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ffs it's been one of them days...

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1st, booked a day off work to take the wifes car in for an MOT but when i finally get there (after getting lost thanks to the satnav) they tell me that the ramp is broke so they ain't doing any MOT'S at the moment and there very sorry that no one called me to tell me [cursing],


2nd, i get my missus flowers every year for valentines day and today she just popped to the shop but 1 minute after she left the flowers arrived and i had to take them in...it would be better if she answered the door to the flowers (if ya know what i mean). [mellow]


3rd, i emailed the shop about my new guitar purchases to make sure they were being delivered tomorrow...i heard nothing from them until an email at 6.03pm (3 mins after closing) saying that the guitar i want is the last one they have and it's been on show but is in "very good condition" and can i let them know if i will accept this? how can i without seeing it! they have new stock on thursday so no problem there, i will accept it but if it's no good when i recieve it i'll just send it back...still a fuking headache though! [cursing] [cursing] [cursing] [cursing] WHAT A FUKCING NIGHTMRE DAY IV'E HAD... [crying]

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You get to be with the ones you love man, and that's the most important. Yesterday was real rough for me, I won't go in to details, but it was bad, really bad.


But I thought about it, and no matter what happens that sucks, it'll change because I have great people in my life. I am sure you do too. So go have fun with your family [thumbup]

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If its any consillation, I've had a sh*t day too. hopefully things will get better for the rest of your week. So how many vodka's you had now? If it's less than 10 then then your slacking and need a few more :)

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You get to be with the ones you love man, and that's the most important.


I hear that one. My Grandpa passed late Friday night in his sleep. It's been a long time coming with bad health issues on his part, but it's still sad. Gotta head home tonight, get everything in order, throw my suit and my Taylor in the car, and head home to Harrisburg, PA for the service on Weds.


The way I see it, the suit and the trip are mostly for everyone else (I said my goodbyes over Christmas when it started not looking too good). The guitar, though, is for me, and boy am I gonna need it.


Hope your tomorrow is better than today, and hope everyone has something completely awesome happen to them in the near future. [thumbup]


Rock on.


- B

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I've had one as well. I told my girlfriend yesterday she'd be getting nothing for valentine's day. I've had enough of being used. It's a hopeless relationship. I only go to hers now to see the dogs.

My dog's back leg is going. She's about 11(rescue dog). After she's been walked she rests and then limps. The vet's given her tabs and jabs but nothing's worked so far.

Sigh. I dread that she may be going downhill. I love her to bits. I'm not afraid to say it either. Who says pit bulls are killers? Rubbish.

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Steve, I'm sorry to read about your rotten day. I hope it gets better


Actually...I've had a terrible bunch of days, since about last Wednesday my life has basically been a living hell. I happened to catch the flu during a very busy point in my semester. Now I have assignments due and assignments overdue, and I have to complete them all while I can't breathe, I'm having violent coughing fits every two minutes, I'm waking up with headaches every day and sleeping until 4 PM every day. Luckily the nasal congestion and sore throat has started to subside, but the headaches are just getting worse. Before I had a note from health services (one that, very clearly, says "no class until I'm better") I had to go take a quiz for my Spanish class, while I had a 100 degree fever. Needless to say I failed the quiz, and yet my professor won't take it easy on me no matter how I try to explain to her that, when I have a fever, I can barely speak English. Plus I have reading to do for my lit class (which isn't too bad, as I've already read the text in high school,) a writing assignment for my philosophy class (which, I guess, also isn't so bad,) and a whole mess of work for my Astronomy class (which, although I love the subject, comes to me now as grueling and tedious busywork.) I did get a card today from a sweet young lady who lives in my building, which lifted my spirits a little, but I still just feel awful.


Steve, take a few extra shots of vodka for me, will ya?

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look at the bright side..of all the bad stories so far this thread produced, not a single broken headstock today. all is not bad.

love is the most important thing, period. bringing the car in, getting flowers, ect. doesnt matter that it was a success, matters it was done for love. same with the efforts i see about the homework. trying always brings success, even after failure. same with love..when a relationship doesnt work, the effort means something and that will eventually lead to success. can't have heartbreak without love and it will find it's mark if you keep it.

here is something, last year i lost my storage facility and lost countless amps and guitars and parts, i been absolutely sick about it to the point i couldn't think of a guitar without getting upset. but in the past 3 days reading the post here i am reminded of what i have left and have been able to enjoy them again.

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