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Andy R

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I know I have been groaning on here about coming home for the last few months. I was really groaning about having to turn around and fly to Japan.


Today before I left I was asked to meet with the the Head of Information Technologies for Japan. When I walked into the room ( which is the whole 10th floor) I was greeted by the clapping of the entire IT Department. I was thanked profusely for coming and helping them with a very important event. The person who was responsible for the event was literally crying and thanking me. I was provided small gifts of appreciation not only for myself but also for my Girlfriend Liz who has been patiently waiting for me to come home.


I was tired and home sick and it couldn't have been the worst time to ask me to come to Tokyo but I had made them a promise that I would always do anything in my power to help ensure that they are successful. I have never felt so appreciated and such genuine gratitude ever.


In the end... I'm tired, currently stuck in an airport, am starting to stink and am still looking at about 20 hours of travel.... but that show of appreciation and gratitude made it all worth while....


Appreciation is an awesome gift. Remember that and give some away today. It's cheap and goes a long way.








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That's great. I feel your vibe.


You are appreciated here too. I get the idea you are just one of those guys that cares about others and doing the right thing, and doing something about it. That's how you are on here.


Thanks Stein much appreciated. msp_biggrin.gif

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Isn't that the truth - I was also in the IT world and spent years doing the 15 hour days and killing myself on large projects. When I was supposed to retire everything still wasn't finished and many of the departments hadn't taken complete ownership, and even though they had hired people to replace me my company still wasn't quite ready so I continued working for 4 months longer than I was supposed to until everyone was comfortable. I had already had a retirement party and everything, so on my last day I walked into our largest conference room supposedly just to say goodbye to a vendor that was on site doing some training and was amazed to see it was completely full of people wanting to thank me, even some of the elected officials had come and it was a great feeling I got several more plaques and other small gifts as well as some true and sincere thank-you's from people that I would not have thought would have ever said a word. Sometimes it's really not only the paycheck that matters.

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Isn't that the truth - I was also in the IT world and spent years doing the 15 hour days and killing myself on large projects. When I was supposed to retire everything still wasn't finished and many of the departments hadn't taken complete ownership, and even though they had hired people to replace me my company still wasn't quite ready so I continued working for 4 months longer than I was supposed to until everyone was comfortable. I had already had a retirement party and everything, so on my last day I walked into our largest conference room supposedly just to say goodbye to a vendor that was on site doing some training and was amazed to see it was completely full of people wanting to thank me, even some of the elected officials had come and it was a great feeling I got several more plaques and other small gifts as well as some true and sincere thank-you's from people that I would not have thought would have ever said a word. Sometimes it's really not only the paycheck that matters.


Retro - That is an awesome story. I agree paychecks are nice but appreciation is what gets you through 15-20 hr days being away from home for months and doing it all over again....




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Guest Farnsburger

Good to have you back, Andy!


Take a holiday....




There, did you enjoy it. Now finish the RR LP you were making!



Only joking fella!

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Congrats Andy! Nothing is better than when you are getting sick and tired of something, and you get welcomed completely unexpectedly. Don't wanna hijack, but I know what you mean.


I was putting in super long hours at the newspaper, writing articles that lost my interest and I was feeling in a rut. I wrote an article about Article 9 for sports for women's equality, and it was just a last minute article because someone else didn't turn in their article for deadline. I wrote this paper, stayed up all night writing it, getting quotes, doing research, last minute formatting of the paper, everything. So I'm all pissed off, walking down the hallway when a girl came up to me and gave me a hug, with tears in her eyes, and told me how her parents finally started to go to her basketball games because before that, they wouldn't. Because of my article, it got her parents to show their support. I cried when she said that, and it has seriously changed my life.


Nothing is better and no amount of pay can equal that feeling

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Lotza management studies have shown in a number of ways that it's the work itself and relationships on the job that are the major reward factor whether you're shoeing horses or setting up major IT changes in a big corporation.


The biggest dissatisfier has been shown to be a feeling that one is little respected and just a replaceable cog in a machine. Again, that's whether it's a burger cook in a fast food joint or a chief of a corporate department.


Yah gotta have enough to live on within basic parameters but I'm convinced that most of us can hit the top of Maslow's pyramid if we want to be someone who appreciates others as well as wishes to be appreciated... and aren't blindsided by economic factors beyond control of individual or business group.



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