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Do any of you JUST listen to music?


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....or are you always doing something else while you are listening? I find it hard to make time but I hear and feel a lot more when I can be 100% focused on the music and not distracted by doing something else.


Does anyone make time to JUST listen to music and do nothing else?

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....or are you always doing something else while you are listening? I find it hard to make time but I hear and feel a lot more when I can be 100% focused on the music and not distracted by doing something else.


Does anyone make time to JUST listen to music and do nothing else?


I try to, its hard to get free time where I can just sit and let myself get absorbed into the music, but when I can its heaven. Usually the closest I get is when I'm driving to school because I just crank it and while I have to focus on driving, its a nice drive and I can just listen to the music and enjoy it

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Yes I try as often as possible to listen 100% to music....


I used to listen to a lot in the car, but have tended to do less of that


A lot to do with distraction and enjoying the passing scenery....


Has anybody found themselves driving too fast whilst listening to uptempo music? :blink:





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Not really. If I'm at home with music on, I'm doing something else as well. I dont listen to music in the car becuase after years of driving a VW bus, I found that listening to the engine was more important than listening to the radio. To this day I still dont listen to the radio in the car very often. Just got out of the habit, I guess.

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I try to do it as much as I can. Which is not often.


I will usually put on some music when I am changing strings on a guitar, or doing some other kind of activity that does not take a lot of mental focus. That way I can pay more attention to the music.

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I listen to music for two reasons #1 To pick it apart, trying to listen all the aspects of it and really enjoy it... that's when I just listen to music. And #2 When I'm doing something that I want a distraction (usually something work related that takes a long time to do)... this is while I'm doing other stuff.

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I try to spend "quality" time (hate that phrase, but it kind of applies), listening to music, but more often than not it's on in the background while I'm working.


This is an interesting theme though. There's a monthly movement dedicated to exactly this. Classic Album Sundays or Living to Music (devised by a DJ called Greg Wilson) - groups meet once a month, no chatting, no mobiles, no distractions and they just sit and listen to a "classic" album - preferably on vinyl, or at least in it's original form (i.e. no "special editions", "deluxe editions", "bonus tracks", etc. Then they discuss


It may be a UK-only thing, but give it a go.


Details here - http://www.gregwilson.co.uk/category/living-to-music/

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I think musicians likely are somewhat different from average in that we probably have more modes of listening than average.


Yeah, I love background music when I'm really concentrating on something else; then I enjoy listening to a piece because I like it, but may or may not concentrate on it. If I do "concentrate," it's kinda like laying in a hammock on a nice warm spring day just feeling the air which is concentration by not concentrating.


Then I enjoy listening to a piece to "parse" what it's doing on different levels whether I "like" the piece or not. That's kinda like doing puzzles for some folks.


Then I enjoy concentrating on some pieces to relate what's happening so I might figure how do do it on my guitar, and whether I wanna make the effort soon.


And... there's listening to mood reinforcement music that may involve levels of concentration ranging from "very little" to "sing along." I'm angry, a bagpipe march or ... again, Le Boudin. I'm relaxing in mood indigo... blues. Feeling intellectual a fugue. Playful something folkie and upbeat even if it's about murders.


I'm not sure the degree to which non-musicians might have so many levels of listening that sometimes involves pretty much the whole gamut of one's consciousness, again, ranging from "very little" to "intensely involved intellectually and/or emotionally."



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I have to. It's all that keeps me sane. Well, sane-er anyway . . . [unsure]


When I am at my most stressed I will make time for tunes. Sometimes have to just go for a long drive if I have to get away.


Other times are when I am trying to learn a new song I have to listen pretty intimately then as well.

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Interesting question. I try not listening fully, but I can't. I have been blessed (more like cursed) with near perfect pitch, so when I listen to something all I see is notes in my head and CAN'T turn it off. My 9 year old seems to have it too. I play a note on the piano and he can name the note (his hit percentage is about 90%).

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