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Everything posted by Whitefang

  1. My guess is they might sell some of it to Starbucks. Whitefang
  2. Nope. Especially if your wife's shoe, per pair, cost WAY less than any of those new guitars you insist on buying. But my wife's answer to that question? "As many as I need to stuff up your *** next time you buy another guitar!" Whitefang
  3. I never claimed that Les Paul gold top was an ES. I wouldn't have known back then anyway. Back then too, I used to think the Fender Telecaster was an earlier Fender model that was discontinued as most bands at the time seemed to favor Strats. But, you live and learn. Whitefang
  4. Good thing they waited. It all reminded me of a story that took place in my ex wife's family. Her younger brother(this was back in the early '60's) bugged his dad to get him a pocket knife he claimed to need because he was in cub scouts. I was once in cub scouts and never recalled ever needing a pocket knife. It was never required, far as I remember. But his Dad relented and told him to be careful with it. But the kid couldn't resist fooling with it and didn't even make it out of the store when he put a gash in his hand so bad it required 10 stitches! 🙄 His Dad took the knife from him and didn't give it back until the kid was 21 and married. Whitefang
  5. I don't get it. Lingo I never use. Is a "puke" better or worse than being a "d i c k"? And I've never noticed Ringo displaying that tendency lately. Whitefang
  6. I'd say your daughter is lucky on several levels. She inherited a great looking and likely a wonderful playing guitar to start off with. Not the cheap worth only as kindling POS's most of us did back in the "day". Add to that a caring Father who has a genuine interest in her desire to make music her way and it adds up to one very lucky girl for sure. And I'll leave it to you to decide if you want to also invest in one-on -one instruction. Most music stores provide them and they ain't necessarily cheap but not too prohibitive in cost. I don't know of any You Tube "lessons" that provide any kind of interaction between the "instructor" and the student where the instructor can evaluate the student's progress and/or be shown where or how any mistakes might be made and take proper steps to correct. But that may be just me. Whitefang
  7. I only noticed any difference in unplugged electrics when it was between a solid body and a Hollow or semi-hollow. Certainly, the unplugged Gibson ES-140T I pulled down from the wall at a Dearborn, MI music store in '68 was louder unplugged than the Gibson Les Paul gold top that was next to it. And that 140 had two P-90s on it. At the time, both the 140 and the LP were priced at $500. But that was in 1968 when I was 17 and flat broke. Whitefang
  8. Didja notice? Nobody responded to "Suicide Blonde" posted yesterday in response to Gearbasher's "Sister Golden Hair". "1984"--Spirit Whitefang
  9. Know what you mean. But for me that would be a real long project as I usually give the guitar I'm changing the strings on a good thorough cleaning as well. With the wood treatment on the fret board too. And as I only have two guitars(acoustic) I prefer to split up the changeings as one is a 12 string and doesn't need changing as often, and does take me much longer to restring. But doing that while the wife's away is a good idea. Imagine how long it all would have taken you with the constant, "Hon? Are you busy? I could use your help in here a minute(which is usually longer)." and, "Sweetie, could you put all that down and come in here and help me with lunch?" and etc., etc., etc. Whitefang
  10. Y'know, Paul and Ringo could fill in some empty spots, like Paul filling in for Wyman and Ringo sitting in for Watts, and from the other end, Kieth could sit in for George and Mick for John for if and when they all do some of each band's tunes, and if they like how that works, try some originals. And as for them pulling off the black leather suits.......... Pulling them ON would be the task! Whitefang
  11. I feel that the only good info you get from playing an electric unplugged is to judge the action and any other playability matters. The "true" sound of an electric is never heard until it is plugged in and turned on. But that might just be me. Whitefang
  12. I have a step sister that lives in Melbourne who shortly after moving there used to joke that Florida should change their state flower to Mildew. So yeah, I know it gets humid down there. Whitefang
  13. What.... Was it against the rules to allow someone to tune that instrument? Whitefang
  14. "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight"--Bob Dylan Whitefang
  15. What! Not even any bread pudding? Whitefang
  16. Y'know, I think going to any museum and only focusing on anything I've lived through is a waste of time. Just makes me feel older than I should feel. But I've always been a sort of a history buff. Which is why I like most of the movies shown on Turner Classic Movies channel. I've enjoyed going to the Detroit Historical Museum to look at the photographs and see some preserved items from the city as it was long before I was born. Which is why I also dug The Henry Ford( the newer name for that museum) that has many cars, planes, steam locomotives and other items from a time that has been long gone. Something like the "Hitsville USA" Motown museum is different. It's a museum focusing on the history of a particular company. Sure, it began in my lifetime, but how it evolved and what they had to work with is interesting too. I found it amazing to see the extremely simple and almost Jerry-rigged "recording studio" all those fantastic songs and the top shelf music was recorded in. Studio "A". Whitefang
  17. Same here in MI. You'd be foolish not to have one in your basement(assuming you have a basement) as they get really damp three out of four seasons. And I have a fine working humidifier attached to my furnace. Seems all the dampness centers in the basement and not the rest of the house. Go figure. Whitefang
  18. On my mind today is wondering how long it's going to take the power company to come out to assess the damage and time it'll take for them to clear up the half of the big tree in my backyard that fell onto the power line from their pole to my house that got there as a result of a monster lightning bolt that hit the tree during what was just supposed to be some light rain and ice last night. I didn't see it happen, but Christ, I sure heard it! Sounded as if maybe my water heater blew up, it shook the house that much. Odd thing is I still have power, cable(since my iNet is still working too). DTE told me they'll cut away most of the tree that's laying across their power cable, but that I'll have to arrange for some way to get it hauled out of my yard. But since I'm not the only customer with a problem, I have no way of knowing when any of that will take place. Whitefang
  19. I've heard it is an interesting place to visit. Sadly, I really don't live that far from it(The Detroit area isn't all that far from Cleveland) but never really had the time to get there. And now, with my difficulty with walking for longer than five minute periods before it gets too painful, I might never make the journey. But I did enjoy my vicarious trip through it through you. Whitefang
  20. I heard it as him having the wooden eye and her having a prosthetic leg and he yells, "Peg leg! Peg leg!" Whitefang
  21. Or the one about a guy who finds the cheapest brothel in town only has an old woman with a glass eye who provides service by removing the eye and letting "Johns" do the empty socket. Amazed at how satisfying the experience was, he tells the old woman that the next time he's in town he'll come back for more. And she waves good-bye to him exclaiming, "I'll keep an eye out for ya!" Whitefang
  22. Well, I'm sure it's easier than trying to stand them on end, sir. Whitefang
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