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Everything posted by MissouriPicker

  1. Having a bladder infection means urine trouble.
  2. Crowell is one-hell-of-a-songwriter. His phrasing and metaphors are excellent Like John Prine, he has a very unique way of saying things and I think your rendition is also your own unique take on the song. I really enjoyed it!........BTW, I've kind of been working on a similar message in one of my songs, but trust me, it's nowhere near the quality of this song...... Crowell is one of the best ever.
  3. I had literally forgotten about this old tune. Very nicely done, RB! That song is ideal for a coffeehouse gig....lol....Sweet and gentle, with lots of feeling in it. You have a real easy-going style.👍
  4. The phones are limited. The layout changes on a phone. Things are not where we typically find them and some are hidden. I normally use my IPad and get-around okay.
  5. I think it’s wise to go back and look at, re-record, and revise old songs. Not only do we find things we can do better with improved playing skills, but we find better ways to say things and we find partially-finished songs that we’d forgotten that look different to us now. Likewise, songs we rarely play anymore can be brought-to-life with a new perspective. Keep doing it, Lars! This is how we learn and improve.
  6. Real, real nice! Sweet singer, song, and guitar.
  7. It’s tough to beat a J45, Doesn’t matter if it’s your first guitar or 100th guitar. Once you’ve had it a while, we’ll be expecting a video and song......Congrats! Good choice!
  8. I’d never thought of that, but it does sound like Kermit........BTW, many years ago, me and Annie Green Springs spent many hours listening to this song after I made several copies of it on a Sears tape recorder. It would play 6-7 times and I’d rewind the tape and play it again.
  9. No! No! You can’t unsee something like that! Maybe they thought Taylor Swift would buy it.....Tradition goes out the window with that.
  10. A pink Hummingbird? Good God! Isn’t there some law against that kind of perversion? I should have known that when it became legal to marry a horse that making pink Hummingbirds wan’t far behind.. Somebody should burn in hell for that!
  11. When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather! Not like the screaming passengers in his car.
  12. I believe 73, 000, 072 were made of the J45 Limited. Found the info on the internet...........To me, all the J45 variations are likely real butt-kicker guitars. The only one I can’t see my self with is the neon green one. It would totally destroy the folksinger image I have of myself.
  13. Don’t know if they’re underrated, but for their usual low-mid range price, lots of Yamahas are pretty decent. Underrated or overrated, like much of our guitar discussions, is very subjective and dependent on individual opinions. I don’t personally care for Taylor’s, but I believe they are high quality guitars as far as quality control and workmanship go. However, I don’t care to own one, because they don’t speak to me and I’d likely never play it. Other people feel the same about Gibson and Martin.
  14. There are lots of stages of being drunk. The ultimate stage is when you can speak fluent Ozzy Osbourne.
  15. To get away from the stress, my wife and I have turned-off the news and begun watching serial killer documentaries for relaxation.
  16. After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says “WTF!”
  17. Had an EPI J160 about 15 years ago. Didn’t care for it at all. It was on a different planet from a friend’s Gibson J160 which was very impressive.
  18. I used to have insomnia at times before I retired. Since I retired over 8-years ago, insomnia has become pretty rare for me. I sleep when I’m tired. If not tired, I don’t try to sleep. I’m often awake at 3am, playing guitar and running my model trains. Caffeine doesn’t seem to bother me much, or maybe i just sleep when I’m ready and don’t realize the caffeine is bothering me. Maybe it’s just that my life isn’t very stressful. Whatever, I’m much more relaxed than 15-20 years ago. Also, my wife and I are often out-and-about most of the day, so lots of activity gets us tired.
  19. Another great one has passed away. Reports say that Tony Rice died on Christmas morning while making his coffee. It was pretty sudden from what is being said. He hadn’t performed publicly for several years and had numerous health issues. RIP!
  20. Good ideas! This can really help folks who have difficulty staying “on key.”
  21. God Bless you, Jinder! It’s so much better to be home. Use the time for healing and relaxing. Then, get back to playing your music.
  22. Nothing wrong with Epiphones. I’ve owned an EJ200, an Epi Bird, and a Masterbilt J45. Nice guitars if your budget points that direction, but they are not Gibsons. They just aren’t!
  23. A real gem, Roger! This takes me back down memory lane and the older I get the more I realize why those memories are so important. Really a sweet tune. I know every generation has its own story to tell, but I can’t help but feel a bit of sadness for those who didn’t grow-up when we did.
  24. So long as she was wearing a Taylor toga, I’d still like her songs.....and I’d still dream about her.
  25. She said in 60-61 she and Dylan would be playing in California in a coffeehouse to no one but a couple waitresses and the owner. Then, out of nowhere, Cash would walk in with thirty people and listen to their songs. She said that happened a bunch of times and that’s how she got to know Cash, and he’d introduce them to the songwriters with him....... Dylan, she said was always encouraging and giving her advice, even when they were kind of in-competition with each other and Dylan hadn’t gotten big yet........... I see some similarities with me, her, and Dylan. We all three write songs, we all three have played coffeehouses. The only real differences are that Cash never showed-up at my gigs and I never made it big....lol.......But, I still have fun singing their songs.
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