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LOL! I'm good bud!! Thanks for askin!!


Well I Crashed A Cadillac Through The Gates Of Hell

And Returned With A Fist Full Of Dollars

And Evel Knievel, Like Virgil

Was A Gentleman As Well As A Scholar


You may need to re-think your use of caps. Catchy lyrics, though. You doin a Clutch gig?

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Its ok man...it'll come when it comes.


We've both got tested and everything is fine...the Doc says sometimes it just takes a while...


Yeppers, it took us exactly two years. Just keep on keepin' on.


Right now she's 7 weeks old.

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Lot of advice bro, but you know that you need to do what is best for you, and that makes this thread moot. Unfortunately, enough people will nag at Mrs. Thundergod about reproduction to put the bug in her ear long before they get to you. I will tell you this,

If you do bring a child into this world, you will need one of these:


Trust me, out of all the stupid baby crap I have spent $1000s of bucks on, this is our most valuable acquisition. Even if your wife does not nurse, this is an essential for both mom and dad.

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I just wanna be that fun uncle. not the creepy uncle, but the fun one. where i give your kids like two gallons of ice cream, mountain dew and pixie sticks then drop em off at your house for you to deal with

When you get uncle age, I picture you more like Uncle Buck.

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Well my wife and I had one discussion about kids before we got married and we both agreed we didn't want to be in our 50s with young kids. So 6 months in she was pregnant and the honeymoon was over. LOL!


It wasn't till after the 3rd little darling that I realized it wasn't kids my wife wanted so much but BABIES. Beautiful little angels to care for and once they became more independent, well she wanted to have another.


Once I figured this out I bought her a puppy.msp_lol.gif


Anyway for us the decision to have children right away was in the end ours alone and took a lot of hard work and sacrifice. While many of our close couple friends took great vacations, bought beautiful homes and drove nice cars, we went to a hotel for an anniversary weekend getaway, lived in a 3 bedroom apt. and drove a beat up 69 impala.


But I wouldn't change a thing. My wife and I are both 51 now (I look it, she does not). Our kids grew up in a close nit family that laughed a lot, loved each other and appreciated what they had. I taught my daughter to play guitar and my youngest son guitar and drums.


Now that all of them are out on their own my wife and I take expensive vacations, drive nice cars and spoil our grandkids as much as their possible.


My only advice is this O.

Raising your children is the greatest responsibility you'll ever have and the greatest love you'll ever experience. Savor every moment.

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So... those of you who have kids and those who don't, did you make the decision or did you just let it happen? And, do you plan on teaching them to play guitar? I hope mine will want to learn to play, if they don't I won't force them into learning something they don't want.




I don't have kids, but I think it's important to WANT to start a family first...

I'll definitely sign up my (future!) kids to music school... I'd like to give them the chance to learn how to play any instrument they want. Of course if they're not into it, I won't pressure them. But I believe that music education is a great thing and helps kids in so many ways!

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Kids are like elephants: Fun to watch, but nothing I'd care to have to feed and clean up after.


OTOH, I think whether one has children or not, one always-always has a responsibility to younger generations to provide knowledge. That which we have, we should be willing to share. Not "things" so much because those come and go, but knowledge and expanded perspective.


That was true of neolithic societies such as our Amerinds and it should be true for us today regardless that we have more "stuff."


Yet sometimes that makes a positive impression and perhaps sometimes not. It changes nothing that such is a societal responsibility.



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I got married 18 months ago, and so far it's been great, one thing everyone asks us is "when are you going to have kids?" and most of the time we reply "not yet" but some people just won't take that for an answer... they demand us to have kids now or at least lie to them and say "tomorrow we'll have 5 of them" [biggrin]:rolleyes:


Anyway, I have this guitar that was my first guitar, I don't use it anymore and I always say "that's the guitar my kids will learn to play on" but the wife and I don't really think much about kids, we don't talk about it and don't really plan on having kids soon (at least in 3 years).


