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Hope all members in tornado alley are OK!!!


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It looks like Joplin, Missouri got hammered. Thoughts and prayers go out to the folks there.


+1000 What a tragedy! :>(


So far, we've been fortunate, here. All that terrible weather, which we're quite often, in

the middle of, has all been east, and or southeast of us. We've had maybe 2 "Thunderstorms,"

so far, and both were mild, even by our standards. But, anything's possible, weatherwise, here. ;>b



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It looks like Joplin, Missouri got hammered. Thoughts and prayers go out to the folks there.


Here in St. Louis, Missouri, we've been hammered by tornadoes twice this year without loss of life. Joplin, MO was not so lucky last night. Death toll stands at 89 first thing this morning, and will certainly climb as they sort through the rubble.


Here in the Midwest the weather has been brutal so far this year.

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Still here in St. Louis. Big storm happening as I type. At least the world didn't end on Saturday, I would have wasted $985 on tires a brakes on my wife's car.


Thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Joplin. You would think the "greater powers" would make hospitals immune from natural disasters, but I guess that's just wishfull thinking.

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Here in St. Louis, Missouri, we've been hammered by tornadoes twice this year without loss of life. Joplin, MO was not so lucky last night. Death toll stands at 89 first thing this morning, and will certainly climb as they sort through the rubble.


Here in the Midwest the weather has been brutal so far this year.


Terrible news.


This has been one of the worst spring tornado seasons I remember, and we've still got about two months to go.

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Yeah, it sure has, for too many places, this year. What happend in Joplin,

looks devastingly familiar, to what happened to a neighboring town...Greensburg,

Kansas, May 4, 2007! It was completely obliterated, by and F-5 Tornado. That

night, and for the next 2 nights, in a row, we had the wildest Thunderstorms,

and lighting, that I can remember. It literally sounded, and felt like, from

the ground shaking, that we were being bombed. Luckily, for us, there was no

tornado, in our immediate area, but there were some more, around us. Mother

Nature is pretty awesome/unforgiving, too often. Especially, in "The Alley,"

this time of year.


Prayers, and Best wishes, for all in Joplin, and other affected areas.

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I remember in college, driving back home, from KU (Lawrence, Ks)...down

the turnpike, toward Emporia, and off to right (west), I saw 3 (F-1's?)

little funnel clouds, dip down, hit the ground for a short time, and then

go back up. There was no damage, as it was in a remote, uninhabited area,

so it was pretty interesting. As I got closer to home, I had pull off the

road, and stop my car, as I couldn't see past the hood of my car, for all

the rain, and the lightening was constant...like the whole place was lit

up, buy a huge "Flash" (God's out taking photos, again...). When it finally

passed, I drove on home. Mom met me at the door, and said...did you just

come from the Eastern route. I said I had, and she calmly told me, that

the town I had stopped just outside of, had a tornado go directly over it,

and touch down, just East of where I was stopped. So, that's as close as

I've come, so far, to being "in" one. It was, certainly, "close enough,"

for me! ;>b



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June 8th or 9th of last year, on 70 across Kansas coming back to NJ, lots of damage around the interstate from the previous evenings tornadoing. Got off at a small town exit, gas and pee and coffee and all that, but there was nothing but military trucks all over the place, had to drive through about 4 layers of National Guard. They let us go to the gas station, the town ahead had been hit pretty hard so we couldn't go there. Lots of in-shock folks milling about, gas station barely functioning. Can't remember the town.


In 2003, again on 70, again eastbound on the way home, Colorado/Kansas area, saw three or four nice funnels, all of them many miles away, hard to say out there how far something is.


This year headed out 70 in August, should miss the tornados for the most part but see some nice regular storms. Coming back 94/90 up north to get to Isle Royale, we should be out of tornadoville by that time of year up there.


We love the middle of this country and driving through it, it hurts to see all those people hurting.



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It looks like Joplin, Missouri got hammered. Thoughts and prayers go out to the folks there.

We appreciate it, I live about 20 minutes away from Joplin. Luckily my uncle and grandfather are ok (they both live about a half mile from the destruction path), the damage seen firsthand is almost unbelievable.

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All I can complain about is a flood that's kept me a bit busy. One 10-year-old died in similar flooding a cupla days ago. The deal here is to keep people away from the water but everybody wants to see the river out of its banks.


Oddly folks here haven't built much in the flood plain.



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Right in the middle of it here southwest of St. Louis. Warning sirens have gone off four times this afternoon (new record in my memory). Have spent most of the last couple of hours in the basement guarding my guitars...... We're having a little break at the moment (came up for air), but expect more soon.


The St. Louis TV stations have been full time weather reports and warnings since about 3:00 p.m. (it's now 5:20). All OK at the L5 Shack...so far.

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Luck, Larry et al...


Floodwater stopped rising here this morning.


Oddly very few people are complaining much 'cuz it's mostly "infrastructure" ranging from roads to the rodeo arenas and ball fields and parks that have much damage at all.


Otherwise if nobody gets stupid, it's an expensive inconvenience, not a danger.


Perhaps the nasty stuff down south has reminded us how lucky we are...



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Makes me feel guilty.


I just got back from a meeting with the governor who will add local flooding to a federal disaster request.


Nobody killed, nobody hurt, just lots of dollar damage for the region.


Oddly I sat there feeling guilty 'cuz of what folks are going through with the heavier storms.


My prayers are for all who are touched by forces that remind us we all are but pawns when nature howls.



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I lived in Lee's Summit MO for 13 years.


Drove through Joplin a lot over that time and stopped at Braum's for GREAT ice cream and crinkle fries....


We have friends all through Lee's Summit and Sedalia. So far all we know are accounted for.


Still............ it's something awful just to see the photos.





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