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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. At different points in the video, the wood looks different different depending on the light and angles. The closeup photo in the Original Post looks like mahogany, but clearly later in the video it is not. At 50 - 59 seconds in it almost looks like 'zebra wood" . I wonder is this is a pieced and patched together Frankenguitar? Maybe a real LPc neck but a Chibson body ? I've seen photos of Sapele that are similar.
  2. I'm sort of partial to ebony. Harder than rosewood, darker than maple. Had guitar lessons for a year, back in the 60s. Teacher was a pro - but never said anything about keeping fingernails short. Never really gave any 'tips'. Just dug into Mel Bay and never looked back. I never thought about it until many decades later, getting the frets polished - the 'luthier mentioned the divots on my LG1 where the cowboy chords hung out. Saw a sign hanging over the workbench of a luthier once - something like "For the love of ...... please wash your hands! Thank You, Your Fretboard. " Being (usually) unfinished wood, I hate the think of the stuff absorbed by my old guitar's fretboard. Probably a wooden petri dish.
  3. Whole Life you can get money back, Term Life is cheaper, but you can't. In neither case do you come out ahead unless you die before the actuaries predict for you. Well, YOU don't come out ahead EVER. Your beneficiaries may. Life insurance and Auto Insurance are in no way comparable to the Health Insurance Scam.
  4. Excellent extrapolations - Three baseball gloves, Three hockey goalie gloves, Three pairs of cowboy boots, Three secluded acres in the woods, Three medical opinions before surgery...
  5. Agree with you guys. I look at it like this - we have 3 dogs. One is a little mix we got from one of those "Rescue" organizations that set up in mall parking lots on weekends. The other two are German Shepherds. One is a 'rescue' we found online from a group that scours the state to save GSDs from bad situations, we got several months after our first GSD died . We've found we absolutely love the breed, after having had dozens of dogs over the past 50 years, and a half dozen different breeds. My point? We can go to a pet store or one of those parking lot rescue places or look at German Shepherd Rescue websites and see pics and descriptions of all the great dogs needing a home - but resist. Because we know we have all we need right now. And 'need' translates to 'want'. Now, while there are exceptions that prove the rule: Those crazy cat-hoarding ladies that have 100 cats in their house, I think there is no doubt in anyones mind here on how many guitars are just right of them - and how many would be too much. Since we can all only play one at a time, and only have 24 hours in a day, there must be an upper - end. The low end being 1. For me - it's 3 guitars. Just like 3 dogs. I'm guessing 3 vehicles would fit this Rule of Thumb: a sports car, a pickup and a sedan or SUV? 3 wrist watches: dress, casual. exercise. 3 beers. 3 Yard Decorations at Christmas. 3 ...?
  6. KidBlast, they work for themselves, not us. Became obvious when they supported the concept of health insurance being required by federal law. WhiteFang - use to be companies just wouldn’t have billboards or stores in markets they didn’t think they could sell enough in to make it worth their while. Today selling stuff with different terms based on zip codes is exploding: Bank of America offers much better terms for mortgage loans in certain zip codes, to promote Equity. Of course, those in the other zip codes pay more so BoA can still make the same level of profit. The 2 things to be sure of first is that the company will insure whatever providers (doctors & hospitals, etc) Medicare covers, and, that they will pay the balance of whatever Medicare does not. The catch, of course, is that Medicare doesn’t cover certain procedures, so will your Supplemental policy cover those. Usually Medicare covers only 80% of those they DO cover and your Supplemental plan SHOULD COVER the other 20%. But there are, I think around 10,000 different procedure, and trying to figure out which ones you Might need, to then find out if your supplemental plan covers it - is impossible. This is sort of the opposite of auto insurance: Universal Coverage came along because there were too many gray areas re. “Who caused the accident?”. Imagine if Your auto insurance company said they’d repair your fender but not paint it. Or only pay 80% for the fender because, while the other guy clearly caused the accident, the GPS chip in your car said you were going 40 in a 30. These Medicare Supplement companies have several different plans: bare bones to Full Coverage. But if you are “only in your 60s” and in great health, getting a full coverage plan might be a waste of $. But the multiple plans and their confusing coverages are meant to confuse us. If you buy too much or not enough - the insurance company wins and you lose. If you guess the right one - you do the best you can, but the insurance company still makes a profit, albeit less. Ad on tv right now: United Healthcare, which uses AARP as a front to sell insurance.
  7. Watched/listened to the whole "Gibsunday" video. Interesting the G-Bird comes in a G-Bag. I'm always torn between the 2 schools of thought : Those here who say 'you have to play it before you buy it' and those who form opinions based on their laptop speakers interpreting a guitar that is plugged in AND being recorded through a mike. A mike in front of just one of the sound holes! I guess the fact our ears are also different makes it tougher. RvrDxn - I assume you weren't referring to those two holes ?
