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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Interesting coloration on the fretboard - the lighter shading on the 6 frets above the sound hole. I assume it's rosewood? I've seen small streaks, not that light, before but nothing like this one.
  2. Re-read and contemplated For The Third Time - the first 3 mini-chapters of a yoga book for the mind. Apparently that voice in my head is the crazy one, not moi.
  3. Beautiful, Iconic.. perfect burst. And split parallelogram inlays! If you think it sounds good now - wait a year !! Congrats!
  4. I'll go first... not really knowledgeable regarding the cost or difficulty of bringing it back - but it looks fine to me for a 75 year old instrument made of wood and glue. Since you seem to have a handle on things like twisted necks and fret crowning - you probably already know this is 'valuable' . Whether to you, or to someone else. I think it was Will Rogers who told people to "Buy Land. They're not making it anymore." The majority of the wear is cosmetic. Some people prize vintage guitars that look like they've been well used. Like antiques - you are always warned not to strip and re-finish it. You state 'should I buy another one... don't know if you mean to replace it or instead of buying this one .... BUT - If this is yours - Congratulations! Oh, and WELCOME !
  5. Songs like this, imho, do come off better - more dramatically - when not sung. Too much melody (and rhyming and other poetic devices) even when in a minor key - distract from the somber subject. Great performance all round ! (4 stars - had to deduct one for not using a Gibby ! LOL)
  6. Sometimes 'sympathetic' vibrations are not on a loose part. As far as a 'rattle' ... I didn't hear it.
  7. Measure with a micrometer, mark with chalk and cut with an axe.
  8. I've never been troubled by it. Up until a month or so ago. I'm convinced it has to do with my pre-occupation with the myriad of political, social, medical, violent weather and moral issues that seem to have sprung up. Anxiety, fear, confusion - promoted by the media... I wonder if it affects me at 73, what is it doing to our grandchildren. Back in my salad days - I would occasionally have a bad night - always due to deadlines and problems at work. But none ever rose to the level of 'anxiety attacks'.
  9. In a shop full of acoustics ... too many guitars, not enough time ... I will ONLY pick up a guitar "based on its cool factor". Because I equate 'cool' with the name on the headstock - well known, respected brands. I don't pick them up "based on their feel" because I won't know that until AFTER I've already picked them up. Brands I'm familiar with have a higher probability of great sound and great feel. Can't believe I'm agreeing with RCT for the 2nd time in one year - but I don't know or care what the nut width is on my (3 not 12) guitars. Since you originally indicated you were interested in ordering a Custom Gibson Acoustic in the thread you posted on the acoustic sub-forum, the variation in nut width they might offer is going to translate to approximately Two Millimeters difference. Divide that between 6 strings, and ... well you get less variation then you would see or 'feel' between, say a Classical Nylon String guitar and a mandolin. Shape of the neck will have more of an impact: C cup or D cup ?
  10. Dotneck, did you ever get a response ?
  11. She sure is purdy. For her age !
  12. Threw up in my mouth a little - quick read of the post, I thought it said "I pickLed 5 lbs of figs" My orchids are finally waking up and starting to bloom. They must prefer the 'cooler' weather. I'm trying to keep my poinsettia from last Christmas in 100% dark at night so it blooms again. My best efforts so far are to get a faint pinkish blush in January. Then, only by keeping on the side of the house. Where the inevitable freeze kills them dead.
  13. My recollections re. The Infamous Bozeman Custom Shop - garnered mostly from old threads here: Originally, it was never a 'shop' as in a special little room where they kept the best wood and craftsmen - it was just a 'special order' function that went through the normal build process work stations. For example, the same guy did the burst, just used a different, custom 'touch' if called for. It became overshadowed and shut down because of the inefficiency of producing 'one offs'. The alternative was accepting 'Limited Edition' orders for 50 guitars from 5 Star Dealers who could spec out what they thought they could sell. Those would have the "Custom Shop" decal affixed behind the headstock at the neck. More recently - a couple of years ago, they announced they were back in the 'one off business' but you needed to put your order in through a 5 Star Dealer. With the Pandemic Shutdown - who knows what they're doing now? But, before putting in an order - I'd be 1000% certain I had locked down the specs of what I felt HAD to be on the custom build guitar: Nut width, scale, neck contour, bracing etc. to avoid surprises and disappointment.
  14. Agree. Hopefully the change in seasons will bring a change in what we've been experiencing for the past 6 months. Our dogs seem to like going out in the morning and finding it's 20 degrees cooler. Must have something to do with their fur coats.
  15. OK, You're rhetorical not old fashioned. Make up your mind!
  16. I wouldn't depend on it. Unless I were wearing Depends.
  17. Homeboy, the forum for complaints about used electric guitars is on the other internet. Nice First Post.
  18. DotNeck, any word yet from Gibson? How long have you waited ?
  19. Yesterday was a strange day. First I found a hatful of money. Then I was chased by an angry man with a guitar.
  20. Actually, I was referring to T-Man's episode with the wife who was 45 years younger than the husband - who instantly recognized a "Ross Clearance" sticker.
  21. Apparently she recognized it right off. Trophy Wife ?
  22. I'm sure it sounds as good as it looks. They are distinctive. NOTHING else sounds close. And nothing else sounds as good. CONGRATS ! Those tulip tuners, engraved torque cover and blonde face - Many feel the H'Bird is the most beautiful acoustic made. This one is even better !
  23. I have to confess, I only read half-way through the OP. I've felt most people, myself included, developed their appreciation (love if your lucky) for music in their 'formative years. You start out with basic simple nursery rhyme types. Then old, traditional ballads like 'You Are My Sunshine". But the epiphany occurs in your teens when you are exposed to 'popular music'. And whatever is current - molds your taste. Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Beatles, etc. I shudder to think there are millions of people who think Rap is music.
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