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What computer do you use?

Andre S

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An alcohol inspired analogy


Apple Macs are like valve amps - intuitive, snazzy and just more creative, PCs are like transistor amps - yes some, like the Rolland Jazz Chorus, are better than a Mac (they have their uses!) - but on the whole, they just lack that special something a Mac and Valve amp have [flapper]


And that special something would be what? I've never noticed anything particularly special about a Mac. Probably because I look at a computer for a it's capabilities and not its flashy on screen effects. I could care less about those. I want a real workhorse of a computer.

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And that special something would be what? I've never noticed anything particularly special about a Mac. Probably because I look at a computer for a it's capabilities and not its flashy on screen effects. I could care less about those. I want a real workhorse of a computer.


Damn it! It is "I couldn't care less" to show absolute disdain, not "I could care less" , that sounds quite positive as you could care much further less :)


I just love having a computer that is fast, very easy to use, has loads of great recording and media facilities and also never goes wrong! It is awesome to have a machine that you don't have to worry about. We just leave our Macs on all the time; they sleep when they are tired and never give then a second thought.


Tman YOU ROCK my American sausage!!!!!!!!

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So here are some bench marks for my little 15" Mac book Pro








Not to bad.... My disk read right improved by 100 Mbps!


Love the benchmarks man! msp_thumbup.gif


Lets try a benchmark that we can both use: http://www.primatelabs.ca/geekbench/


Download that, run it and post your score.


Here's mine: http://browse.geekbench.ca/geekbench2/view/474973


If you know of any other cross platform benchmarks let me know.

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My main complaint is that, with a Mac, you can just get on and use it. I started with a Mac, tried out a Dell and got really annoyed with the start up process. I was overjoyed to get my iMac G5




YOU HAVE CRITICAL SOFTWARE UPDATES AVAILABLE ( which I found out meant update before the new virus crashes your PC)


Java updates available


Update this


Update that


With my Mac, I just start it up and do what I want.


I know it's just a personal point, but I just think Macs are easier to use.


My Hackintoshes started out Windows...




But when I converted it to OS X, it seemed faster to me. My Airtunes was less buggy, and it didn't hang as much, even though it was a more unstable platform.

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My main complaint is that, with a Mac, you can just get on and use it. I started with a Mac, tried out a Dell and got really annoyed with the start up process. I was overjoyed to get my iMac G5




YOU HAVE CRITICAL SOFTWARE UPDATES AVAILABLE ( which I found out meant update before the new virus crashes your PC)


Java updates available


Update this


Update that


With my Mac, I just start it up and do what I want.


I know it's just a personal point, but I just think Macs are easier to use.


My Hackintoshes started out Windows...




But when I converted it to OS X, it seemed faster to me. My Airtunes was less buggy, and it didn't hang as much, even though it was a more unstable platform.


I've noticed that a lot of Mac users have that complaint about Windows being annoying. And I will agree that a brand new out of the box Windows install is annoying as hell. However, if you actually know what your doing with a computer all of that can be fixed in less than an hour. My computer never bugs me about anything! No update messages, no error messages, no UAC alerts (If you don't know what that means then you shouldn't be using a Windows computer). I also have anti virus installed and I've made sure that I never hear from it. It sits in the background and does its job like it's not even there. Everything on my computer runs perfectly. If there's updates to install, it installs them. No questions asked. I've made the necessary settings changes and customization's to make sure that my computer knows how to handle any situation without my help. I've never had a virus either.

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Love the benchmarks man! msp_thumbup.gif


Lets try a benchmark that we can both use: http://www.primatelabs.ca/geekbench/


Download that, run it and post your score.


Here's mine: http://browse.geekbe...ch2/view/474973


If you know of any other cross platform benchmarks let me know.


Sounds like fun.


Here ya Go:



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I've noticed that a lot of Mac users have that complaint about Windows being annoying. And I will agree that a brand new out of the box Windows install is annoying as hell. However, if you actually know what your doing with a computer all of that can be fixed in less that an hour. My computer never bugs me about anything! No update messages, no error messages, no UAC alerts (If you don't know what that means then you shouldn't be using a Windows computer). I also have anti virus installed and I've made sure that I never hear from it. It sits in the background and does its job like it's not even there. Everything on my computer runs perfectly. If there's updates to install, it installs them. No questions asked. I've made the necessary settings changes and customization's to make sure that my computer knows how to handle any situation without my help. I've never had a virus either.


Yes I agree you can. That is after you find out where they have moved everything from where it was and then find out what nice new annoying "features" they have added and underlying dependencies. I still do it as we use Windows 7 at work and I disable everything possible on my webcast encoders. I do that at work... I don't want to work when I get home.


I have only been a Mac fan for a year or so. Up to that time I was windows at home. After spending all the time tweaking and fussing I would always make a Ghost image so I didn't have to do it all over again when the inevitable would happen.


What Rocky is saying is that it's nice you don't have to piss with that. I installed my new Ram, Installed a second SSD and setup RAID, Installed OS and was up and running from beginning to end in about 30 minutes. I didn't have to do a bunch of tweaks to make it work for me and not bug the shite out of me. Once the OS booted ( about 12 seconds msp_biggrin.gif ) it took about 2 minutes to input some info and I was done.


Again, Some people like to tweak and fiddle with their OS. I am just over it. Reminds me of work.... Using Windows to me has become work...



I don't like to work that much! msp_w00t.gif


Anyway this is all in good fun and like I said before, I don't expect people to change their minds. Just saying what I like and what I don't...







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Oh that's not fair. Re run it on the 32 bit mode. 64 bit is locked on the free version for windows.



Sorry wasn't paying attention. Here ya go.






I think I pretty much got you smoked with DDR 3 and FSB speed.


Maybe I will load windows 7 and see what we end up with...

