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Do you keep fit?


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j-dub gives new meaning to; " There's an ab for that. "................[scared] :unsure: [crying] :blink: .....


Just went on my first jog in a long time, inspired by this thread and by my recent smoking cessation. It was not a pleasant sight, nor an easy task, nor an ultimately successful endeavor. There I was, having jogged less than a block, and I was already huffing and panting and my legs were already in pain. I managed to jog a little bit further (maybe the same length as the first part,) and then slowed down to a fast walk, and then to a normal walk. I tried jogging intermittently from there, but my legs were hurting so much by that point that it was even hard to walk. I promised myself I would stay out for a half hour, and...ultimately I was out there for about fifteen minutes, huffing, panting, coughing, moving much more slowly than I intended to, and very, very disappointed in myself.




This sh*t is really hard! I guess I've got to keep pounding away at it, though, or I'll never see results. Here's hoping I can lose 60 lbs by next year. That's about as much as the doctor said I had to lose last time he saw me...and...I don't think I've lost any of it, although I have cut sugary drinks completely out of my diet. Unfortunately, those have been replaced probably twofold by alcoholic drinks, which can be just as, if not more, fattening! I may have to cut back on the booze in order to lose weight! [crying] I'm also going to have to watch my caloric intake more closely, and to keep moving! I can do this, though. I KNOW I can.




"Do or do not. There is no try."

-Master Yoda

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Well XDemon......Quitting IS the start.......I smoke......The body starts repairing within hours.....I had a wife with lung cancer, not a fun thing at all......


You're young as well.........good job.........I'm hoping to quit sometime........Ya know, tabacco used to be air cured until the recent past; now it's


fast dried by natural gas heaters..It's my understanding that this has raised the carcinegens by a huge amount....Smoking does kill, I've watched it happen...

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I live in a major city and take public transit a lot so I walk about three miles a day. Outside of that I haven't been working out. Have a set of free weights so there really is no excuse. I have stayed thin all these years. A good diet and mental illness will do that to you.

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this should kill this thread [flapper]






Two things


1. NSFW! You need to warn us.


2. You look like a gay porn star. With the facial hair and tat all you need is a vest and its LEATHER DADDY TIME. Or at least with the tat you'd be a heavy top.

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Two things


1. NSFW! You need to warn us.


2. You look like a gay porn star. With the facial hair and tat all you need is a vest and its LEATHER DADDY TIME. Or at least with the tat you'd be a heavy top.


Quoted. For. Truth.


And if you were at work, that picture popped up and someone walked by, I imagine you would have splaining to do!

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I feel sorry for the inker.


don't sweat it, she didn't mind.


J-dub, you have inspired me.


I'm gonna start working out again!


like the nike commercial used to say, just do it [thumbup]



Never really been motivated to work out. I know I should as I could use some weight loss (maybe 10-15lb.) but my metabolism is so fast that I've never really seen a need to work out. Plus I'm the most anti-physical activity type person you could possibly meet. Can't stand sweating. If I'm doing something that causes me to start sweating I stop what ever that activity is immediately. Unless It's playing guitar, then I'm sort of ok with that. I really just hate moving and spend most of my time at home sitting in a desk chair at my computer.


i guess fast metabolism means healthy, too bad skinny guys have cardiac problems almost as much as fatties.

the more you sweat in the gym, the less you bleed in battle.


Just went on my first jog in a long time, inspired by this thread and by my recent smoking cessation. It was not a pleasant sight, nor an easy task, nor an ultimately successful endeavor. There I was, having jogged less than a block, and I was already huffing and panting and my legs were already in pain. I managed to jog a little bit further (maybe the same length as the first part,) and then slowed down to a fast walk, and then to a normal walk. I tried jogging intermittently from there, but my legs were hurting so much by that point that it was even hard to walk. I promised myself I would stay out for a half hour, and...ultimately I was out there for about fifteen minutes, huffing, panting, coughing, moving much more slowly than I intended to, and very, very disappointed in myself.




This sh*t is really hard! I guess I've got to keep pounding away at it, though, or I'll never see results. Here's hoping I can lose 60 lbs by next year. That's about as much as the doctor said I had to lose last time he saw me...and...I don't think I've lost any of it, although I have cut sugary drinks completely out of my diet. Unfortunately, those have been replaced probably twofold by alcoholic drinks, which can be just as, if not more, fattening! I may have to cut back on the booze in order to lose weight! [crying] I'm also going to have to watch my caloric intake more closely, and to keep moving! I can do this, though. I KNOW I can.




"Do or do not. There is no try."

-Master Yoda


that is how it all begins, pain, nausea, feeling weak. it becomes memory fast if you stay at it. first we walk, and you got the rest of your life to keep improving [thumbup]


Two things


1. NSFW! You need to warn us.


2. You look like a gay porn star. With the facial hair and tat all you need is a vest and its LEATHER DADDY TIME. Or at least with the tat you'd be a heavy top.


how old are you? a guy wearing no shirt, and this insightful tripe comes out of your hole like a tosser.

funny you should know what gay porno actors look like, thanks for making your preference for man love abundantly clear [laugh]

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Don't know about being fit but iv'e ran in a lot of marathons since 83' all over the world.

Best one ever was in New York in 2000' with my brother Steve :D/ we ran for a cancer charity we were both dressed as the Riddler we met some guys from the New York Yankee's on the way round and they wanted their picture taken with us [biggrin] .Being from Scotland we diden't know who they were. [blush]

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J-Dub, I think a lot of these guys are giving you crap because they're a bit jealous of your physique. And yeah, if you're not sweating you're not doing yourself any favors.


Also, Just out of curiosity, how much do you bench?


jealous is a beetch, men don't do it.

one of the best moto's i've heard in a while, i found the other day. its not the weight, its not the reps, its the fight. pretty dang spot on if you think about it.


i'm not a bencher, i wasn't genetically predisposed for that lift, i am 6'2" and stay around 210lbs for the most part, got them knuckle draggin blues, my arms are too long. when i worked up to it (many months) the best i ever got was 315lbs (3 plates a side baby) for two clean reps on the flat bench, felt it more in my joints than the muscle so i never continued with that program. wish i could bench 500lbs or more, but i know my limitations.

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Like to stay fit myself.


My other hobbies include guitar hero and guns.


Also, please take down that clip of that poor chap with the ankle sprain. Its making my stomach churn.


you post a pic like that and ask me to remove a good old fashioned leg kick?! um, hell no [laugh]


but i'll help take your mind off of seeing it [biggrin]


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