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Auto tune for guitar


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For those of you who do production work you know what Antares Auto-Tune is. For those of you who don't it's a software based production tool in form of a plug-in that keeps singers in pitch. If used correctly you would never know it is being used, the singer just sounds great and in perfect pitch. On the other hand it can be over used and very obvious that it is present. Well Antares is coming out with a Auto-Tune for guitar that looks like it is quite revolutionary... Uses no motors or gears to tune the guitar... Check it out here

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Guest farnsbarns

Can't help but feel this is more of the instant gratification society is coming to expect from life. Will the next generation ever actually experience anything real I wonder.


I'm impressed by the technological achievements, and sometimes technology gives us a new artistic medium or method of deliverying/experiencing art but when the technology starts having creative input or, in the case if music, circumvents the requirement for skill and talent, I become very much turned off.


Just my take on it.

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Weird. The guitar remains physically out of tune, but electronically it sounds in tune. Better have headphones on or be playing a loud amp or you'll hear what you're really playing and gross yourself out. [biggrin]


The perfect intonation is cool since intonation on a guitar is always a compromise anyway. But I don't think I would want it "fixing" my bends.

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There are guitars out that do that now. You select a tuning (drop D or whatever) and the onboard electronics sets it electronically.


For example - the Line 6 Variax with onboard guitar models, alt tunings, and virtual capo for custom tunings - http://tylervariax.com/guitars.php


Available alt tunings -

Drop D: D A D G B E

1/2 Down: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb

Drop Db: Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb

1 Down: D G C F A D

Drop C: C G C F A D

m3 Down: Db Gb B E Ab Db

Drop B: B Gb B E Ab Db

M3 Down: C F Bb Eb G C

Drop Bb: Bb F Bb Eb G C

Baritone: B E A D F B

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Interesting. Seems they're taking the human effort out of everything. I've always thought sitting on stage tuning my guitar before the music starts while I shoot-the-bull with the audience was pretty cool. Kind of made the guys think "Wow! The folksinger talked to me," and made the ladies actually believe that I'm cool. Now, that last vestige of power is being tuned-out of my life. We've had sexual partners replaced by blow-up dolls. Cars replaced by beer cans with wheels. Next thing you know, they'll come-up with an automatic butt-wiper. I don't like change. [cursing]

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Guest farnsbarns

Interesting. Seems they're taking the human effort out of everything. I've always thought sitting on stage tuning my guitar before the music starts while I shoot-the-bull with the audience was pretty cool. Kind of made the guys think "Wow! The folksinger talked to me," and made the ladies actually believe that I'm cool. Now, that last vestige of power is being tuned-out of my life. We've had sexual partners replaced by blow-up dolls. Cars replaced by beer cans with wheels. Next thing you know, they'll come-up with an automatic butt-wiper. I don't like change. [cursing]


I think a closer analogy would be trousers that allow you to soil yourself, do nothing about it, and have the unpleasant consequences masked by a digital effect. :(

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We've had sexual partners replaced by blow-up dolls. Cars replaced by beer cans with wheels. Next thing you know, they'll come-up with an automatic butt-wiper. I don't like change. [cursing]

[confused] I could care less, but a friend of mine was wondering it you had any links to these things, because he would just like to... ummm. [blush] I dunno why he wants them!




[UberLuddite [thumbup] ]

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Yeah, except who needs singers? In Japan (already) they have "Virtual Idols!" Screaming (human)

children, teens, for a non-existent (except in holographic form) "idol singers/performers." Is that

good..."for the song?" Novel, maybe...but, how long before "novel" becomes commonplace, or even

"in place of," etc.?


I think "auto tune," is fine, when used with descretion! For instance,

if a singer, who can normally hit and maintain a note, is having bad day,

but they need to get the recording done, etc. But, for making folks

with little talent, sound great...no way, Jose'!


This ever present quest for "absolute perfection," is killing the "soul" of music...IMHO.

People start having unrealistic expectations, as well. You can already see that, in other

areas of our lives.



