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Steven Tari

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Not trying to start any stuff but the Forum has changed alot from the one I first signed up for. The old Gibson crew were ruff but they were die hard Gibson guy's and gal's. I don't like LP's so I was ran off the LP forum for writeing my opinion of Les Pauls. Demoon got my back at the time ,so for a Youngster he holds my praise. Most young people are one way anymore and standing up for someone Isn't done anymore like it used to in my time. At the early part of the Forum Fender was a bad word. Now It's used more then Gibson here.

I left a note for some help getting a new ES-339 with Henry or someone in the Gibson crew to help me. All I was asking for was a helping hand in finding out who to talk to about getting the guitar built at Gibson my way. No one has answered that question and was surprised how many people told me at this forum to heck with Gibson get another Guitar builder to do it. Most of the ones I've checked out seem to only do the solid body guitars. My Guitars that are solid body style are a KG-2A and SG Robot. I like the hollowbody styles and the new ES-339 is a nice guitar but I don't like the pup's. I just wanted a ES-339 with 3 P-90's like on my Zephyr Blues Deluxe. Plus get it colored and hardware my way.

I guess with everyone being so busy with their lives, I'll just have to find someone to do it. Maybe going back to Kalamzoo to the original place. I can find that old school kind of "Can we help you" kind of Mentality. dry.gif

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Here what a Admin say about ordering a custom guitar from Gibson.


You can not order directly from Gibson. You must have a Gibson Custom dealer submit your specs to Gibson. Gibson will discuss them with a team of employees and them contact the dealer. Your "best" chance in getting one made is to contact one of the Custom Shop super dealers. None of the special orders are cheap unless it is just a color change to one that is a normal production color. With a few changes, you can easily double the price of the guitar. I have had a few custom orders done over the years by dealing with a large volume dealer, but my changes were not far out. An ebony neck may be out of the quiestion unless you meant an ebony fret board and that shouldn't be a problem. Your specs seem pretty good. Contact a Gibson Custom Shop dealer and have them request a quote.


Good times at that les paul forum, huh? [lol]

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If you go to the GIBSON.COM at the top left corner, click on it, then go to 24/7 SUPPORT, click on that, go to FAQ, click on that, you will find it is the very first subject and it tells you what to do and who to contact.


The way I see it, there are 3 options: you can see your dealer, have a conversation with them, tell them what you want and have them put in a request for the pricing. Or you can call an online dealer and do the same. Or, you can call Gibson CS and ask them if there are any different options.


If you are serious about having it done, that will get you an actual price and if you choose an actual guitar built and in your hands.


If you want to discuss it on the forum with us forumites, you can tell us your idea and we can discuss it all day (as has been on your other thread), but this is the first we have heard of what sounds like a cool idea. But if you want the builders on the forum discussing it, they won't be getting any work done (AS I am not right now).

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You're right, this forum has changed...for the worst. A lot of knowledgeable people left and I think the introduction of this lounge is what it started going downhill.

As for ordering a Custom Gibson, you don't need to ask Henry or anyone in Nashville. Just go to any authorized Gibson dealer and ask for a quote on a Custom guitar. They're normally bloody expensive and take around a year to complete the order.

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I dunno...


I'm also not a fan of the LP. Don't care for it. Never did. I like the SG as a solidbody guitar. In fact, I personally consider the SG just about the ideal solidbody for a number of reasons.


There are different regions of the forum, too, where different folks put in their two cents worth. The Lounge sometimes got a bit overboard on personal attacks, I think, that mostly weren't guitar related. I miss some of that because to me "politics" is great fun and I'm usually willing to take either side of an issue regardless what I personally support. But I'll admit that my background along those lines is a bit unusual.


The discussions on effects is pretty interesting to me. The Epi Lounge has a marvelous DIY area thanks to one member's efforts, and it has a lot of Australian input that offers a different perspective on music and life in general.


So I wouldn't say the forum has gotten less than it was some years ago, but rather that it's different. I've watched some of the youngest guys grow and even some changes in perspective from some of the not-so-young guys.


Often, too, even a casual comment can make one think a bit. I'm not into "shredding," but I've taken some ideas such as the potential of heavier strings detuned a step into some experimentation even on a "new" flattop I just picked up a couple weeks ago.


As for getting a custom instrument... I dunno. It's well beyond my experience or bank account. In today's economy... I just plain dunno.



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My personal experience has been very positive.


I asked the help desk about registering my DIF because I didn't buy it new, but it had never been registered. I wasn't looking for warranty, I just wanted it registered to me.


They were very helpful, and I got my DIF registered in my name.


