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What I wouldn't give for a time machine!


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I think I would look up a young Johnny Lennon, make friends with a kid named Gates and another guy named Jobs, maybe buy as much IBM stock as I could...but I haven't worked out all the details,with my luck I'd end up parking my time machine in jail with a guy named Manson....dry.gif

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I'd have to go back and make 2 stops-one on the evening and night of Sept 17 and 18th 1970 in London and the other on the night of Dec 7,1981 outside the Dakota across from Central Park,NYC-I would have gladly taken the bullets instead.

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Having heard how ridiculously cheap LP's were back in the height of the glam metal period, I wish I could go back to that time and pick up a few keepers.


[thumbup] This I can actually remember. LPs were a bargain pre-Slash. I also remember "big headed" Strats being worth only a couple hundred bucks. Look at the prices now!

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I'd have to go back and make 2 stops-one on the evening and night of Sept 17 and 18th 1970 in London and the other on the night of Dec 7,1981 outside the Dakota across from Central Park,NYC-I would have gladly taken the bullets instead.

Or you could just shove Yoko in the way.

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I think I would look up a young Johnny Lennon, make friends with a kid named Gates and another guy named Jobs, maybe buy as much IBM stock as I could...but I haven't worked out all the details,with my luck I'd end up parking my time machine in jail with a guy named Manson....dry.gif

Or..how about show up for the BLUESBREAKERS gig 5 min before Clapton?

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I think, if we look at the 'golden age' of guitars, what was, and what we have now, we are living in the BEST time.


I thing the late 50's and 60's guitars were clearly good, and the guitars from the 70's and 80's sucked. But today, I think if we look at it objectively, They are as good as they have ever been.


And at the same time, they are relatively less money than they were.


Chances are, that in the future, we will want to go back to now.

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[thumbup] This I can actually remember. LPs were a bargain pre-Slash. I also remember "big headed" Strats being worth only a couple hundred bucks. Look at the prices now!


Wish I was around back then to take advantage. I was born a few months before Appetite for destruction released.

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It would be fun to do something like that but you really shouldn't change the past as you cause a paradox. That would be bad! Good thing is, you have to have time travel first and that's really hard to do with our currant tech levels and it's all in theory as well so it may not even be possible.

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I would like to say a few words in defence of Yoko Ono-Lennon after the comment someone made about shoving her in the path of the bullet.Yoko has been getting a bad rap eever since John died,first people blame her for the demise and breakup of the Beatles,nothing could be futher from the truth.John would have left the Beatles many months sooner as he was getting depressed and disillusioned about the whole thing and just wanted out to do his own thing.Yoko stuck by his side and convinced him to stay at it and her whole presence in the studio was to give John her full support in what was becoming a heartbreaking prospect for John,without her presence there John would have been out through the door for good probably right after Sgt. Pepper or the White album.

A lot of people get their knickers in a knot over John's will and her refusal to give Julian more money than the will stipulated.She struggled with this and it was difficult for her but that was what John had written in the will and for her to go against it was to dishonor John and his wishes even though deep down she may have thought it wasn't right for John to do that.


Three years ago I bought one of the first 50 '65 John Lennon Casinos,a John Lennon EJ-160-E and a natural Casno(to at least to get some semblance of the Revolution look)all on the same day.One day shortly after I was home alone playing all of John's Beatle songs and when I was playing "I'll Be Back" I had a strange feeling come over me,almost like a religious epiphany and I just got overcome with emotion and suddenly felt compelled to write Yoko and thank her for permitting Epiphone build guitars in the image of the ones that my greatest hero,mentor and life role model played.

I wrote her the thankyou and went into how much John and his music meant to me and how I felt about him.I mailed the letter just hoping that by some slim chance she'd get it and know that there were still people who love John.Several weeks later I got an envelope from Studio One in NYC and thought that it may be from some music business or musicians organization I had emailed. Anyway it turned out to be a letter from Yoko thanking me for writing and how my words touched her deeply.Along with that was a note from her PA apologizing for the length of time it took for the response.She told me that it was because Yoko insisted on personally writing John's fans.Also enclosed with the letter was a picture of John and Yoko at the Montreal Bed In For Peace and written on it were the words To Derek-Love Yoko.

For this very busy lady-who rubs shoulders with the world's most influential people daily-to take the time out of one of her hectic days to sit and correspond with just another one of John's millions of fans shows that she has a huge heart.She could have just thrown my letter in the garbage without even opening it but she took the time to read it and even respond to it.This letter,picture and my "John" guitars are my prized and most cherished possesions and I'll never forget the kind and selfless gesture that Yoko took to brighten the life of one of her husband's biggest fans.

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