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Yeah, except who needs singers? In Japan (already) they have "Virtual Idols!" Screaming (human)

children, teens, for a non-existent (except in holographic form) "idol singers/performers." Is that

good..."for the song?" Novel, maybe...but, how long before "novel" becomes commonplace, or even

"in place of," etc.?




I don't know. Is the virtual idol putting out really good songs? If it is then who really cares how it was made? I'm sorry but a lot of this hhand wringing over the latest technology reminds me of a lot of my dad who believes that electric guitars are for people who can't really play.

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I don't know. Is the virtual idol putting out really good songs? If it is then who really cares how it was made? I'm sorry but a lot of this hhand wringing over the latest technology reminds me of a lot of my dad who believes that electric guitars are for people who can't really play.



Well, some complain (now) that most of the "idol" type songs (pop, etc.) that humans write, aren't all that great, either.

Sooner or later, there will be no need, for (human) musicians, or singers! Just computer programmers, until the computers

figure out, how to do that, as well. [tongue][biggrin]


Oh, and I'm not "hand wringing" at all. All this stuff will happen regardless of what I think/want, anyway. And, most likely, after

I'm dead and gone! So...???



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There is already no need for human musicians. I'm old enough to have been a bass player in the eighty's and I remember when bass players, guitar players and drummers were all nearly replaced with keyboards and sequencers broken up by the occasional sax solo. Eventually that fad died off and now there are probably more guitar players and bass players than ever before.


It all seems to work itself out just fine.

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Yeah, I'm not (really) worried about it. Just like to play "devil's advocate" now and then. [biggrin]

But, things are changing ("progressing?") so fast, these days, it's mind boggling!




I can't argue with that! I'm still trying to figure out how my phone works.

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Sometimes things like this worry me... I fear that, more and more as time goes by, talent isn't required for success. The advances in technology are phenomenal, but at what point do we lose the pleasure of the pursuit of perfection? When do we settle for mediocrity, because a machine can bestow perfection? I've heard an argument, jokingly told, but interesting... "If steroids are illegal for professional athletes, shouldn't autotune be illegal for professional musicians?".


I worry that once I'm out on my own, as I plan it, making a living off of music (wish me luck there eh?)... that a majority of the market, will be consumed by this sort of tech. It strikes me frighteningly, that for all the work I have and will put in, somebody who has less talent (not to say I am "talented" at all, but bear with me), and has put in less time may very well make a better living (and a healthy one at that) because of this sort of thing, while I work for the love of it. It's petty, I know... Sometimes I question how well I fit into this developing world. I cling to some values that some might call archaic, I'll admit it... But does this sort of technology really make the world a better place? Purely the ramblings and speculation of a young 'n who is a bit preoccupied with where everything is going.


Ignoring my musings, this is some really cool technology.

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Technology, and machines will take over, eventually. Maybe, sooner than we think? Just wait, until they figure out, they don't need us, anymore. "Resistance is futile!" [flapper]




CB, If you haven't read it yet, pick up a copy of Kurt Vonegut Jr's. "Player Piano". All about how computers take over society (the world) and how humans eventually

fight back to save the planet. Starts right in Ilium, NY. Of course this was a 60's early 70's book. But I think you'd enjoy it if you haven't read it already.

It was require reading for me in college for Western Civilization...Paul P.

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CB, If you haven't read it yet, pick up a copy of Kurt Vonegut Jr's. "Player Piano". All about how computers take over society (the world) and how humans eventually

fight back to save the planet. Starts right in Ilium, NY. Of course this was a 60's early 70's book. But I think you'd enjoy it if you haven't read it already.

It was require reading for me in college for Western Civilization...Paul P.


Thanks, Paul. I've read it, and most of Kurt's other works....in HS & College.

Might be fun, though, to re-read them. I'm sure, with my aging and CRS, it might

be like discovering it/them, all over again? LOL [biggrin]



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Why don't they just make something to play for us?


I honestly hate most technology. Computers are good to an extent, this just makes them terrible. Eventually, the human race will be satisfied with being less than average, great thinkers will cease to exist, and nobody will know how to manage this technology that is killing human ingenuity. They better build a damn time machine and send me and my lady to the 70s.

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