I complained that the specs for the H'Bird Koa were "old", and needed to be updated. Within a few weeks they were updated, (although the photo is still of the older model).


The knowledge in the forum is tremendous, and the personalities are varied, but almost everyone has always been pleasant.


I've made some friends on here, and I enjoy the banter.


I guess I have nothing bad to say about this forum.



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.... I left a note for some help getting a new ES-339 with Henry or someone in the Gibson crew to help me. All I was asking for was a helping hand in finding out who to talk to about getting the guitar built at Gibson my way. No one has answered that question and was surprised how many people told me at this forum to heck with Gibson get another Guitar builder to do it. .....


Sorry you had so much trouble getting an answer. Unfortunately, in the Lounge, members sometimes hijack a thread with their own opinions and bias - that's to be expected, it's a freewheeling lounge. You got a lot of discourging comments on your other thread saying Gibson Custom was too expensive when atually having Gibson or any luthier build you a custom setup that's not part of their current production models is going to cost a lot of extra money.


Regard your original question - you probably would've had better luck in the Hollow/Semi sub-forum under Gibson Custom. I see a couple of the previous comments on this thread contain your answer. Good luck to you

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The forum has changed, definitely. I'm not going to say whether it is for the best, or the worst. But I have to acknowledge that we've lost some very good members, Cruzn' comes to mind ( :( ). I'm seeing it from the point of view of a younger member, who hasn't been around so long as many. I've seen something of a dilution of quality, and I hope no one feels I am singling them out. I think people are getting a bit too free with the "add new thread" button (I'm not excluding myself from that number though, I am sometimes a perpetrator but for the most part I try to keep my threading low).


This forum is filled with nice guys, knowledgeable ones too, but a lot of the older and most well known members have faded into obscurity sadly. I find my time here dwindling too, though that is as much a product of an extremely busy schedule as disinterest.


To address you being chided for disliking Les Pauls. Don't sweat it, when it comes to axe preferences disrespecting someone's opinion is ridiculous. If you love <insert brand/style of guitar here>, that's alright! I'm not a fan, but so long as I still get to choose what I play I'm alright. (and to anyone who has the gall to whine about someone else's preferences, f'ck you!)


There was a question posed on another forum I'm active on, "How long do you see yourself staying around?". The answer was near unanimous. As long as it interests me.

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You know the most expeditious result in finding an answer would have been shooting Gibson a phone call or an e-mail. Expecting results by asking guys in the lounge, most of whom I would guess have never had a one-off done by the Custom Shop (obviously not speaking for everyone here, I'm sure someone has) and not being satisfied enough by the results to warrant creating another thread complaining about said responses is pretty childish. Sometimes when you want results it helps to actually do a little legwork.

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I just wanted to Thank Y'all for your responsies. With the company where I work just being sold and Getting ready for a new boss. I have alot of thing's on my mind. I told my wife if I was going to do anything I was going to get a guitar the way I wanted it. I think I will end up with a little over Half a mil.. So I was going to do just that. As far as this Forum goes I can't complane about the company. Always had a good crew. Thats why I don't have much to say, untill it's time. This info that y'all gave me is going to help me start down the right road. So thanks again. LATER // Steven [unsure]

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This is only "My" take, on the forun, from my initial expience(s), to

what it is now. And, that is...it's much less "Elitist" in nature, and

far more civil. To some, that may make it less interesting? I don't know...

But, members will always come and go, several have come back. Some we may

never see again? That's just "life!" People get what they need, and move

on. As to it becoming a forum more for the younger set? That's ok! As long

as there's mutual respect, shown, by all parties, everything's fine. If one

doesn't enjoy the forum, move one to one you will enjoy. Life's too short,

to put up with things you don't enjoy, when you don't have to. There's enough

stuff, we all have to put up with, in our lives, to waste time on something

we don't. IMHO



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Here what a Admin say about ordering a custom guitar from Gibson.


You can not order directly from Gibson. You must have a Gibson Custom dealer submit your specs to Gibson. Gibson will discuss them with a team of employees and them contact the dealer. Your "best" chance in getting one made is to contact one of the Custom Shop super dealers. None of the special orders are cheap unless it is just a color change to one that is a normal production color. With a few changes, you can easily double the price of the guitar. I have had a few custom orders done over the years by dealing with a large volume dealer, but my changes were not far out. An ebony neck may be out of the quiestion unless you meant an ebony fret board and that shouldn't be a problem. Your specs seem pretty good. Contact a Gibson Custom Shop dealer and have them request a quote.


Good times at that les paul forum, huh? [lol]



Thank's for that. Now I have somekind of Idea on how to get things started.[thumbup]

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The only thing though is you haven't told us what you want in a guitar. It sounds like you have a great idea with p-90's instead of humbuckers.


