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He is a modern rock hero. To me, Cobain was nothing. He was just a punk-pop ( that tag suits him more than grunge ) strummer that could scream ( although he DID have a sense of melody ). Dave is cool. Has a great sense of humor and a love for life. Ive always wanted to party with him. And hes one damn talented musician. Dee Snider called him the Phil Collins of the modern era. Im a huge Foo fan. No offense to Nirvana/Kurt fans. Just expressing my honest opinion.


Dave Grohl said that while Cobain may not have been the most technically advanced guitarist, ever time he palyed the guitar it was beautiful.

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Guess Steve doesn't like anybody thats not part "The Whining Vampire's" or whatever that group is that he's always touting.


Grohl's addition to the music world far outstrips Cobain's now, I thinks it's actually really sad, how so many people that don't know any better many people say he's a sell out. What's that mean? was his career and life supposed to end just because Cobain couldn't deal with life???


Dave's a hell of a musician and has kept a career going for a lot longer than Cobain ever could.


About Cobain what can you say between his habits and his choice of a wife ??? At least he only killed himself and nobody else had to die along with him, which so often happens in that situation.

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Guess Steve doesn't like anybody thats not part "The Whining Vampire's" or whatever that group is that he's always touting.


Grohl's addition to the music world far outstrips Cobain's now, I thinks it's actually really sad, how so many people that don't know any better many people say he's a sell out. What's that mean? was his career and life supposed to end just because Cobain couldn't deal with life???


Dave's a hell of a musician and has kept a career going for a lot longer than Cobain ever could.


About Cobain what can you say between his habits and his choice of a wife ??? At least he only killed himself and nobody else had to die along with him, which so often happens in that situation.



Cobain changed music more then Grohl could ever dream of. Cobain changed music, Grohl is just good at what was already there, not to mention Grohls pop bs.

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Why would anyone feel they need to defend a guy for taking credit for the success of a band he was in?


Seems to me if you are going to be worthy of capitolizing on the success of Nirvana, then being a member of Nirvana might do that.


Just my opinion though.

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Cobain changed music more then Grohl could ever dream of. Cobain changed music, Grohl is just good at what was already there, not to mention Grohls pop bs.




Cobain was part of a group that changed music for a fairly specific age group, sadly he killed himself before his impact touched much of the world, ask anyone thats more than a few years outside of that specific time period and they'll say Who?


I liked Cobain especially some of his acoustic and unplugged album but giving him god status is kind of strange I saw a recent survey in one of the music magazines and something like 85% of the people questioned couldn't name Cobain's band or a single song. He was most remembered for Courtney and killing himself. Only something like 10% of the same group didn't know the Foo Fighters and worse when asked about that time in music almost everybody named the Red Hot Chili Peppers which must have really frosted Cobain's butt, wherever he is, after all the crap he said about them.


The interview ended with a really surprising question what group and album best portrayed the grunge movement in music? I would have said Nevermind and Smells Like Teen Spirit, or maybe even the Chili Peppers eraly stuff but the answer Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam.


Even if thats all just one story and not fact which could be true especially since there's now stats in the world to prove anything the real truth is unless you were a Teenager in the early nineties or live in Seattle grunge was short lived and gone in just a few years and honestly not much of a wave to most of us. I just wish rap would have died off even half a quickly...

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Nirvana was gaining attention before Grohl joined. I'm sure you've heard the saying "money changes everything", In Seattle during the late 80s, the saying was changed to "Nirvana changes everything", In my book, they saved rock when they ended the horrible hair band era.

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Nirvana was gaining attention before Grohl joined. I'm sure you've heard the saying "money changes everything", In Seattle during the late 80s, the saying was changed to "Nirvana changes everything", In my book, they saved rock when they ended the horrible hair band era.



A men. Permed hair and spandex needed to be destroyed, I thank Nirvana for this msp_thumbup.gif





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Some people in here need to chill out, at least its better than the Cobain threads at MLP...


Dave Grohl makes amazing music. Cobain made some great stuff. Without Nirvana, I don't know if Grohl would have made the Foo Fighters the same way he did.


Peace, love and deathly guitar sounds

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Considering that Dave's net worth is over 200 million, I'd have to say the boy has done alright-

plus, the Foo's have made 7 records, Nirvana only made 3.

I can hardly see Dave as riding Nirvana's coatails, plus, the Foo's have consistantly remained a GUITAR DRIVEN band, something we don't see all that often anymore in the Rock and pop fields.

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it seems strange that a man can't make a joke or tounge in cheek comment without being labeled a troll?


Oh Steve...here's wikipedia's definition for an internet troll:


In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.



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Oh Steve...here's wikipedia's definition for an internet troll:


off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[/i]




off topic? it was my thread and i chose the topic! [flapper]



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Considering that Dave's net worth is over 200 million, I'd have to say the boy has done alright-

plus, the Foo's have made 7 records, Nirvana only made 3.

I can hardly see Dave as riding Nirvana's coatails, plus, the Foo's have consistantly remained a GUITAR DRIVEN band, something we don't see all that often anymore in the Rock and pop fields.



Britney spears made around 7 albums too, does that make her a great artist too?


What a freakin stupid arguement. So and so made so many albums so they must be better then so and so whos only made so many albums.


Cream only made a couple albums, so they must suck right?

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Dave has more talent than Cobain ever had........yeah, I said it, big whoop, wanna fight about it??


You know what, I am an avid Nirvana fan and I will have to agree with this. Kurt was a good musician and wrote excellent songs but to be honest he sucked a big one at singing, sure it fit in for grunge very well, but ummm well were is grunge today, from what I can tell by looking at what is considered popular music today you might as well put down any instrument you own and just get yourself and autotune program.





He's way better then Bullet for my Valentine and COB....though two different genres...but none the less!




..And a way cool dude....




I am going to have to disagree with this comment on Children of Bodom, Alexi Laiho is an extremely talented musician. Yes there style of music may not appeal to all, but to be able to play lead guitar and sing at the same time in a metal band is a tough feat. Bullet for my valentine, well...thats a whole other story.

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