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Everything posted by MissouriPicker

  1. I was too busy chasing women to go to a protest. Woodstock would have been fun, but in all sincerity I had a job to go to.. Besides, in Kansas City we had Volker Park and every Sunday at the fountains was a mini-Woodstock..........And of course, "the potency of marijuana" was always an influence. Just had to be careful not to show-up at work "high."
  2. There was some hard to hear stuff on some Beatle songs. I forget which song it was, but supposedly they were saying something like "Paul is dead." I thought I heard it a few times, but I don't know if I really heard it or if it was the power of suggestion telling me I heard it.....lol.......Makes me think of how me and my buddies used to play Louie Louie real slow trying to catch the dirty words.....lol.......I was so damn disappointed later when I learned the song was an old sea shanty and not a sex-filled ode for teenage boys to lust over.
  3. Got the news today that my dad's house is sold. The buyers got their loan. We sign it away a week from today. He passed away on 4-5-20 and we only had it for sale for a few weeks. Takes longer for all the paperwork crap than it did to sell it. Anyway, one less thing to worry about now. It's not like I won't be going by it anymore----it's three houses up the street from us. I didn't grow-up there, but my kids and grandkids spent a lot of time running back-and-forth between houses. Kind of like that old Seger song "Turn the Page.".......The rest of the day was a "honey do" day............Read in the local news that there was supposed to have been a anti-police march here, but it didn't take place. They said about twenty-five people showed-up with their signs, but they chickened-out of marching. Someone must have talked some sense in to them. Independence is still a Cow Town in a lot of ways. Destroy property and your immediate threat will be local citizens. Lots of flags on houses, on cars, on businesses, lots of black, white, and hispanic rednecks. The funny part is that they asked for a police escort in an anti-police march. The mayor said "No,." I thought the guy was a wimp, but I'm glad he proved me wrong..........I don't care if people want to peacefully protest, but these stupid college-age kids better pull their heads out of their butts, wipe the crap out their eyes and take a good and long look at whats going to eventually come down on them.....Anyway, that's my life's history for today.
  4. Reminds me of an old joke...................Him: You been gettin' any on the side? Me; Hell, it's been so long, I didn't know they moved it.
  5. I bought my Walnut J100 new and there was a Gibson guitar pick inside...lol....I figured that one of the Gibson folks gave it a test drive and that was a good thing in my view.
  6. Yeah, Gibson has some nice straps. There right in the price range of a lot of straps. They do have some high-priced ones and I likely won’t pay $100 for one, but they are pretty cool and I can’t say “Never!”
  7. Either way, it’s just a lot of crap!.....lol
  8. That is an awesome video! Never heard this before. The guy truly is one of the Masters. His style is very human and expressive. This song is definitely in the old “easy listening” genre, but judging by the title and how he plays it, I think it’s intended to be more than easy-on-the-ears. For me, his playing and this song is very relaxing and offers hope.. Without words he writes a story, that to me says “Be patient! Take your time! Keep your eyes on your goal! Stay positive! Wait, give it time! If it’s worthwhile, it’s worth waiting for.” That’s how I kind of interpret what the song title and his expressive style are telling me. “Those Who Wait”——-waiting for a job you want, waiting for love, waiting for a son/daughter in the army, or as Crystal Gayle would say, “Waiting For The Times To Get Better.”........Sweet, sweet song that speaks volumes without saying a word.....On a sad note—-ask someone on the street about Tommy and they’ll say, “Who?”
  9. I miss life the way it was before. I’m kind of beginning to think that “before” is not coming back.....at least not until the people who just want to be left alone decide that they have to get involved. Most oF all, I think I’m missing the truth. I’m all over our part of the world everyday. I just don’t see/hear all this anger, fear, and hatred I constantly see/hear being reported on the news. Seems it’s all doom and gloom 24/7. If it’s not COVID19, it’s riots. And next week it will be something else. A non-stop drumbeat.
