, I go to a high end guitar shop.

That shop is Bizarre Guitar in Phoenix.


I have to take exception to a couple comments made by RichCI and use BG as a shining example of how it SHOULD be;


probably making $6/hour and plans to go back to college in the fall

Bob Turner has owned that store for 32 years.

Mike Patruno was a pimple faced kid when he went to work there 25 years ago, He's the manager now for the last 18.

He was also building guitars in another shop and giving lessons. He KNEW HIS SH!T when he was 18.

The other 3 guys that work in the store have all been there at least 4 years - not much turnover there.



Sales people should be diligent about dusting off merchandise on display. No excuse.

That's the first thing they do after they unlock the doors every morning.

Bob hates dust. Take one look at his personal cars or guitars and it will be very clear what he expects.



Setup: It is impractical to set up every guitar that comes in just to put it on display.

Mike himself checks out EVERY guitar they get before it goes on the wall.

On his two days off, they wait for his blessing until he returns.



have a tech spending his time to what will amount to setting up guitars for display just to have him do it all over again when somebody buys those guitars.

That's how they do business - sort of. Mike sets them up if they need it with a lower action.

Guitar guys who know what they are looking at appreciate lower action and recognize the integrity of the neck and overall build quality required to give that. If their personal preference is something different (and minor), Mike will take care it before the guitar leaves the store. Anything radically different he will forego and recommend a luthier three blocks up the street.

Mike will do more in depth work on your guitar under these conditions;

He has a very good understanding of EXACTLY what you want, and he has time aside from his normal duties.

Probably meaning 2 or 3 days.

If he knows you as a regular customer, your odds rise dramatically.



Missing parts: Customers STEAL.

I've asked Mike about this.

He can count the number of times he's lost a part off a guitar on one hand - over 25 years!



They will take stuff if they think they can get away with it. It's very easy to grab a toggle switch cap or knob and stuff it into your pocket. The only other explanation is that the store is taking those parts off before displaying the guitars because... customers steal them.

When you walk in to BG you will find a card in the strings of EVERY SINGLE ONE of over a thousand guitars.

Count next time you go to Guitar Center and see if you hit 300 - BG has that many GIBSONS alone.

That card in the strings designates the guitar as new or used and says


Please ask for help


They will NOT allow you to grab guitars off the wall. They have only ONE job, unlike GC, and that job is to hand you any guitar you want to play, answer any questions you may have, and give you personal attention.

I've heard people say they watch you like a hawk.

So? You will find service like that in very few retail outlets of ANY kind these days, except car sales.

Oh, this might be a good time to mention they do NOT work on commission at BG.


I've bought over $30k in gear from them, they know me and my wife very well, we talk about our kids, etc.

They will allow me to get a guitar down myself if nobody else is in the store, though I rarely ask.

Out of respect for my friends and the owner of all that gear, I simply wait until they are not busy and get help.


This is the way it USED to be everywhere.

It would be still if not for Guitar Center, and an overall coarsening of our society where people have no f-ing manners.

I challenge anybody to tell me the world is a better place because of it.




Silverbursted has been in the store, ask him what his impression was.

Seems he remarked that every guitar he tried was in tune.

pOrbitals will tell you the same thing.

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Though not as pessimistic in my world view, I agree with Neocon. We've become so accustomed to poor service that we've accepted it as the way things are done.


GC is in the guitar business and there are certain realities. Gear needs to be cared for. They have plenty of staff, it's not that hard to keep guitars tuned and wiped down. I understand that parts walk out the door. But that being the case, they'd better have a ready supply of replacement pieces on hand and check the instruments for completeness once in a while.


I also understand that they have young staff and high turn over. I don't expect a great deal of expertise. But a shrug isn't a satifactory answer and neither is BS. However, "I don't know, but I'll find out." is an acceptable answer. And a snarky attitude is never okay.

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I'm not sure what Snarky means, but I get your point. I didn't think my expectations were out of the question, particularly when it comes to the overall condition and presentation of the wares you are selling. Heck, even KIA washes there cars before they go on the lot.

+1 to Neo's comment about BG, it is absolutely a first rate operation. For this reason, I have only been to the store twice. I hate to say it, but to me the best thing about GC is the ability to sample different guitars and gear before I buy. Once I have narrowed it down, and am ready to buy, then I will go to BG to buy. This is not because their prices are better, but I can buy with the knowledge that the gear has been taken care of by PROFESSIONALS.

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I posted most of the above on my music website.




Not to make money, but to do a public service for discriminating guitar buyers the world over.


I just finished the hardest segment of training for my new job, things have finally lightened up.

I got 96% on my comprehensive exit exam yesterday....

Woo Hoo!!!


Now, I have more time to devote to my gun sales and websites.

Politics is probably my first love, favorite hobby and biggest responsibility I have to my children.....


Sounds like you have a good plan SB, that's how I've been doing it!


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I have to agree with a few others, the GC near me has been pretty good to me.

It's a Platinum Store $10m+ so they carry the higher end stuff.


The ratio of knowledgable, mature, guitar loving sales folks to P.F.K.'s is like 5:1


In the past 5 months I have purchased from them a GC exclusive 1968 LPC, a GC exclusive G0 LPC VOS in aged Honeyburst, and a PRS McCarty Korina with Braz fretboard. Each axe is sweet! To be honest I don't have a problem with the prices, they take good care of me at my GC and you know what... I believe if its a qulaity product your giving I have no problem paying what your asking. I'd rather have a GC in my mall than another ghetto $1 store.


PS that Nice Peter video was hillarious!! I sent it to my GC friends!!

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Excuse my ignorance' date=' but what is BG?


Obviously it is a guitar store, but what is the name and where is it located?




Bizarre Guitar. It is somewhere in Arizona. They have a website. www.bizarreguitar.com

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Excuse my ignorance' date=' but what is BG?[/quote']

Wrong link Mash!

That store is in Reno, and completely unrelated.


The correct link is http://www.bizarreguitar.net/


The site's not very flashy, they prefer to do business the old-fashioned way and they're damned good at it.

Mike Patruno is the manager at Bizarre Guitar.

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