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Eric Johnson - guitarist extraordinaire


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Dunno, ah, um, hmmmm. Jessica Simpson might be good to date, be good to do, be good to sleep with, but to invite into a marraige is, uh, um, hmmm, why ? Eric may be thinking with his Johnson, I dunno.....Even with a prenump I wouldn't marry her........I would be willing to ask her in the morning, " Where's my coffee and eggs ? " or vice versa...Actually I'll never marry again. I love the woman I am with and I am not in love with her, yet I will be with her forever or until.......She catches me throwing Jessica Simpson out of my bed, besides, my Johnson is better than his and humbucks a lot longer than his single coil.......

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I guess a sign of getting old is not having a clue who some celebrities of the day are.


I have never heard of either of them.


Am I missing much that's worth knowing?




I suppose I could check out the guitarist-guy.



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At first I was a bit scared, but after a small amount of digging found that it was indeed the Football player, just to be sure. All who are also unsure, she is marrying the football player, not the talented one.

One week after popping the question to Vanessa Minillo, Lachey is sending his own well wishes to Simpson, who recently got engaged to former football player Eric Johnson.

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Okay y'all...


Maybe it wasn't so funny for some of you, but I got a kick out of it.

When I first saw the story, it was a pop-up on my email or a search engine somewhere.

I NEVER click on that stuff (don't want to respond and encourage more of the same) but I HAD to that time.


Can't stand celebretards anyway, especially the blonder, stupider ones.

But what surprised me was that the name Eric Johnson is known to few people outside Texas, blues, guitar, etc.

Nobody's gonna know who the bimbo is getting married to, and there was little to ID him.


I clicked around a little and discovered it was a different Eric Johnson that I had never heard of...

... because I rank pro sports right up there with Reality Television.


Footbal player?

Never heard of him.


Anyway, wondered how many others in a guitar forum would fall for the same thing I did at first.

(Of course, the Fantasy Football nerds would have no idea who a smokin' Texas Strat Man might be, eh?)




If you'll notice, I posted a link to EJ's website - that's all.

No mention of it on there.


If you didn't know it before, let me assure you;

I will almost always post BOTH the text of a story and the link to the site I got it from if I'm serious.


Sorry if anybody got their panties in a bunch.



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Jessica Simpson? Country Western?


coulnd't tell by me. Must be that Western part. I listen to C/W most hours of the day and I've never heard of her out here in the Country. [confused]


Is she O.J.'s daughter?


What has she done of great import? :unsure:

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