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What were these women thinking? - Redux


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What were these women thinking?


The other thread got zapped for "political" content...


I posted a thread a week ago about stupid women's hairstyles - it disappeared.


Anyhow, I did some public research today and found out who started this idiocy - Kate Gosselin.

What was that "reality" show, Jon & Kate plus 8?

I dunno, I never once saw it.

Then they split, and it was all over the news, while I had no f-ing clue who these people were...



Anyhow, I started the thread because I had noticed a lot of women in the Phoenix area with the same stupid haircut.

Especially thirty/forty-something moms and professional women who can't pull it off.

Even a certain Botoxed and tucked Speaker of the House was sporting it at her advanced geriatric age.


Shaved up the back so it looks like a Bulldog's butt, and then hanging down on the front/sides like a Bassett Hound's ears.

I hope these women took LOTS of pics, so in five years they will look back and realize what a mistake it was.



Can't seem to find many good pics of the shaved rear view, but you get the idea.

Looks like something that would happen with a bunch of drunk and evil sorority girls when one passed out.

















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Many threads have disappeared recently without having political content......That hairstyle is odd, but Kate is a bit odd herself; very self centered. I suppose the weirder the hairstyle, the greater the insecurity......

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Heck, I didn't even know what a mullet was until a cupla years ago and the term was applied to what I'd just thought was a weird haircut for somebody who wanted to get their hair caught in their work, but wanted to be able to see it happen.





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Didn't you post a pic of you with your guitar and Marshall amp sporting a mullet??



Why yes.... yes you did..... looong mullet too, but not nearly so spiky in the front.





The only difference for me is that I never posted a pic of me in my old mullet.....



Oh and that I had it cut into a rat tail when I got rid of it....


Like I said.... I ain't exactly the one to be pointing fingers and calling names...... :D

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Rat tail?!?!?!?!!!!




What the hell were you thinking?



















Yeah, long hair is one thing, but I absolutely refused to ever use gel, hairspray, perms, color, shaved this or that.


Grow it out, cut it off - that's it.

Anywhere from a GI cut to the middle of my back.


Varied widely over the years.




Even my Mom used to say she never knew what the hell I would look like when she saw me...

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Dude.. I don't know...


All i can say was I was young and... it was popular and...






I have to admit to using product recently.... I had a buzz cut for a long time. Not a hair on my head over 1/4", but since I've gotten back into the reenactment thing, I've let it grow out.


My wife asked me to use it to keep the flyaways down when I have it pulled back into a pony tail.




I repeat.... I am NOT the guy to point fingers and call names...



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My reenacting is quite a bit more modern. <painted-on smug smile, then a huge chortle> 1860s-80s.


Especially on the military side of that era... not really much diff from what you see in the military nowadays except a bit longer since the buzz wasn't really thought of much as a hygiene thing and it got darned chilly in winter outside.


I've been shaggy, but never really long. Quit with the "buzz cut" type thing by the time I was in college. But that's before the real long hair thing "hit." And that's also when I pretty much quit wearing rings and kept hair outa my eyes. Safety really. And some of the "sports" stuff I was doing at the time made both impractical.



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I don't think I could ever let mine grow long again - mullet or otherwise. It's just too hot and humid in the south. In fact I got a little carried away with the clippers this summer and rocked a mohawk for a month or two. It felt good to have those sides shaved - nice and cool. Think it might become a summer tradition.

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I don't think I could ever let mine grow long again - mullet or otherwise. It's just too hot and humid in the south. In fact I got a little carried away with the clippers this summer and rocked a mohawk for a month or two. It felt good to have those sides shaved - nice and cool. Think it might become a summer tradition.


Never had a mullet, but I could never have long hair again. When I went in the Navy my hair was about 6 inches or so below my shoulders, but after having it short while in the Navy I can't stand for it to touch my ears.

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