  8. The words and the notes. Trying to transcribe the melody and write it down one inch at a time... But a great sense of accomplishment when you were done!
  9. Good point. Before the Internet - not only did kids stay out playing until the street lights came on, but when they grew up, if they really cared about something - they'd have a sit in in the Dean's Office knowing they could get arrested. Now - they threaten to expose the college's transgressions on the internet and the Dean caves the next day. And, back then - Election Day was actually a DAY, not a month. If you really cared about something - you woke up early to stand in line in the rain with a cold, so you could get to work on time. Or went out at lunch, or after work. Today, you get a ballot in the mail and an activist employed by some fringe group comes by to harvest it.
  10. A big N and a little o. So - maybe. Unless the bourbon bottle has two holes in it. I just looked at this websites pages for 'acoustic guitars'. Don't do it often, because I'm not in the market. But I was amazed at some of them. I guess I should not have clicked on 'Modern Collection" so I went to "New Arrivals". Now I'm going to have to go cleanse my pallet and cruise the Taylor site. - https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Acoustic-Guitar/ACCR2W682/Ebony - https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Acoustic-Guitar/ACC9WR562/Ebony
  11. Lifestyle. Sort of like buying Levi’s with a hole in them. I’ll pass.
  12. Not sure if this paste from Spotify will work. But if you like this genre …. A nice tribute.
  13. In an attempt to steer the thread away from things that offend related to race, national origin, etc... but stay with the tangent regarding sports under the heading of 'Things Many Young People Will Never Know" - how about Dodge Ball ? Who exactly got that ball rolling? Woke up one morning and decided to be offended by a kids game.
  14. The freedom to BE offended is becoming part of our dna. "Gain of Function" !
  15. Yep. I'm guessing if every kid was required by their school district to take a tour of a slaughterhouse - half of them would be vegans before they got back on the bus. Our youngest son saw some type of film clip in school of turkey processing - and wouldn't eat chicken or turkey for 20 years. But - factory tours of guitar making - I'd think that'd be big plus in terms of marketing. Maybe just a well produced Video on Gibson's site here. One for acoustics, one for electrics. Equity, and all that !
  16. Hah ! The Gibson Garage !! 21st century answer to a factory tour : instead of seeing how they make the cars - they direct you to a car dealership. Instead of kids going of a field trip to a farm - the teacher takes them down the street to a grocery store.
  17. ".... just pretty, pretty Cadillacs with Tennessee plates" A John Hiatt classic !!
  18. Why would that be? The Atlanta Braves Mascot is called Blooper. What is wrong with him? Sorry Brad, I clearly wasn't clear - the 'Braves' name will soon follow Sambo's namesake, not necessarily the Braves mascot. (He'll have to get a new jersey at least!) Same as when the Cleveland Indians changed their name to Cleveland Guardians. Here in San Antonio, our struggling Minor League Baseball Team - "The Missions" have been shifting to rebrand themselves. They play under the old name - "The San AntonioMissions" but for approximately 1/4 of their games they play under a new name "The Flying Chanclas de San Antonio". Different Jersey's hats, etc on the field and in the Gift Shop. Same players, of course - just wearing much brighter colored jerseys. With the logo being a flip flop and not the Alamo. The name - esoteric to Mexican Culture - 'flying chanclas' is flying sandals. Female authority figures in the family - mother, aunt or grandmother would throw their sandals/flip flops/etc at unruly children. In keeping with that, the team has a mascot that throws flip flops during the 3 minute entertainment offerings between innings. So, changing a name in use for nearly 100 years. And a mascot.
  19. Yep. Fifty on one flight to Martha's Vineyard.
  20. And, surprisingly, here in Texas, TV add popping up for generators. Let no good crisis go to waste. You'll be OK, Sgt. Just put ductape on the seams of the cooler after you've emptied it appropriately - they make great flotsam ! I assume it's orange with blue stripes ?
  21. Saw those frozen White Castle sliders in the freezer section and bought a box. Nowhere close to the originals. Don't know why - I suppose the vintage grease on the grill they cooked them on back in the day. As far as late night dining - we were connoisseurs at 1am when the bars closed. Never really cared what the food tasted like - just needed something cheap to keep the digestive system operating. One of us would order a Bacon, Egg & Cheese Sandwich. The waitress at the counter and the short order cooks never heard of it. A decade or so later - McDonalds came out with the same thing. If I'd been smart, I'd have stolen the idea from my buddy and gotten a patent and made billions. Like Zuckerberg did with FarceBook.
  22. And then there's that guy who posts things that are blatant SPAM ...
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