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Banner Gibson CD Project


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How do you have time for everything? I barely have time in my day to work, play guitar, nap, play guitar, nap, and go to bed.


John doesn't really want the secret to get out too far, but it turns out he has not only a DeLorean sportscar, but ALSO a flux capacitor.


That, of course, explains how he scored that banner SJ of his.... [biggrin]



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Done. How do you have time for everything? I barely have time in my day to work, play guitar, nap, play guitar, nap, and go to bed. Best of luck with this project !


Thanks, Duluth Dan! I'm gonna sleep in my next life.

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JT......great post. I knpw you know these guitars from front to back, and I have very limited knowledge of the Banner Gibsons, but I have this question, since most (or all) of these guitars were made during the war time, and most materials going to the armed forces and government first, did these guitars suffer from inferior construction materials because of war-time shortages. I thought I remember some folks saying that some guitars have three piece tops, no truss rods, etc from this time. If we are looking for guitars from this era, what do we need to look out for, or be careful for during our inspections? Thanks, JT.

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JT......great post. I knpw you know these guitars from front to back, and I have very limited knowledge of the Banner Gibsons, but I have this question, since most (or all) of these guitars were made during the war time, and most materials going to the armed forces and government first, did these guitars suffer from inferior construction materials because of war-time shortages. I thought I remember some folks saying that some guitars have three piece tops, no truss rods, etc from this time. If we are looking for guitars from this era, what do we need to look out for, or be careful for during our inspections? Thanks, JT.



I suspect there is more than just a little bit of that in the upcoming book.


Speaking of the book and CD project, I would suggest that folks here click on the "Kickstarter campaign" link used as a caption to JT's "sunflower" banner photo in this thread. It gives you the opportunity to help make sure the banner CD happens, as well as pre-ordering an autographed copy of the book.

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JT......great post. I knpw you know these guitars from front to back, and I have very limited knowledge of the Banner Gibsons, but I have this question, since most (or all) of these guitars were made during the war time, and most materials going to the armed forces and government first, did these guitars suffer from inferior construction materials because of war-time shortages. I thought I remember some folks saying that some guitars have three piece tops, no truss rods, etc from this time. If we are looking for guitars from this era, what do we need to look out for, or be careful for during our inspections? Thanks, JT.


Hmm. I could write a book on this topic.


Yep, wartime legal restrictions and shortages resulted in 4 piece tops and the lack of metal truss rods. Gibson substituted maple rods while Martin used ebony. But, no, the wartime guitars are not inferior. Indeed, I published 2 articles in the Journal of the American Society of Radiologic Technology in which I used x-ray technology to demonstrate that wartime Gibsons are more refined than guitars produced before or after the war.


Note the 2 SJs (one mahogany and onr rosewood) in the pic. Neither has a metal truss rod. They may be the 2 finest guitars that I've ever played.


For more info, you're gonna have to buy the book! :)

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I suspect there is more than just a little bit of that in the upcoming book.


Speaking of the book and CD project, I would suggest that folks here click on the "Kickstarter campaign" link used as a caption to JT's "sunflower" banner photo in this thread. It gives you the opportunity to help make sure the banner CD happens, as well as pre-ordering an autographed copy of the book.


Thanks for the plug, Nick!

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Hey, I gotta new friend for life.


HA! . . Nice sales pitch JT! . . B)



At $1,947 . . . only $553 to go.






Yeah, he got me too, BK. I'm also his friend for life. Be careful what you ask for, JT! [biggrin]

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Yeah, he got me too, BK. I'm also his friend for life. Be careful what you ask for, JT! [biggrin]


Actually this friendship thing goes both directions. Maybe you two should have been more careful!!


Thanks so much, gents.

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Count me in, JT!



Sounds great.




(When does it come out and when do we have to order?)






Blues king,


Well, order now if you want to help me put together a Tone Poems type of packaging, Just go to the Kickstarer link and pull out the credit card. Book and CD will be ready after summer.



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jt, have you found any/many of these guitars to be duds?


The only duds I've encountered have been those with new bridge plates the size of Rhode Island or those with loose braces.


I can say that I'm not a big fan of the rare J45s and LG-2s with backs and sides of laminated maple. But, I'm in the minority on this. And, one of my favorite players in the world, Russ Barenberg, gets wonderful tone from his maple J-45.


By Saturday, I'll have every known Banner variant in my home. This is gonna be fun and I'm really looking forward to the recording sessions.

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Blues king,


Well, order now if you want to help me put together a Tone Poems type of packaging, Just go to the Kickstarer link and pull out the credit card. Book and CD will be ready after summer.




Done, JT!


(In 'her with the money's name).



EVERYBODY KICK IN EVEN IF THE MINIMUM! (IF JT doesn't make the target we will do our dough probably!



JUST KIDDING, JT> Good Luck again.




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Done, JT!


(In 'her with the money's name).



EVERYBODY KICK IN EVEN IF THE MINIMUM! (IF JT doesn't make the target we will do our dough probably!



JUST KIDDING, JT> Good Luck again.





Thanks so much, blues king! The Kickstarter is looking good. I'm hoping to cover a significant chunk of the production costs and the cost of shipping in and out all of these guitars.

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The project is really coming together! We'll have nearly every variant of a banner Gibson, with the exception of an LG-3. The list:



2 mahogany/spruce LG-2s, one from early in the war and another from later in the War

2 maple/spruce LG2s

2 mahogany/spruce j-45s, one from early in the war and another from later in the War

Maple/spruce J-45

Rosewood/spruce SJ

2 mahogany/spruce SJs, one from early in the war and another from later in the War



I spent last evening with the engineer who will be doing the sessions. He's also a great guitar player and has a lot Engineering experience, having engineered solo guitar records, jazz records, and a number of film soundtracks (including just having done the Looper"]Looper soundtrack). He's really excited about recording these guitars and I actually sent one of my Banners home with him last nights so that he can live with one of the guitars for a few days.


Lauren Sheehan and I are still working up the list of songs. We're picking songs with which the women working at Gibson would have been familiar and which serve to showcase the guitars.


Lauren is so perfect for this project. Here's a National Public Radio interview of her that addresses her recordings that have just been collected by the Library of Congress.

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