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Amy Amy Amy

Buc McMaster

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I would be surprised if there are more than a handful of folks here familiar with Amy's music, but I'd bet most of you know of her drug-alcohol problems from news reports. And now she is dead at 27. Many of us go down dark roads in our lives and manage to somehow come back to the light before it gets the best of us. Sadly she could not, and she takes her considerable talents as a writer and vocalist with her.


Here's a clip from a SXSW venue in 2007, singing one of her own, deeply sad compositions with Gibson accompaniment. And for the record, this is a reverent audience.



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Huge talent determined to go up, , , , , and down.

What a waste -

Agreed. It's hard to compare her with those of my own generation that went the same route (Janis, Jimi, Jim Morrison, Timmy Hardin), and those that just escaped (James Taylor, Eric Clapton, Keef). Drugs and alcohol ruin a lot of artists. The funny thing is that you get deluded into thinking that they make you into a better writer, singer, or performer, when all they ultimately do is kill you.


My year at the heart of the music industry taught me that it's a fine line. I was fortunate in that none of the people I worked with were over the edge, although we toured with people that were. Our big vices on the road were lots of beer (including while driving, but never really drunk) and contract bridge from midnight until 5 AM (you wanted your performances to be in the middle of your waking day). We didn't even smoke dope on the road, since you were terrified of being set up. It probably didn't hurt that the people I worked with were mostly conservatory-trained musicians, and married.


The music business is wretched, and plenty of talented people don't deal with it very well. Amy was very talented, although I was not a huge fan. I think she saw herself as the reincarnation of Billie Holiday, and seemed determined to live and die the same way. It's a pity we'll never know what she might have done.

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Agreed. It's hard to compare her with those of my own generation that went the same route (Janis, Jimi, Jim Morrison, Timmy Hardin), and those that just escaped (James Taylor, Eric Clapton, Keef). Drugs and alcohol ruin a lot of artists. The funny thing is that you get deluded into thinking that they make you into a better writer, singer, or performer, when all they ultimately do is kill you.


My year at the heart of the music industry taught me that it's a fine line. I was fortunate in that none of the people I worked with were over the edge, although we toured with people that were. Our big vices on the road were lots of beer (including while driving, but never really drunk) and contract bridge from midnight until 5 AM (you wanted your performances to be in the middle of your waking day). We didn't even smoke dope on the road, since you were terrified of being set up. It probably didn't hurt that the people I worked with were mostly conservatory-trained musicians, and married.


The music business is wretched, and plenty of talented people don't deal with it very well. Amy was very talented, although I was not a huge fan. I think she saw herself as the reincarnation of Billie Holiday, and seemed determined to live and die the same way. It's a pity we'll never know what she might have done.



I believe that it's the same "thing" that makes an artist talented that kills 'em.


I'm not sure you can separate the two.


Not true in every case.... the difference is like comparing James Dean, (didn't even make it to 27), to Lawrence Olivier, (died at 82).

Both great actors.... one was destined to die young, totally consumed by his craft...the other, when asked to what he attributed his great acting success said, "Learn your lines and don't bump into the furniture".

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While the fame certainly plays a part in stories such as this one, artists by no means have a monopoly on tragic deaths due to substance abuse. Very sad in any instance, not just with those who are in the public eye.

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I don't think that it's a matter of drugs that kills you , I think it's rather if you value your life enough to turn it around.

my favorite musicians are people who have had addictions or have been abused , Art Alexakis (Everclear) and Jonathan Davis (Korn)

are two huge influences( Johnny Cash , the stones, others) because I have gone through both things . Keef said "Getting In Is Easy , Getting Out is Hard"

and that is the truth . It kinda starts out like a Game , but the you are in so deep that you see yourself in the mirror and you don't recognize

the man or woman in the reflection . Then you just can't control the need to use or consumate your vice. But some people have a momment

of light were they see clearly and take actions and steps to change their life . Others just never see that little ray of light and finally just

get to the point were they are dead because of it . Amy had a "vintage" style voice , but I guess she just never saw the ray of light ...

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Two-faced billionaire hypocrites like Rupert Murdoch sell sex, drugs, free love, abortion, etc on their hugely profitable entertainment networks and then use their supposed news programs to condemn such activities. No wonder young people all over the world are so screwed up. He has destroyed journalism on 3 continents now. Maybe the British will get him this time.... the Aussies failed again and we turn the other cheek and allow his lawyers to thrive... makes me sick. I'm very sad for Amy, but I hate the commercial media for their influence in our young people's values. There.

