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It followed my home


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So I went into the local music shop of Friday on the way to a buddies house to jam, I had originally stopped to pick up some more picks when low and behold out of the corner of my eye I caught a new (for them) little amp sitting in the middle of the amp room. I quickly shuffled on over to see what they had going on as I had been lusting after the Tiny Terror for a while now. There sat the Tiny Terror on top of the Orange 1x12 cab, beside it was the Night Train on top of a Marshall 4x12 and across from it was a Marshall Haze half stack, I was in lunchbox amp heaven! I ran out to my truck and grabbed my guitar and started playing all the mini amps.


I was impressed with them all, the TT had the best crunch to it by far, but I couldn't get into the feel of it for some reason once I had it available to me the lust was kinda gone. So I plugged my patch cable into the Night Train, very nice little amp the cleans were great and it got a decent amount of crunch going on but it lacked what I was looking for. Next I plugged into the Marshall Haze, I didn't really know anything about it, it was actually the first time I heard of it (I don't know why) but I was quiet impressed with it. The traditional Marshall sound is there and it distorts nicely; however the Tiny Terror actually distorted a bit better, but the Haze was more amp for the least amount of money.


Its got two channels clean (controlled with volume) and crunch (controlled with volume and gain), bright switch, shared EQ (Bass, Mid, Treb), some built in effects (reverb, echo, chorus, vibe) all can be bypassed and a handy foot switch to toggle between clean/crunch channels and effects on/off. Its got three 12AX7 pre amp tubes and two 6V6 power amp tubes. As you can see I fell in love! I ended up trading in the Fender 100W solid state I bought last month in favor of the Marshall, it got me back into tube deliciousness I can use in my apartment. The Half stack ran $700 the second cab to make the full stack runs another $199 and I think is next months purchase.



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Nice. How many watts? and what size speakers?


She is just a little 15W goober with a 1x12 Celestion Marquee they made specifically for the mini cabs. It can go pretty loud, so far its gone as loud as my little 100W solid state fender did. The sound is amazing though, 100% Marshall tone, the OD channel with the gain cranked gets dirty like a JCM800 obviously not to the same extent. The worst thing though is my POD sounds awful coming through this amp, I expected as much though, the lack of a effects loop means I have to plug in via the input and use the amp's natural premap so it doesn't sound appealing to my ears, good thing I mostly got the POD as an interface for my computer!

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I have the 40W one, its a pretty good amp.

Hope you like yours!


I picked it up on Friday and have yet to regret it, I even wanted to call in sick today so I could just sit at home and jam. To be able to jump into an all tube amp setup for under $900 I couldn't and wont complain, I probably would have gotten the Orange but the cab was like $200 more in comparison to the Marshall so that was mostly the deciding factor.

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I picked it up on Friday and have yet to regret it, I even wanted to call in sick today so I could just sit at home and jam. To be able to jump into an all tube amp setup for under $900 I couldn't and wont complain, I probably would have gotten the Orange but the cab was like $200 more in comparison to the Marshall so that was mostly the deciding factor.


I'd be the same way if I had to go to work!

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I get a 30min lunch break, I live about 5 mins from work so I figure if I rush home put some leftovers in the microwave I can get in atleast 15 mins of playing (just enough to tease my fingers) with just enough time to spare to make it back to work without being late. I should really just get one of those 1W marshall pocket amps, leave it on my desk and by my guitar to work, but something tells me if the owner comes in he wouldnt be happy. Unless I was mad rocking some Pink Floyd then he would probably air guitar along with it...I have seen it before at our Xmas parties!

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A Marshall with a Marshall pre running into a pair of 6V6 actually sounds quite delicious. AND...with a single 12? Being able to get different speakers to try and only needing to buy one is just way too much potential to not jump on.

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