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Animal senses.


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I was having a discussion the other day about if we were given an animal's senses for a day. Would it send us mad?

Could we cope with a dog's smell? Or an Eagles sight? etc?

Imagine being able to see an ant at the other side of the garden? Could our brain cope?

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This is slightly off topic but have you ever seen that video where they strap a camera on the back of an eagle? It's incredible. I'm going to try and find it.... brb.....


Edit: I don't know how well eagles can see but check out this view....


I once read that they can see a mouse in a field when they are up in the air. Then they fly down at 300mph until they are 6 feet away then slow down.

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we all still have the animal senses of our long ago ancestors, but we're trained almost from birth to ignore most of them, especially "intuition".

The Native American Shaman(holy-men) embraced them and honed them to sharpness, as do several types of holy men/women from modern day "less advanced" cultures.


ever KNOW what was going to happen long before it does? was it a faint smell, sound, or feeling that triggered it?

yes, it was.


just because we're trained to not realize what we experience, doesn't mean the non understood 90% of our brains don't sense it.

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I dont know they talk about how great dogs can smell, but than they roll in garbage and roadkill and eat cat crap so something is missing?


No, they ain't missing anything Retro.............They just don't know what their missing.......


And one can't miss what they don't know their missing............

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They roll in things to hide their scent so prey can't smell them. It's instinct. They eat crap because that's instinct too. They eat other dogs crap so that their's is the only scent. Even they have moved on we have ways that we don't need anymore. We hoard things but don't need to.

Another one is. How does a dog know you're coming home before you get there? My girlfriend always says she knows I'm coming 'cause her staffy 'Frankie' gets exited. How do they know?!

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we all still have the animal senses of our long ago ancestors, but we're trained almost from birth to ignore most of them, especially "intuition".

The Native American Shaman(holy-men) embraced them and honed them to sharpness, as do several types of holy men/women from modern day "less advanced" cultures.


ever KNOW what was going to happen long before it does? was it a faint smell, sound, or feeling that triggered it?

yes, it was.


just because we're trained to not realize what we experience, doesn't mean the non understood 90% of our brains don't sense it.


We have to do that in order to cope. Too much input to deal with at the same time we deal with traffic and the craziness of society.

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We have them. We just don't use them.


The Viet Cong claimed they could find our soldiers in the bush because they could smell us coming. Apparently it was a combination of our high protein diet and high quality tobacco products.

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