  10. Sorry to hear this news. Seems that too many legends die too early. They spend years “burning the candle at both ends” and pass before their time. The lure of stardom and all its trappings appears eternal when we’re young and healthy, but deadly as we grow older........RIP.......Thank you for Fleetwood Mac and all the great songs that have contributed in helping me through life.
  11. To start with, I’d go with a different wood than the Martin. A mahogany Gibson likely—-Hummingbird, J45, Southern Jumbo.
  12. From the time this thread was born until now is nearly twelve years. During those years Gibson has added 73,831 more variations of the J45........ Seriously, I enjoy these old threads popping-up. It’s a nice trip down memory lane. Helps us recall old friends during our musical journey.
  13. It was singing and playing at the same time.
  14. I’ve never recorded with headphones. I just wear them when I listen to what I recorded. I sound different to me if I wear them while i’m recording. I’m pretty basic in what I play or record, so take my advice for what it’s worth, but I wouldn’t wear the headphones while singing.
  15. Glad to see you got the guitar you wanted. Sounds like you have a winner. There are lots of J50 lovers in this forum. I like the folksy growl your guitar has. Congrats on your new beast. ....Be aware that the more you hang around this forum, the more likely you are to need another Gibson.....lol.....Enjoy!
  16. You are so right, sorry to say........I have no idea what’s coming back and what’s gone for good. I don’t like the uncertainty....and the jackoffs in the news media appear to enjoy reporting bad news.
  17. Your story reminds me of when I drove OTR. Drove for right at thirty years, most of it for Swift. Back then we kept paper log books to show that we were not driving too long without sleep or too fast. Highway Patrol and DOT watched things closely. However, ( and I’m not condoning this. It’s just the way things were) , we kept 2-3 log books so we could keep moving. The only way to make good money was to keep your truck moving. If the wheels were not turning, you were not making any money. Anyway, there were times as any former OTR driver from those years can tell you, (if they’ll admit it) when you’d been driving for 15-16 hours straight and you kind of get into your own Twilight Zone. Then, all of a sudden at 3am in the morning you find yourself in Cicero, Il., south of Chicago and you don’t even recall driving through Chicago, but you did. The moral is, keep your distance from the semi trucks. If you intend to pass him, sit back behind himfor a minute or two and watch his trailer. If it’s saying a lot, barely staying in it’s lane, the driver might be very tired. Give him a wide berth when you pass. Lots of damn good truck drivers, but they’re only human.
  18. So you’re the one...lol....Thanks for the kind words, my friend. I’ve been told it works better than counting sheep....We’re doing well here in Hell (90+ everyday). Aside from the heat, summer has been decent. It’s funny how when we’re kids we play baseball at 2pm when it’s 102 and have a blast. Now, if it’s in the mid-80s, “Damn, it’s gonna be a hot one.”......
  19. Welcome to the Gibby Forum. The J45 in all of its different shades is always a popular topic here. Glad you've got one and I hope we get to see/hear it sometime soon.
  20. The tone is dependent on the ears doing the listening. What I like, someone else may think it sucks.
  21. BUT, what if the dude doing the labeling didn’t know that “SJ” means Souhern Jumbo?👀........I could actually use an SC (Southern Comfort) about now.....lol
  22. We've got two of the grandkids with us at the mioment. Our son and his family have moved-in with us until they can move into their new house. They sold their former house in one day, which is great, BUT, they hadn't found a new house yet...lol....so they've been with us right at a month and will finally get to move to their new home next week. But today was like all the previous days: great to have the grand-daughters in the house. This afternoon everyone went shopping and I stayed home. Had a couple free hours and I listened to some Bob Seger. Hadn't listened to him for a few months and he's one of my all-time favorites. He is so damn good with the folk/rock stuff. One-hell-of-a songwriter too. He draws lots of great pictures with his lyrics about growing-up and getting older. When I read his lyrics, I tend to think he's as good a writer as any. He's definitely in the top tier. Anyway, it was a decent day. Not much I can truthfully complain about.
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