So... those of you who have kids and those who don't, did you make the decision or did you just let it happen? And, do you plan on teaching them to play guitar? I hope mine will want to learn to play, if they don't I won't force them into learning something they don't want.





Hi Otton


I have exactly the same - as I am in 36 with no kids - this along with ... 'don't you drive?' (no I get cabs and trains LOL) - 'what... you don't drink tea or coffee? and "what!!!! - no kids in your 30's?' and quite a few other things are asked regularly LOL




In regards to fatherly instincts,nurturing etc, I do enjoy being an uncle figure to my best mates daughters and making them laugh and stuff - but if I am honest, over long durations I find kids very, very annoying! My wife and I just don't have the desire to make another one of us.


We do though one day (as we both have empathy towards damaged children) want to either mentor/adopt/ foster a child that has had a horrible start in life - financially this wont be until another five years or so. but we would love to help someone whose life has proved nothing but **** or someone who has special needs or both!



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... My wife and I just don't have the desire to make another one of us. ...



Oh great, another brilliant and talented couple who do not want to have children. [thumbup]

Meanwhile the riff raff is reproducing like crazy! The Idiocracy approaches. We are

doomed. Start making babies, Limey. We need more people like you and yours. [biggrin]

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Oh great, another brilliant and talented couple who do not want to have children. [thumbup]

Meanwhile the riff raff is reproducing like crazy! The Idiocracy approaches. We are

doomed. Start making babies, Limey. We need more people like you and yours. [biggrin]

I fully support this sentiment... [flapper]

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Oh great, another brilliant and talented couple who do not want to have children. [thumbup]

Meanwhile the riff raff is reproducing like crazy! The Idiocracy approaches. We are

doomed. Start making babies, Limey. We need more people like you and yours. [biggrin]



Although a bit tongue in cheek your point relates to this one of mine: When you're long gone your only legacy is your children (unless you get in to the history books.) So my advice is to pass down those genes or they'll be lost forever.


The pleasure in having kids for me is that you get to re-live your own childhood again (only with better gadgets [biggrin] .) I love getting involved in all the sports and hobbies, and passing on my own experiences and knowledge.

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Thundergod my Daughter will be 27 this week only had one and she was enough. The problems my wife had with child birth, I almost lost her when my daughter was born. My daughter didn't have much outside family because I didn't get along with her family and so they blew her off after we were married mine wasn't much better. My girl was spoiled by my wife and myself. But when she hit 13 her mind was her own and things went down hill after that. At my age I have a lot of friends getting devoriced because there kids are grown and the parents think it's time to start over with new lives because their kids destroyed the one they were married into. Me in this new way people think, I think I would have left kids out of the scene. We were working on careers And we had to think about all the other stuff taking care of the kid instead of ourselves. Sounds a little selfish but do you want to spend your life with your wife. Or someone that others want you to have because they made the mistake and want to see you suffer to. It's Y'alls decision Don't let other's make it for you. Because their never there when It's time. Just Saying. [confused]dry.gif[crying][scared][cursing][sneaky][blush]eusa_pray.gif[wub]](*,)[-X , And these Icons are just the first year of life with a child. LATER

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Although a bit tongue in cheek your point relates to this one of mine: When you're long gone your only legacy is your children (unless you get in to the history books.) So my advice is to pass down those genes or they'll be lost forever.


They wont be lost, they will always be there, as long as people roam the planet [thumbup]


I thought about this a lot many years ago (when I thought first about adopting a problem child) and came to this way of thinking - not in a hippie way, but a purely scientific one, we are all 'in each other' (generically speaking) - in that our DNA is scatttered around in all of us.


Children that don't look or resemble their parents spring up all the time - and it has been known that a white couple, can have a black baby, as the genetic 'ingredients' were just being carried for generations and decided to literally 'come to life'. The components that make me and you; are in people all around the world and someone resembling us will one day be alive again and they could live on the opposite side of the planet with completely different families (Me venturing into hippedom), but we really are all essentially brothers and sisters!


