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My wife watches it, so that means I see it too. I have to admit, I actually kind of like it [blush]


I'm in the same boat. Occasionally when my wife is watching it, I get sucked into the vortex. It's funny

at times. Those kids can really sing. (If they are really singing that is) [biggrin]

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I'm in the same boat. Occasionally when my wife is watching it, I get sucked into the vortex. It's funny

at times. Those kids can really sing. (If they are really singing that is) [biggrin]

Yeah, they record their own songs. You could probably buy it at Walmart or somethin'. I like the show when they aren't remaking songs (which is most of it.) I like how each show has a "message" sort of thing. But then... Don't all shows? Oh well. I think it's pretty funny [at times]

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Its a terrible show. While the kids can sing, the whole idea of "we are going to take something kids would normally get made fun of for and make it cool," that seems to have grown in the past 10 years is just getting old. Its like how hipsters have taken over and "rock bands have to wear skinny jeans" . I assume that this is the first time many of these kids hear these amazing songs and thats sad. More often then not I hear kids at my high school go "That one song (good rock song here) destroyed the whole episode." The whole idea is just bad.

Maybe I am just mad at the world. Who knows.

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My daughter likes it a lot. I watch it occasionally. It's ok. Some of the songs they do sound great. My daughter is actually in the Show Choir in High School. Very similar to Glee. We are going to a State Competition with her on February 12th. Looking forward to seeing her perform again.

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