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Rupert Murdoch sells that stuff, because that's what people want to read... if people wanted proper or high-brow news then they wouldn't be going near Murdoch's publications, yet they outsell the other types of media by many factors.... While I'm certainly no fan of the guy or his empire, he's only delivering what people want! - I guess people are just nasty and get off on gutter news....


As for Amy Winehouse, it's hardly a surprise now is it? While it's sad for her family, the faux grief when celeb's die sort of puzzles me, how can people be truly affected by it? A talented artist threw it all away on the drugs & booze. While it's fresh now, in a generations time she'll be iconic and romanticized the same way as the Jimi's, Kurt's, Jim's and the Elvis' of the world. These were fairly dirty grimy drug-addled drunks too... It just adds to the whole 'the brighter you shine, the shorter you burn' train of thought. A girl died, but a hero (heroine) was born.... Arguably you could say that by dying she has sealed her claim as one of the greats, it's certainly been that way historically for all the others who went over the edge.

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It was very a sad weekend allround, too much death on TV, I could barely pickup the guitar.


With Amy, its a reminder just how bloody tough it is to get over serious addictions. Im sure she tried, all addicts in principle want to be clean (Charlie Sheen excepted) but not all will get over this massive mountain in front of them.

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I've never really listened to her music, but reviews say that was a very talented singer/songwriter. Now that I think about it Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison all dead from their demons at 27. Add Amy to the list. What a waste.

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Now that I think about it Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison all dead from their demons at 27. Add Amy to the list. What a waste.


Of that list, I only saw JJ and Jim Morrison live. I was barely into the Doors (and only because they were pretty trippy). But man, could JJ light up a room!!!!!! It wasn't really her voice (which was rough as guts), it was her physical and emotional intensity. She owned everything she sang.

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Let me understand this.... Rupert Murdoch killed Amy Winehouse?

Rupert Murdoch does not deliver journalism, he sells perception and calls it news.... worldwide.

You said that he killed Amy, not me. What he killed is journalism.

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Rupert Murdoch does not deliver journalism, he sells perception and calls it news.... worldwide.

You said that he killed Amy, not me. What he killed is journalism.


I guess you didn't notice, or decided to ignore the question mark at the end of my.....um....er......ah...... question, eh?


That might be why you're so quick to dismiss anyone's opinion with which you don't agree.

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I guess you didn't notice, or decided to ignore the question mark at the end of my.....um....er......ah...... question, eh?


That might be why you're so quick to dismiss anyone's opinion with which you don't agree.


Friend... your opinion has nothing to do with my thougts on the matter. If you trust Rupert Murdoch, PT Barnum said it best "there's a new sucker born every minute". I will never defend that filthy bastard and I want him in prison where he belongs for selling prevarication for money at FoxnotNews/News Corp. He is the worldwide king of deception, go do your homework starting in Adelaide, Australia in 1953. I hope you understand that I have no animosity toward you or my fellow countrymen's opinions, I'm just sick of the lies and lack of integrity in journalism. Amy was self-destructive/disillusioned etc but where did it all start? Don't treat the symptoms look for the source.

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Friend... your opinion has nothing to do with my thougts on the matter. If you trust Rupert Murdoch, PT Barnum said it best "there's a new sucker born every minute". I will never defend that filthy bastard and I want him in prison where he belongs for selling prevarication for money at FoxnotNews/News Corp. He is the worldwide king of deception, go do your homework starting in Adelaide, Australia in 1953. I hope you understand that I have no animosity toward you or my fellow countrymen's opinions, I'm just sick of the lies and lack of integrity in journalism. Amy was self-destructive/disillusioned etc but where did it all start? Don't treat the symptoms look for the source.



We're friends?


And I don't think putting PT Barnum in prison would do any good.... he's been dead for over 100 years.....


I don't know where you live, but here people don't go to jail for saying what they feel or think in a newspaper.


I don't really care to be your pen pal.... my dad taught me not to wrestle with pigs.... you're bound to get muddy....and the pig likes it!

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We're friends?


And I don't think putting PT Barnum in prison would do any good.... he's been dead for over 100 years.....


I don't know where you live, but here people don't go to jail for saying what they feel or think in a newspaper.


I don't really care to be your pen pal.... my dad taught me not to wrestle with pigs.... you're bound to get muddy....and the pig likes it!



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