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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. I must confess, I have my favorites as well. In my life's experiences, Pride - Guilty as charged. Greed - Nope. I am pretty generous, and I give more than I take. Wrath - Sometimes. Not often. I love taking vengeance. Envy - Nah. Never had time for it. Lust - YES. My greatest and most frequent sin. Gluttony - Eh. Rarely. I have enjoyed a good meal now and then. Sloth - No, not at all. I am wired in the DNA to keep moving, constantly. I can rarely relax. Never once in my life been on vacation. Definitely not Biblical, but rather originated with a rogue monk given to unconventional avenues toward God, hundreds of years after Christ. 🤫
  2. I'm just grateful for having had the opportunity to know you. In this limited internet fashion, admittedly. Congrats, old friend. Here's to 10,000 more. 😙
  3. Lemons, yes? Lemonade then. I salute you three troopers. A job well done. 😘
  4. Oh my goodness! Thanks for venting with us, Tman. Your in laws are in my thoughts and prayers. And the way things are going over there, they are definitely doing God's work, for sure. 😐
  5. Rub a little dirt in it and take another lap!! 😕
  6. An interesting and soulful cat, that Lyle Lovett. I admire him and his unique approach to music, greatly. 🙂
  7. I have a Kramer. It's like a 10mm socket on a 1/4 inch ratchet. 🤔
  8. Bruce, I just sent you a test message. We'll see if that goes thru, good sir. 🙂
  9. I'm pretty sure he tears the filters off to improve the taste. 😛
  10. Okay. So I have three dogs. And they get out and run around in the rain and the dirt and the mud, and we will often use a waterless dog shampoo (a foam stuff, pleasant smelling, mild) spritzed onto a damp terrycloth towel, to wipe them off when they come in. It leaves them refreshed and delightfully clean and dry when the wiping-down is all done. The other day I inherited a black padded canvass gig bag (in all my guitar selling and trading) and it was a dusty, rough-looking mess. I mean, it looked bad. And the guy who had it for the past year chain-smoked unfiltered Marlboros. So it had that "just got in from a gig at the Long Branch" aroma to it. I almost threw it away. But something caused me to ponder the dog shampoo product, and how it might make the canvass gig back worth recovering. Sure enough. I spritzed that foamy stuff onto a damp terrycloth towel, and scrubbed the gig bag down. Wiped it down really good. And I set it into a sunny room to dry for a day or so. (And I threw the terrycloth towel into the washing machine with some other car towels. It was rude-looking.) Don't you know that the darned gig bag is like brand new? And it smells and feels great. Score: Me: 1 Funk and dust: 0 Just passing it on. I'm gonna shut up now. ☹️
  11. Jamin44, Now I am wondering if Gibson will send you a new sound hole sticker for it, after you email them and provide all the necessary photos, that is. Got nothing to lose by trying, I guess. Has anybody heard of Gibson doing such a thing? 🤔
  12. To be fair, I did endeavor to help the OP, and to offer advice. My advice, sadly, didn't pass muster with the more seasoned and experienced Gibson acoustic owners, and I then apologized for having the temerity to offer up such substandard counsel. You do bring up a very good point though, and perhaps you can enlighten me; This is, by all accounts, a Gibson (corporate) sponsored/approved web forum, right? And it appears, by your observation, and in the opinion of others who have commented on same, this web forum is not regularly monitored or moderated by anybody from Gibson. That means we regular visitors are, every one of us, common laypersons, musicians, guitar players, guitar collectors, and average citizens. We are flawed human beings, given to outbursts of nonsensical humor, petty bickering, and flights of online fancy. NOT a good look for Gibson, if I may be so bold for saying so. If you agree that all that is true, then here is my solution: Gibson should pay every one of us regular posters (those with more than two years aboard, possessing a strong approval rating, and who haven't been temporarily banned on a regular basis) a small stipend. Not much. Maybe a hundred quid a year. This way, we will be sure to be on our best behavior, to post responsibly, and to represent Gibson Corporate in a genteel, gracious, and respectable fashion. Is anybody with me? Am I alone in this? Am I alone? 🤫
  13. Should I return this guitar, or just learn to live with this minor imperfection? I do know. But I'm not going to tell you, for fear of being wrong in front of all these people. And their dogs. 🤔
  14. Should I buy these pups or those pups? I Don't know. (And they are called pickups, by the way.) 😉
  15. My apologies to all for my spurious, capricious posting. I'm sure the guitar is perfectly legitimate, and the new owner will get many happy years of playing enjoyment out of it. 😐
  16. There aren't all that many reasons that a guitar seller would remove the sound hole sticker; * It's an L-00 Studio model ($$), and he wants to pass it off as an L-00 Standard ($$$$). * It's a counterfeit Gibson or, * He used to allow his pet gerbil to roam around inside the guitar, and the little animal ate the sound hole sticker. That's all I can come up with. 🙂
  17. Wait; The off-road vehicle, or the ........? 😗
  18. Just a bunch of old legends jamming. And damn but Ringo looks good. 🙂
  19. Man. By coincidence, I have been listening to Whiter Shade of Pale a lot the past month or two. So sad. 😔
  20. Oh man. I'll bet Matte Kudasai sounded awesome. 😀
  21. I have an old Tascam 24 track, stand alone unit. 2488neo. It does the job nicely, but it's not all that user friendly. 😶
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