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Everything posted by MissouriPicker

  1. If they’re in their original packaging, I use them. Don’t know if I ever consider how long I might have had them. I prefer Martin SPs, but if they’re not available, I’ll use whatever is.
  2. Wise words! A good repair guy is usually the best answer. Unless you’ve got the skills, knowledge, and tools a lot of repairs belong in the hands of a pro. I can change strings, slightly tweak a truss rod, and glue-down a pick guard, but beyond that I’m better off having it done by a pro. I suspect that in most situations, a good setup will help make an “okay” guitar a great guitar that you enjoy playing.
  3. It’s all good! This stuff is fun and often leads to places we hadn’t even thought about.
  4. What the hell is this world coming to? Yesterday evening, I’m in my underwear, relaxing in a recliner, eating Doritos, drinking a can of beer, and watching Duck Dynasty and damn Walmart calls the cops!
  5. Yeah, those lounges with a guitar are cool. We just got back from The Wisconsin Dels and they had a large common area in the resort we stayed at (Wilderness Resort). They had an Alvarez there that wasn’t bad and a small sound system. It’s easy to sound good when you play just five songs that you actually do well…..lol…People think your better than you really are…..At least that’s how it worked for me….lol…lIt was fun.
  6. I’ve got everything on my IPad. Lyrics and chords. I use it on some songs. Just depends on the song. I’ve got around 150 songs on it and regularly play 50-60 of them. The rest I mix-in from time to time. Using the IPad is easy when I need it.
  7. You did the right thing getting the Standard. As already suggested, get the one your heart and mind are aimed at. It’s worth the time and money. Otherwise, you’ll likely be disappointed. Most high-dollar instruments ( like Gibson, Martin, Taylor, etc), unless the guitar is a real and obvious clunker are at least good guitars to begin with. Then, when purchased by someone who bonds with them, they become great guitars. All of my Gibsons are great guitars, as far as I’m concerned. A guitar is a real personal instrument. If it feels like an extension of who you are it’s likely a great guitar for you. ……Good luck with your J45 and welcome to the forum.
  8. These threads from the past are like wives: they remind us of things we said years ago.
  9. We had a great time today at my son and daughter-in-law’s house. Lots of family and friends. 35-40 people. Three of us played some songs, had lots of ice tea and a couple beers, and mountains of food.. Literally everyone was wearing something patriotic, which I found pretty cool. The 4th and Christmas are my favorite holidays. ……For me, this is truly an awesome place to live.
  10. Get a good setup! That should remedy most of your issues. With the right setup, you could play with barb wire strings…….Seriously, get a setup. Nothing wrong with the Gibson strings.
  11. Exactly! Lots of pretenders to the throne, but only one queen.
  12. I think it’s the natural grain in the wood. Looks pretty cool to me. It’s solid wood, not some perfectly layered and contoured, man-made material. If you like it, keep it! If not, send it back and try another. I hope you eat the guitar you need.
  13. For several years that was my “got to have one” guitar, but the few that became available were all the “cut-a-way” model and I didn’t want that one. Still might get one someday.
  14. Had to serve on a jury three times. Two of them were pretty boring, but ended after a couple days. The 3rd was a Murder trial and that was pretty damn intense and interesting. We were locked-down for six days. Actually, it was a learning experience.
  15. I’ve got a J200 Mystic Rosewood and a Southern Jumbo Mystic Rosewood. I’ve never heard of the 2000 series and don’t know what it brings to the party that other Gibsons don’t. I have no doubt that they’re likely sweet guitars. My guitars are sweet guitars, very-easy-to-play, and they sound good. I bought them because I wanted them and could afford them. I have no idea if what’s called mystic rosewood has any difference in sound from rosewood. It doesn’t matter to me either way. If I like the guitar, I just like it. I’ve certainly bought my share of guitars based on brand and the trappings that come with particular models, but I don’t understand what makes a J2000, etc. different or more costly. I’m certainly not critiquing someone’s reasons for wanting one——those reasons also apply to me.
  16. If I’m outside, I’ll have water nearby. Inside I always have coffee.
  17. I kind of found the music relaxing. Some of her finger stretches are amazing. I don’t know if I could stretch my arms that far. I thought the added percussion was pretty cool. She’s certainly a better guitar player than I am. She’s prettier too!
  18. Good words, Buc, and good to hear from you! .........We were out at my mom and dad’s gravesite yesterday. I went by there about 6 weeks ago for a few minutes and left picture frame that encased a list of things my dad did during WWII. Midway, Battle of The Coral Sea, and how he had his eardrum blown-out. I figured with the rain and wind we’ve had that it would be washed-away. Anyway, it was there along with a approx 5 ft tall flag pole with a small US flag and someone had put a rock on the picture frame to hold it in place with a note in a plastic sandwich bag. The note said, “Thank you, Sir, for your service!” I find that very cool and gratifying. My dad was so damn proud of his service and we buried him wearing his Navy hat. That generation is shrinking everyday. We could sure use their strength, integrity, and determination now.
  19. Exactly! That’s pretty much what did it for me. I’d heard of Hank, but hadn’t paid much notice with The British Invasion and Beach Boys,etc. >......... BJ Thomas had his demons and he fought them well. Like many of his contemporaries in music, he paid the price that wealth and fame can demand. RIP!
  20. Yeah, 56 seems pretty young from here. Some people get robbed of a lot of years. There’s not a great deal of logic to it most of the time. Here one moment and then gone. I’ve never found an answer that makes any sense to the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”
  21. I suddenly came to realize that maybe I ain’t that bad at playing guitar.....😂
  22. So, I guess it’s not a good idea to ask your wife what’s for supper while she’s cutting the grass!
  23. Nice rendition of this song. You’re easy-to-listen-to. Denver was a super songwriter and tragically died as he was overcoming his life’s demons.
  24. I’ll be 74 at the end of June. Feeling pretty damn good. My wife and I do lots of stuff together and we stay real active. We walk a lot and whatever arthritis I have seems to be pretty mild. We took our family to Disney World last month and according to our IPhones we averaged walking over 8 miles per day for 5 days. Last February we got one of those Chuck Norris Total Gyms. It’s GREAT, especially for us older dudes...... I keep working on songs and playing guitar. Two of my three indoor gigs are now back.....keep working on my model railroad and running trains while I inadequately play guitar. We’re going to Branson for our granddaughters’ s softball tournament in about three weeks. Then to Phoenix in August and back to Florida in October. This month I’m retired for nine years and I’m busier than I’ve ever been.........I think I’ve finally learned not to put a time limit on everything. I don’t feel so much stress or pressure to get something done. I just do it. It’s a lot more enjoyable without the stress/pressure. It’s also helps to have a wife who constantly encourages me to do things.
  25. Exactly! A great deal of illness has to do with your family genetic makeup.
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