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say something nice

Guest Farnsbarns

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Guest Farnsbarns Wunterslausche

...even though I know by now most of you are sick of me...


Ahhh, I find that unlikely. Feel the love in the room!

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2 1/2 years ago, I joined this forum. At the time I was also on several other forums and used to jump around alot, but I always came back to The Gibson Forum. The atmosphere is usually fun and well moderated. If I see a thread I don't particularly care for, I just don't go there, it's that simple.


There have been many people come and go over the years and I have enjoyed almost all of them. I love to welcome newbies and frequently spend my alloted time (lunch hour) just welcoming them aboard and asking for pictures.


I plan on being here for a long time, gaining guitar knowledge and possibly sharing some.


Thanks to everyone that makes this forum interesting and fun. [thumbup]

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.... For some reason it seems the communication outlet here has really made my anxiety and depression dissipate and I have found renewed inspiration in things that I had loved and lost all interest in.


Thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome, reading my long posts, providing inspiration, making me think and all the nice compliments I get from you guys. ....


I wish I could give you more than one + for that post. I was on an antidepressant a few years back. What a nasty thing that was. I too love this forum, and the people here. It's like Cheers, where everybody knows your name. Yeah I know I post mostly in the acoustic section, but I still know most everyone and definitely value the friendships and kinship.


I've already had a great day. It couldn't be better . . . . . I thought.


These two posts made it even better. It's a great feeling to know I have in some small way participated in this.


I throw you both a "+". . . B)

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As for me I'm glad Damian brought me over here.


I've seen some fights and spittin' contests here & there, but overall you guys are FUN and you ROCK!!!


Much nicer and friendly environment than some other musician's forums I post on, which I also do appreciate, but where a higher % of the posters are neurotically concerned with Making Their Break, writing the next Hit Song and all that........


I am into becoming the best musician and vocalist I CAN be but I don't have illusions or aspirations in that department -- not that there aren't those of you here that DO -- and are TALENTED!! -- just that this is a much more laid-back place to hang out.


I always smile when I visit here.

And my days need smiles!!

msp_biggrin.gif Who's don't??


And, I also suffer from depression (lifetime, mild, clinical) and some fairly severe anxiety I've just started a new med for (to hit the anxiety) and I tell ya... this one is WORKING! and I'm not ashamed to say so.


The WRONG MED can and WILL turn you into a zombie or ruin your muse. You have to keep on trying until you find one that suits YOUR personal brain chemistry.


This one... feels like finally the RIGHT one for me..... HALLELUJAH.... I am able to sing FREELY and just really start "getting on" with my life without freaking out about every little thing.


I hide this VERY VERY WELL both in person AND especially online with just text and smilies to communicate... but I am so thrilled to finally be feeling FREE of anxiety... which I did not realize was a relative of depression and a serotonin issue.


Not everyone needs meds for what ails them but... it is not shameful if you do. And there are many brands out there, all slightly different, keep TRYING one or another of them until you start feeling RIGHT. It is just like taking antibiotics for an infection or high blood pressure medication to control that issue. But because it's our BRAINS and brain chemistry we tend to freak out and think we can just THINK our way out of it. Try thinking your way out of a cold. Or staph infection. Or cancer. Or your blood pressure..... doesn't work!


Behavioral therapies DO also work when it's not too serious, energy therapies really work (see Donna Eden's work - Google), I'm into all sorts of alternative healing stuff as well, accupressure, yoga, etc ... but I just wanted to reiterate there is no reason not to pursue medicine when your brain chemicals need balancing out. msp_thumbup.gif


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This forum is filled with cool people (some of whom even like my music!) and there's a reason why I keep coming back here.


...even though I know by now most of you are sick of me...


Naw you are KEWL. You agrees wid' me that Jimmy Page is hot. msp_blushing.giftongue.gifcool.gif

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...even though I know by now most of you are sick of me...

I dunno where you're getting that idea from! You're one damned good guy, and just as fine a poster!


As are many on this here site! Only reason I'm still here is 'cause you're all a bunch of good people!

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This is a good forum and has been for many years - It goes up and down and sadly it takes only one or two people to upset the cart a bit but they usually move on or get banned and the forum continues. The worst part of a whiny forum is it runs off the new blood and that keeps it from growing si it's always a good idea to be nice to everybody especially on the internet where it's so easy to slap first.


Layla glad you found yourself a magic pill, there's quite a few of us on here struggling with are own brains wiring and chemicals, glad your happy and it helped you Depressions a painful thing to live with glad your getting a break at least and hope it lasts forever.


Andy - glad your feeling better also good luck and keep working on your hobbies sometimes that's all that keeps me remotely sane.

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I think the deeper value of forums like this is that, if they're at all courteous, they're a marvelous outlet for something totally different from one kind of "real life" with another kind of "real life" where guitar pickin' and music are both the ends and the means...




Very true Milod. In music theory terms you would be our "perfect 5th" here on the forums. You provide the balance and harmony here and work well with almost anything. [thumbup]

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Right, with all the mud flinging going on I thought this would redress the balance a little.


The say something nice thread...


I'll start...


Cookieman's Clapton Strat is the first Fender I've ever coveted. It sounds amazing and he knows how to play it too.



Good thread Farns. Feels good to say something nice and stop and appreciate things. I +'sd ya up and I think everyone should for instigating some happiness! [thumbup]

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I just wanted to mention as I just did in the Best Buy thread a quick thank you to you guys and your ability to help with prices. In Australia we get taken for a ride on prices for Guitars mainly Gibson and Martin. We pay roughly double to sometimes triple what you pay even though our dollar is worth more. For example I paid over 6k for my 335 which in America I could of picked up for under 3k I paid just over 4k for my songwriter which again in America would have been just under to just over 2k because of this forum and the discussions Ive had on here I managed to get my LP standard for 3100.00 down from a retail of 4800.00. Its this brotherhood of musicians that keeps me coming back here. so again thank you.

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Harmony is the strength and support of all institutions... including this one.


I was raised to believe one can disagree without being disagreeable.





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Guest farnsbarns

This thread has gone down well, I am glad, you are all great people! I think this one might have to be dug up every time we have an ugly thread, just to balance things out.

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I can't for the life of me understand why some people go out of their way to say hurtful,distasteful and completely unnecessary argumentive statements just to cause trouble and get people's backs up.Are they some kind of wankers who get some kind of perverted jollies by getting people to come down on them or did they have a steady diet of lead chips while they were kids?As Milod so wisely put it "you can still Disagree without being disagreeable.


I go by the words of the East Indian philosopher Dandemus:"Don't condemn the judgement of another because it is different from your own.You may both be wrong."

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