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Who hates Glee?


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Isn't glee that sickening show that reminded me of up with the people? I think I saw a preview, went blind, repented my sins, got my sight back and used a mirror to change the channel.


The only thing worse would be listening to mariah carey, madonna, or kayne west!


That would be cruel and unusual punishment in any country!

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I watched an episode about six months ago because all of these people were talking about how great it was. After watching it I walked outside and puked on a random person's shoes. Makes me sad to see Jane Lynch doing such tripe. After seeing Best In Show I wanted to see all of her films.


Watching Glee also reinforced all of the reasons I do not watch network TV.

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Never watched it. But Im tired of hearing of it. I agree with Grohl. I also have a coffee addiction!!!!! :D :D :D :D [thumbup] [thumbup] . HAHAHA. Serioulsy Glee blows for quarters, man. Just like disco ( anybody seen Detroit Rock City? ). Just kidding about the disco part. Glee sucks though. That vid was freakin' HILLARIOUS!!!! Hes a pothead. ( he used to smoke weed too ). PUN INTENDED. As for Grohl, I don't really like Nirvana ( although I have to play one of Kurt's riffs if im testing a chorus pedal ), but Im a big Foo fan. God Id kill to party with him.........

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Takes to much energy to actively dislike it. I don't disagree with the idea of a show that is primarily music being covered but this just seems like they took a really formulaic teen show and bludgeoned songs with it. Either way good songs remain good songs, guitar hero couldn't change it glee wont change it.

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I watched an episode about six months ago because all of these people were talking about how great it was. After watching it I walked outside and puked on a random person's shoes. Makes me sad to see Jane Lynch doing such tripe. After seeing Best In Show I wanted to see all of her films.


Watching Glee also reinforced all of the reasons I do not watch network TV.




Jane Lynch is awesome, she's in the movie Paul that just came out. I'm a big fan of Frost and Pegg.


I don't watch TV anymore right now except for like two shows

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