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U2, the edge...

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It's cool, really. We all have our own tastes and it's cool if you ain't into Rory. I was joking--I dig Slayer, love the NWOBHM bands, love Sleep, love Death, love Sabbath, etc. etc.


Frankly, I think Rory's a very good songwriter, I love his tone and his feel and his vocals and, yes, his licks. He does do some thinks that are definitely "Rory Gallagher licks." Check out Irish Tour and Photo-Finish. I think those represent some of his best work.


irish tour "74 is rory at his finest imo [thumbup]

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Watch It Might Get Loud. Whenever The Edge talks about effects, they always have something with Jack White ragging on em afterwards. The first scene is about The Edge and his guitar tech, then its White in his car, "Sure technology will make you get there faster, but it doesn't make you more creative." Cut to the part where the Edge is in his studio and he talks about his new "riff" which is two chords, and two thousand effects.


Music wise, he's a good musician, he can make cool sounds. As a guitarist, to me, he lacks that something. I love the guitar for the guitar. He uses it as a synth and adds so many effects it really isn't a guitar anymore (personal opinion). I mean, even before I started listening to White, all of the stuff I really like is basic guitar stuff, not too many effects, just a raw raucus krass sound.

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I'm actually with dem00n on Rory. I've never heard anything from him that I thought was great.

That's OK. I never thought Radiohead was any good. To me, they always sounded lethargic and insubstantial.


Watch It Might Get Loud. Whenever The Edge talks about effects, they always have something with Jack White ragging on em afterwards. The first scene is about The Edge and his guitar tech, then its White in his car, "Sure technology will make you get there faster, but it doesn't make you more creative." Cut to the part where the Edge is in his studio and he talks about his new "riff" which is two chords, and two thousand effects.


Music wise, he's a good musician, he can make cool sounds. As a guitarist, to me, he lacks that something. I love the guitar for the guitar. He uses it as a synth and adds so many effects it really isn't a guitar anymore (personal opinion). I mean, even before I started listening to White, all of the stuff I really like is basic guitar stuff, not too many effects, just a raw raucus krass sound.

Not a big Jack White fan, either--and learn to spell "raucous" and "crass." The Edge, I think, is certainly more creative as far as creating textures and moods. Jack White's great at creating raunchy, unusual sounds, but for the sake of being raunchy and unusual.

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Seemingly, detractors on this thread know "technique" but cant for the life of them recognize KILLER ELECTRIC GUITAR TONES!! For **cks sake the man made his name playing an Explorer through a VoxAC30! You cannot get more elementally rock guitar than that!!


I would agree that The Edge isn't the most technically profound player, but he is undeniably a good composer and has a great imagination when it comes to attaining a certain sound through his guitar.


The man can play. Maybe not in the common sense, but he has a sense of melody that surpasses many guitarists and he is indeed a great composer. Saying that he uses too many effects, well, isn't that like telling Mozart he can't use a piano to compose on just on the sole premise that there are Diddley Bows that'll work just as good? Sure, he might've made great music on a Diddley Bow, but it would probably restrict him a good deal.





Trouble with the Edge is he's in U2 and I cannot stand Bono! This might get loud film should never have had the Edge in it... He uses way to much effects...IMO


No, that's the *reason* he's in It Might Get Loud. Because he has a completely different approach to the electric guitar. And this "too much processing" thing is just dumb. As soon as you plug in, you're already processed. Your instrument would sound nothing like itself without electricity. The musical use of feedback is one way to explore that arena. The use of other effects is another. The Edge and Jack White made a brilliant compare and contrast, which is part of why the film is so strong.


And finally... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6nzA5gtBUY






If that's not rock, then I don't wanna'. [cool]

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That's OK. I never thought Radiohead was any good. To me, they always sounded lethargic and insubstantial.



Not a big Jack White fan, either--and learn to spell "raucous" and "crass." The Edge, I think, is certainly more creative as far as creating textures and moods. Jack White's great at creating raunchy, unusual sounds, but for the sake of being raunchy and unusual.


So dem00n can write "you all whore" but I mistype raucous and crass... chill.


Everyone has different tastes. get over it

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So dem00n can write "you all whore" but I mistype raucous and crass... chill.


Everyone has different tastes. get over it


Pro Fred61 on this one. If I wanted a spelling nazi I would have joined the “International Editors and All Around Awesomeness” blog, which I still my, uh, mey, uh, m...uh...Xdemonknight a little help here please?!?

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I think the Edge realized a long time ago he was not going to be a shredder or a fast player and he create his own style. He is not the only player to ever do that.


For those of you that think that using effects is cheating or hiding something, I think you are wrong, it is actually hard to be able to use delay and other effects successfully.


If you don't like a guitar player's style just let it go.

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Yeah, well, like David Gilmour didn't/doesn't use any effects. Here's the deal, until you can stand in front of 50,000+ people and carry the whole guitar load on all the songs, with pinpoint precision, compose your guitar work, and please every fan in the audience, you're blowing smoke. It takes much more than technique to carry a band in the strings dept. Not everyone can do that; and another that was great at it was Andy Summers. They have the fundamentals a lot of self-professed "shredders" don't have; such as rhythm, timing, accuracy, and most of all, the capability (balls, pardon my franchevou). I hear many awful sounds from the naysayers and it's always the same question: Could they do what these guys do? Answer is, no.

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This thread is epic fail, I defy anyone who loves music to listen to the intro of 'Where The Streets Have No Name' and not be moved.


No one likes every guitarist out there, but criticising Edge for not being like everyone else is the exact opposite of what I consider a great guitar player to be. We're all searching for our own tone right? We're all trying to get the sound in our heads out there on tape/vinyl/mp3/other people's heads aren't we?


Why rag on the guy for getting to where we all want to be? He has his own style, everyone immediately recognises that style, he's living the dream.


I myself can't stand the metal crowd but I can respect them for getting to where I want to be and certainly wouldn't rag on them for simply not doing it how I'd do it.


Be excellent to each other, cause God gave rock and roll to you, God gave rock and roll to everyone...

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Hey man, I love "Where The Streets Have No Name"! It's a very nice, touching song.


I have to admit that the Edge does strike me as a very special musician. He's capable of taking something very simple and making it very lush and moving. I don't care how he gets there--it's his style, and if it takes loads of processing then so be it.

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I just love people who say "The Edge isnt technically brilliant" or "he's not a technically gifted player". Why, because he doesnt shred on his albums? The fact that he DOESN'T play blistering fast riffs doesnt mean he CAN'T. Have any of you in here sat down with Edge and said "play this Malmsteen song (or whatever shred) and SAW him physically fail to play it? i didnt think so. People really love to make judgements without all the facts. If you dont like the music, thats fine and thats an "educated" OPINION. Saying he isnt technically great is a factless assumption.

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