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Ok I got like a kilo of hot pepperoni yesterday and ate it all, it was delicious; however I commented that it was not that hot. Well today I changed my mind, and came to the conclusion that the hotness of pepperoni needs to be measured when its coming back out and not going in if you know what I mean.

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You're supposed to eat ice cream afterwords. Like a cooling chaser.


Haven't you ever seen any Cheech and Chong movies where Cheech says, "Come on ice cream!"


Or you could just sit on an ice cream cone. I recommend vanilla.

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Is dipping in honey mustard something you do with pepperoni where you're at? I've often wondered if it was a local thing.


I havent tried it but it sounds like a good idea, I really love the honey garlic flavored pepperoni, I am a Newfie on my dads side of the family so it could be an east coaster thing, I can also tolerate good BBQ sauce on almost anything :unsure: yeah I am a weird one.

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A$burneroni . . . . . . . [scared]


Combine the above one with yours and thats what it was TenderA$$burneroni!


dont eat peperoni at night


These are very wise words, I definitely learned my lesson.

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Guest Farnsbarns Wunterslausche

Combine the above one with yours and thats what it was TenderA$$burneroni!




These are very wise words, I definitely learned my lesson.


This thread is disgusting, but funny.


My advice, put a roll of tissue in the fridge the night before.

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I found myself doing construction at a place where they had a very accurate scale. We all decided to weigh ourselves and keep track of our progress.


This thing was so accurate, I could drink a pop and then it would register, then I could take a leak and I would be back to my starting weight.


Anyway, one of the guys came in the next day and he had gained 7 kilos (about 13#). I was still at my normal weight. I asked him what he ate the night before, and it added up to about 13#.


Now, this guy is extremely regular, so I had to make sure that we kept an eye on him, and made sure we knew where he was, so in the event he did go off to take care of his regular business, we could be ready if something went wrong. We were expecting him to take a 13# crap. Babies are that much, and usually you go to the hospital for that. We were worried.


It all ended well. He never took a 13# crap, but he did do some impressive weight reduction breaks. He is ok, the plumbing is ok, and the job got done.

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if you ate 2,2 pounds of hot peppers you deserved it.


When I was much younger i was working as a paramedic and got a call of a guy that had a bet for something like 300 dollars on who could eat the most incredibly hot food at one sitting. The supposed winner had eaten two pound of atomic hot chicken wings 25 super hot pequenio or something like that hot peppers peppers as well as the final desert I guess about a 1/2 cup of the raw fresh wasabi hot mustard you get with sushi, as well as most of a bottle of jack daniels


At the end of that lite snack the poor guy was only semi conscious and he began throwing up both all his extremely spicy food he had eaten along with several cups of blood from a bleeding ulcer he had going also. He still might of been alright but of course the bottle of jack had him barely conscious so his constant puking while unconscious cause his death from drowning in his own rank vomit. I guess he won the bet hopefully his buddies paid up so they could ude the money to bury his dumb ***,





What happens to this forum on the weekend it used to just be steve now the whole place is just weird.

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