Philosophically I don't believe in 'I' very strongly and one of the best Buddhist like sayings about this comes from none other than Albert Einstein!!!! Who would think that (I was surprised)


"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'universe', a part limited in time and space.

He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest

- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affectation for a few people near us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion

to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."



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Having a child is a personal choice for you and your wife no one else. My wife and my own mother started on us with that question about 5 minutes after we said I do. I finally told them both that the average cost of raising a child until the age of 18 in the world was 360k ( at that time now it's approximately 530k) i finally showed them that and said that when either of them wrote a check for that full amount and they offered that one or the other would be able to babysit every Saturday for the next 18 years I'd go home and we'd get started trying to concieve that day, but until then it wasn't there choice. That stopped them for almost a year then it just got worse and worse.


Having a child is amazing but it changes everything for both good and bad. Be ready and it's wonderful if your not ready or still working on being a couple it's a huge pressure.


As for the music part - yep my girl plays guitar and fronts a pretty popular bar band. There playing bigger venues all the time and hopefully the'll make something big of it. she has one more year to work that and if it doesn't happens she's going back to finish school at college so will see. She was talented and wanted to give it a shot so I backed her for a two year trial shot is they make it fantastic if not finish college and take another shot after college. She will probably not get all my guitars and music gear when I die though! it's not that I don't love her it's just at the rate she's stealing them now they will mostly be gone well before I die.




Oh the dollar figures above are not to be trusted - while they are supposedly based on national average they don't take two very important things in account Kids are different my girl could spend that 21.6k per year average on shoes. They also missed a big point with kids in todays world. The kids don't leave after high school anymore they stay and live with you until there in their mid 20's at least and they always need money for something.

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Having a child is a personal choice for you and your wife no one else. My wife and my own mother started on us with that question about 5 minutes after we said I do. I finally told them both that the average cost of raising a child until the age of 18 in the world was 360k ( at that time now it's approximately 530k) i finally showed them that and said that when either of them wrote a check for that full amount and they offered that one or the other would be able to babysit every Saturday for the next 18 years I'd go home and we'd get started trying to concieve that day, but until then it wasn't there choice. That stopped them for almost a year then it just got worse and worse.


Having a child is amazing but it changes everything for both good and bad. Be ready and it's wonderful if your not ready or still working on being a couple it's a huge pressure.


As for the music part - yep my girl plays guitar and fronts a pretty popular bar band. There playing bigger venues all the time and hopefully the'll make something big of it. she has one more year to work that and if it doesn't happens she's going back to finish school at college so will see. She was talented and wanted to give it a shot so I backed her for a two year trial shot is they make it fantastic if not finish college and take another shot after college. She will probably not get all my guitars and music gear when I die though! it's not that I don't love her it's just at the rate she's stealing them now they will mostly be gone well before I die.




Oh the dollar figures above are not to be trusted - while they are supposedly based on national average they don't take two very important things in account Kids are different my girl could spend that 21.6k per year average on shoes. They also missed a big point with kids in todays world. The kids don't leave after high school anymore they stay and live with you until there in their mid 20's at least and they always need money for something.



Luckyman, haveing that kind of relationship. Mine quit school 3 months before graduation. She ended getting a GED the next year because she found out, Me and her mother wasn't lieing to her. Don't graduate you won't find a job. Even the military won't take them if they don't have a deplomia.

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O, It changes everything because it's supposed to. If as a couple you and your wife's life together is so full that child just wouldn't fit it at the moment then chances are pretty good it wouldn't. Know that that's ok. Every couple has their own timetable.


My youngest brother and his wife just had their first and he's 41. Now he never wanted to bring a child into this world with all its wrongs (ignoring all its rights for some reason) but hitting the big 40 made him start to think differently. His whole life was about him. His career and his music were all consuming but slowly becoming a parent seemed right to them.


Last January they made me an uncle for the umpteenth time with one beautiful little boy.


I got a feeling you'll be a wonderful father.msp_thumbup.gif

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