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Milk is disgusting, especially factory farm milk with all of the growth hormones, antibiotics, puss, and blood in it.


We really shouldn't be drinking it. I know we've been doing it for centuries, but times change.

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I prithee thee, if thy soul doth lacketh such valor as to speaketh fouleth of the Milk:


You can draweth a bold line to every bird that roams Creation. Milk in its glorious nature, is not so bold as pus-- 'Tis the spice of life, born from the breast of Woman- seeketh to bring riches to Youth. Albeit a calf-- however-- I doth declare: Nature, in its Glory hath spoken. Lowered, it hath, Milk from the Heavens- as Man's fountain of Strength-- no longer, hear yee, doth milk feed the spirit of that brazen Calf.


If one so bold doth stealeth Milk from Man's brave path, he will rot; starveth of Strength. 'Tis rumoured by many, there are such evils that roam Creation, they go by "calcium supplements." True, doth cure Man's hunger for Strength, but doth these orbs bring pleasure to the tongue of Man?

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Nope not since I was a kid really, every one in a while with chocolate cake or chocolate chip cookie's or when it's frozen into ice cream and dipped in chocolate like a DQ Dilly Bar. Also sometimes in coffee if they burned it or the coffee has been cooking for too long.


My wife for some reason still buys a quart of milk on a regular basis (in case the young niece is over) but at least 50% of the time the milk gets thrown away still sealed.

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Never really cared for plain old milk! I love Yogurt, and Ice Cream...probably too much! ;>)


But, even when I was a small child, and my Mom was worried, because I didn't like, hence wouldn't

drink milk, my Pediatrician told her, not to worry, that I didn't need milk. "Cow's milk, was

for Cows!" (Or, something to that effect) And yeah, most dairy products are "mucus" producing,

in humans. Especially, if you have a problem, that way, to begin with...like a "cold," or sinus

problems. At least, it does that, to me! So, I try to slack off the dairy, in those conditions. [unsure]


I'm sure Dr. Tman, can explain it, much better, than I... [biggrin]


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When it's been turned into cheese it becomes one of the Great Pleasures of life. I thank my lucky star we live in a country where we can get the finest cheeses known to Man.


In tea (except Earl Grey).


Occasionally on its own but it must be really cold. We are fortunate here in that we can get some really delicious organically produced milk for not much more money than the mass-produced watery, tasteless stuff.


I grew up at a time when all schoolchildren in the UK were given 1/3 pint of milk every day at school (long story). In winter that was fine but come summer the milk would have been left outside in the sun since it was delivered and would be warm (and really disgusting) by the time we were given it to drink. That put me off drinking milk for about 20 years...


Once, for a short break, I was staying on a dairy farm which was owned by the family of a mate. They tried to give me some milk which I declined. They chided me and said I'd never tried 'real' milk before. They were absolutely right. The stuff they drank bore little resemblance to what we got from the shops in those days. It was more dangerous, for one thing, as it was unpasturised but the taste was extraordinarily good!



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