For you, it is a dream that may or may not happen. For us, it is like a dream that is only part told.

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The only thing though is you haven't told us what you want in a guitar. It sounds like you have a great idea with p-90's instead of humbuckers.


For you, it is a dream that may or may not happen. For us, it is like a dream that is only part told.



I'm very sorry about that. I like the ES-339 size. But the pup's aren't blending with my voice. I love the sound of my Zephyr Blues Deluxe, It has 3 P90's and it works well with my voice. The new ES-339 has a real sweet harmonic sound that I think would be killer with the P-90's. I was thinking about the 330-L but they talk about feed back and that is something that I don't want to have to deal with. I like the flood guitars with the flowing blue and green. But I have always loved the color in the Graphite being blended in a light oil. I was hopeing for a Graphite color with the Flood guitars color styling. The last thing is the hard ware. I love the gold hardware and P-90' on the Zephyr. Also the plug has to be conceted on the side not the front of the guitar. Thats about it. :unsure:

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I think you have two of the best ideas there. The P-90 thing in the 339 might be the BEST guitar to put a P-90 in. They sound great in the solid Mahogany specials and Juniors, but those guitars can lack in color and harmonics acoustically. The full hollows have lots of color acoustically but the P-90 can sound a little bright and harsh in those. Getting the best of both in a guitar sounds like P-90 bliss.


I have to admit, I kinda like the flood thing and the looks, but I am not so keen on the actual colors-too bright I think. I don't know this "Graphite" color you are referring to, but I think the swirly flood thing or the thing they do with the Firebird X would be much better with colors that were nicer colors to start with.

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Like I said this morning I was going back to Kalamazoo. Well this is the responce I just received from them at Heritage Guitars.



Hi Steven;


Thanks for your sincere interest in our hand crafted Heritage Guitars. We

really appreciate the Heritage guys and the fine guitars they make for us.

These fine guitars are "still" made one by one in very small numbers, in the

Historic Parsons Street Shop in old Kalamazoo, most with important upgrades

we thoughtfully select. These are truly tomorrow's collectible "Vintage"



Heritage will indeed make you such a guitar, based on their Prospect model.


This beautiful custom Heritage has a current "list" price of $3825, and our

best discounted credit card or PayPal price is $2485. We extend an

additional discount for a "cash" purchase, (Cash = Bank Check, Money Order,

personal check w/ clearance time, or funds wired from your bank to ours).

The cash price is $2375. We simply require a minimum of 1/3 deposit and the

balance is due when the guitar's completed. I will estimate build time at

12-16 weeks approximately.




. Heritage Hardshell case (a $200 value)

. REAL Nitrocellulose lacquer finish

. Hang tag and warranty certificate

. Truss rod adjustment wrench, bridge tools (TonePro equipped model)

. Our Luthier's detailed inspection, setup tweaks & adjustments as

required and delivery detail & prep

. Expert, SAFE, packaging for good condition arrival

. Special features & options. Our Heritages are "not" ordinary

Heritages, and Heritage Instruments from Wolfe Guitars are considered the

best of the best.



NOTE: Our Luthier inspects each guitar upon arrival. We "reject" & return

those that do not meet our standards. We often see these rejects offered for

sale at other dealers. Be assured that a Heritage from Wolfe Guitars is the

best of the best.





Jay Wolfe,






Jupiter, Florida, Brentwood, Tennessee...and "The World!"

Wolfe Guitars is proudly Heritage's Largest Volume Dealer for 22 years.


AND.....we're pleased to announce our newest Wolfe Guitars location in

Brentwood-Cool Springs/ Nashville, Tennessee. Open now at 615-730-7532



Not a bad price at all for a guitar. Of corse It's going to be cash. If I chose this one. [biggrin]




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It was made clear in your first thread that indeed ordering a custom Gibson CAN be done, and that Gibson is HAPPY and WILLING to do that for ANYONE.....


I don't see how more clear that could have been made....Alternatives were also suggested.....Maybe I missed something but, STEVE didn't post in your


previous thread reminding you that since Gary Moore didn't play a 339 that you were wasting your time.......


Anyhow.......If all you need is P-90s and the jack in a different location, heck, get a stock 339 and have a qualified luthier mod the guitar.....Simple, fast, affordable....

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At the tender young age of 39 I've learned Not to look back with longing. Hind sight may be 20/20, but it's also a whole lot Rosier. I honestly don't miss the "I spent more than you" snobbery that was prevalent in the early days of the lounge, but I do miss a few old posters.

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