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Everything posted by 'Scales

  1. Well actually that's not entirely correct - in the 50s and throughout the 60's Gibson built all Epi's in the same USA factories to the same quality specs by the same people to the Gibson branded guitars, with some models pretty much identical (most hollows, semis) and some different shapes (most solids). They sold at virtually the same prices and lined up much like say Buick and Oldmobile cars might have at the time. the 'inspired by Gibson' could be a legal thing to combat other makers saying..."well they obviously don't care that much about protecting the 'trademark' headstock design...."but I'm not sure.
  2. You'd have to have been part of the discussions and rehearsals I guess but it's unfortunate on both sides, but they both have points too... for the drummer - he would be upset not to be part of the recognition by actually playing, but there would be other ways he could be involved and revered which he could embrace? for the band...if they are doing a 'career spanning medley' I get that you need to really rehearse that - it's new and may well have unique linking element and a structure where you need your drummer to be spot on or it could really suffer live, but could they have also done a regular song straight with him on drums as part of the show? A bit of give and take required on both sides by the sound of it.
  3. They frustrate me...I should love their stuff, hard rocking with 2 guitars...an American AC/DC! ...but maybe I've missed a few gems in their catalogue? Some of the early hits are fine, but I didn't like the stuff that came out when I was actually old enough to have it as current (Perm Vacation, Pump...). Maybe my favourite song of theirs is My Fist Your Face, but even that really is like a Mick Taylor era Stones song revved up a bit to me. I wish they did it for me but they never quite have.
  4. Thanks Rabs - those 2 LPs in the video look great - lovely wood and bursts. I like that they are rolling the edges of the boards, that will help give them a nice feel when played in a shop and many won't even realise why. The Epi's look like they are closing the gap!
  5. 9. Recognise many of your audience are probably what you call 'wage slaves' and may not care to hear how successful you think you are.
  6. I thought it was pretty strong, as you'd expect from those guys. Drums are amazing - if there's a better drummer than Danny they must be something! i actually think all their albums are quite different to each other, but Lateralus is the standout for me, and it's title track is possibly my favourite song by any band ever (it's right up there at any rate)...and I'm in no way a massive Tool devotee.
  7. Notably Phillip, Philip, Ron and Joel have given me cause to smile and think over the years and many others (current and departed) have contributed enjoyable content. It's a shadow of its c2014 self, but still worth a visit here and there!
  8. Stay safe Dig. Looks like it's just about preserving life today. The big life-changing decisions so many will need to make are going to have to wait quite a while into the coming months, so meantime that's all you can do...keep safe.
  9. True that Dig. Ours (Mount Nardi Fire) apparently was a reignition of a fire from back in September thought to be out but it keeps smouldering in roots underground and in ancient logs until you get a windy enough day. Ffs - As I typed that the big helicopter with the water bucket just flew overhead - must be on again round here somewhere. Can't see any fires out the back but it has been quite windy today - hopefully just a flare up. hope your place is ok - I've stopped watching the news but I understand it's really bad down there mate.
  10. Hey Dig, I happened by and saw this. Sorry for your troubles at the moment mate - we went through it for basically the whole of November. Never seen it so dry, then it went up when an old fire reignighted up in the hills. Many places like yours with homes protected by locals and fire brigade but out buildings lost. We have communes everywhere up in the bush so it's a great credit to all who saved the dwellings up the creeks. We evacuated voluntarily for a few days when it was like a warzone here. Women and kids pretty much all left the village for a week or two, no school etc. very eerie time. We got nice rain on Xmas eve and now everything is green again, but we'll be wanting follow up rain soon. hope your life gets back to normal soon as mate.
  11. Maybe play 4-6 gigs rather than 1-2. Meeting a few more local bands now that we can hook up with so it could happen but we are around 50 yo now and it's a hobby so if we do that we tend not to write more than one new song that's gig ready in a year, but hey we have a set so.... maybe sell the 2 old guitars (I really only need 1) and various pedals and stuff I've accumulated which is now little more than clutter. I guess I'm for keeping it simple !
  12. Second gig for the year (about the normal rate then) on Saturday at pub rock venue in local city. Old school dark smallish room with proper cramped stage full of gear, the old style coloured lights/heaters hung above us, and it's about 100F/35C temperature in the room and the aircon's dead. People are taking up smoking just for an excuse to duck out to the cooler night air it seems. A proper originals rock gig ....sweating alt rock oriented crowd, door b!tches on duty and merch table of goodies. We are middle of the 3 bands for an hour set and the PA is feckin superb, with sound guy working a massive desk...can tell from the opening act we will sound the best we possibly can. All good on stage except for copious sweat meaning hard to hold pick and fear of electric shocks from mics. We aren't perfect - never are, it's live rock after all, but more than adequate, well received, and heaps of fun! Final band is awesome - total pros, so good to ease back over a beer or two and take in their rocking set. Home around midnight. Sweet deal. Rock n roll!
  13. DR Feelgood ...not a long drive from London!
  14. The primary reason I came to love the electric guitar, let alone ever picked one up died a couple of years back. Pip, save me a space out there.
  15. Hmmm...to my ears the plastic components sound somewhat molecularly incorrect., and there's something else that bothers....wait a minute - I'm not sure I'm hearing vintage spec hide glue either!!
  16. Yep, I'm pretty much done with the Gibson Forum. I suspect it's just that you get bored with such things after a while, but it feels like it's been dying a slow and steady death and the people I found interesting have all but gone or rarely post. I must be down 80%+ on posting versus a few years ago. The new format just sped up the death rattles...some say they like it but many many people just stopped around that time without fanfare which speaks volumes. No hard feelings but, it was a great place to hang out back when!
  17. When I first saw the title, I wondered if Big Bill had posted a reply yet!
  18. Screw principles, there's fees to be had! (assuming anyone actually buys an Ecopak or whatever it is of course...)
  19. My old Epiphone has a mini humbucker and it's a high output pickup that cuts through well if other guitarist uses either single coil or (full size) humbucker. They are well worth checking out as an option IMO.
  20. Your Government is way cooler than mine!
  21. Bravo Lars! A thing needs fixing and instead of jumping to 'recourse' and compensation and the like, you suggest ways of fixing it. Kudos sir!
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