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Sorry wasn't paying attention. Here ya go.






I think I pretty much got you smoked with DDR 3 and FSB speed.


Maybe I will load windows 7 and see what we end up with...


Yep. It's the RAM that's slowing me down. My computer was made in 2009 so no DDR3 for me. msp_sad.gif


I had originally planned on building my own PC but some guitar gear GAS took hold of me and now I don't have the funds for it.


At least I beat you in integer performance. And if we had a benchmark that tested graphics capabilities I would smoke you in that too. msp_flapper.gif I know quite a few graphics benchmarks but none of them run on Mac..............................msp_unsure.gif

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I apologise for my alcohol induced diet coke trolling yesterday evening - I now at least understand the evil joy Steve, formally known as troll boy, gets from drinking and then posting things to wind people up.


It will never happen again



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I apologise for my alcohol induced diet coke trolling yesterday evening - I now at least understand the evil joy Steve, formally known as troll boy, gets from drinking and then posting things to wind people up.


It will never happen again




Yeah Matt, your wind ups are usually followed by a pun! [flapper]

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Dell or HP or Mac or Sony or Lenovo or what?


How often do you usually upgrade?


Right now I use a Lenovo w520, that I recently got for University in Sept.


Just got a Dell XPS 17 with sandy bridge processor ..very happy with it but am finding Pro tools 8 le is misbehaving with win 7 64 ..i think i will get a mbox 3 and PT 9..i am very happy with the XPS 17 great machine :rolleyes:

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Just got a Dell XPS 17 with sandy bridge processor ..very happy with it but am finding Pro tools 8 le is misbehaving with win 7 64 ..i think i will get a mbox 3 and PT 9..i am very happy with the XPS 17 great machine :rolleyes:


Nice, the XPS 15 and 17's are great! what is a sandy bridge processor by the way?

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And that special something would be what? I've never noticed anything particularly special about a Mac. Probably because I look at a computer for a it's capabilities and not its flashy on screen effects. I could care less about those. I want a real workhorse of a computer.


I don't think that the default OSX is any more Flashy than windows 7 is now. I actually like things sparse. Just what I access 95% of the time. So here is what my desktop usually looks like. I could give a Fook about snazzy ways a folder or application can open or close. So long as I can find the damn thing and it does open and close.




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After using a Mac and Atari going to PC seemed like it would be much more difficult to use. And at first it was. They are similar but do many things differently.


Being that you cannot write the best Band-in-a-Box styles on a PC (it's a BiaB thing not a computer thing) I stuck with the Windows machine, slowly learning the ins and outs of it.


I think that when a Mac user goes to the PC, he/she will find it more difficult to use, because they don't know the PC-specific short cuts. But if he/she sticks it out long enough, he/she will find the PC as easy or easier to use, depending on the software he/she uses.


After working with both, I find the PC easier to use, although I didn't at first. There are more keyboard shortcuts (sometimes your hand isn't on the mouse), right-clicking opens context-sensitive menus for when your hand is on the mouse, and most of all this:


If I want to copy and paste something from one PC app to another, I open both, highlight an click once to copy, move the mouse to the new app, click and paste.


On the mac I open one, click and copy, then I have to perform an extra click to get the Mac to focus on the second app, then click again to paste. An extra click. And going back to the original app requires an extra click.


With up to 400 patterns, that's a lot of extra clicking and one tired mouse finger.


But as I said before, that's the way I use the computer.


Either OS is a good one, they are tools, and the tools can make your job easier or more difficult depending on what you use them for.


For writing BiaB styles, the PC is a no-brainer.


An analogy:


Cars are tools.


I'd love to own a Prius hybrid car and get up to 60 mpg like a friend of mine does. But I haul a PA system and musical instruments to the gig, so a minivan is the tool I require.


Let the job determine what tool to use. If the software you use works better on the Mac, by all means get a Mac, if the software you use works better on the PC, get a PC.


It's not about hardware wars, or OS wars, it's about app wars. Both Macs and PCs are worthy, and if you get a high-end PC, it is as reliable as a Mac. And frankly, I've gotten better tech support from IBM and Lenovo than I have from the Mac. In the few instances where I needed them, I've had very short hold times, American English speakers who knew what they were talking about, and the problems were solved quickly. I even had an IBM rep help me with a Linksys problem after a Linksys "screen reading rep" told me it was an IBM problem. It wasn't it was a Linksys problem and the IBM guy knew just how to fix it -- he didn't have to do that. I don't think you will get that kind of support with an HP.


When Mac upped to OSX and PC Exchange or whatever it was called would not let me assign Band-in-a-Box .sty files to Band-in-a-Box but instead they opened up another program, Mac tech support wouldn't help me, even though I was paying them extra for "professional" tech support. They said it was a BiaB problem and they wouldn't help with non-Apple programs. A query on a BiaB forum produced an answer from a Mac user who pointed me to a freeware program that allowed me to change the Mac file 'header'. Why didn't Apple tell me that?


The main thing I don't like about Macs are the Mac zealots, evangelists who want to convert everybody and bring them into the fold (of course, not every Mac user is like that, but too many are). As an owner or both, I can plainly state that Mac is not better than Windows, just different. As different as a Lincoln is to a Cadillac, but neither one is better. Pick your software first, and choose the OS that runs it better.


That's my take on the situation.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫

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I guess I'll finally get into this...


I think Notes nailed it - the computer is a tool. We're having some "arguments" at work over the IPad, for example. I think it's fine for the ad folks to do presentations, but it doesn't have the software or hardware capabilities I need for my side of work.


At home my software setup does everything I need and want with XP. Frankly I'd like a new flatscreen but my big CRT still works fine.


To replace the software I use on a different system would cost probably triple what any new hardware would cost. So...



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