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for all the dog owners (and anyone interested)

Guest Farnsbarns

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Guest Farnsbarns

My dog got into a pack of cereal bars today, she ate 5. Whenever she eats anything out of the ordinary we Google it because some bizarre things turn out to be toxic for dogs. You'll all know about chocolate, most will know about onion but I wonder how many know about grapes and raisins? It seems grapes/raisins are ETREMELY dangerous with 2 grams being enough to kill some dogs (while others are seemingly immune) the mechanics of the toxicity are not known but grapes/raisins cause renal failure and rapid death in a large number of cases.


Going by the ingredients, percentage of raisins contained and the number of bars she ate it seems she had around 35 grams of raisins. She is at the vet now and has been given activated charcoal and a 24 hour fluid drip.


This is not only very worrying but also very expensive. So, now you know, even if you didn't before, that raisins and grapes are a big no no for dogs. Keep them high up if you must have them in the house. I will be having zero tolerance of grapes and related food in the house from now on.

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Thanks for the information, sorry you had to learn by experience! Best of luck with the pup, I hope she suffers no ill effects from this misadventure.Our guy has a real knack for getting into all sorts of stuff he shouldn't so we have to try to be pretty careful and outsmart him whenever possible. He did manage to get into a box of chocolates at the holidays when he was about 11 months but escaped that with nothing more than a taste for chocolate. If my wife has had a candy bar in her backpack earlier in the day he's all over it when she gets home.

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I didn't know about this one. Thanks for letting us know. Hope your dog gets better soon. My friend's dog once ate an entire bottle of aspirin. She made it but it was touch and go.


I never had a dog until a few years ago. In fact when we got engaged I told my wife two things: 1) you marry me you marry my Greek family (this is well before My Big Fat Greek Wedding), and 2) no dogs. I just never wanted one. Well after a few years of beating me down I finally said yes. I couldn't be happier! I love playing with him. I love how excited he gets when I come home. I love how he howls in pitch(!) to the fire siren (it's hysterical). I never realized how much I was missing.

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I didn't know about this one. Thanks for letting us know. Hope your dog gets better soon. My friend's dog once ate an entire bottle of aspirin. She made it but it was touch and go.


I never had a dog until a few years ago. In fact when we got engaged I told my wife two things: 1) you marry me you marry my Greek family (this is well before My Big Fat Greek Wedding), and 2) no dogs. I just never wanted one. Well after a few years of beating me down I finally said yes. I couldn't be happier! I love playing with him. I love how excited he gets when I come home. I love how he howls in pitch(!) to the fire siren (it's hysterical). I never realized how much I was missing.

I'm glad you see the love they can bring. I couldn't be without one.I love things like this too. My ex's staffy Frankie sings. He's so funny. He tells you when he wants something just like my two do.

When I tell people that they know words, they scoff and say I imagine it. But when people come to my house and see them, they understand. I tell them, if you locked a child in a kennel and never spoke to it it would become feral and never speak. Same with a dog. I talk to my dogs and they have all built vocabularies of different strengths. My young dog Red is 2 now and knows exactly what I mean. I say 'listen' and he comes and puts his ear to my mouth for me to whisper to him. I tell him 'Auntie June's coming' (my sis) and he get excited and watches the front door until she gets here. One of my best tips for walking is the use of 'this way'. It's a good phrase for making them come where you want. I only have to whisper 'dinner' and they dart into the kitchen. You get out what you put in and dogs DO understand us. It's not just tone of voice.

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I invite you all to watch this documentary. As a dog owner you should, it is fascinating.


I cried, like a little girl AND was schooled on some great info.


Dogs Decoded



I'll certainly watch that later. It looks good. There are lots of programmes now telling us things us dog owners already knew. I've been in customers houses (I'm a decorator) when the dog starts to get excited and a few minutes later the customer came home. My wife always said she knew I was nearly home as my Yorkshire Terrier got jumpy. We know that dogs can smell cancer before any test can show it, so why doesn't every hospital have dogs? Why don't children's/old people's wards have lap dogs as they help you heal by making you happy. We should use nature more in all walks of life. Did you now that a dog is the only other animal that looks to the right on first view like us?

I used to believe the media rubbish about bull breeds until my girlfriend had one. We've got four between us now and they're fantastic. It's the owner not the dog.

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Thank You for information.


However, I'll ask our veterinarian about this (anyways, it's about time for rabies shots). Oddly, one of my dogs is mad about raisins. Begs for them, and - since I didn't knew about this - I always gave Him. No problems yet, but definitely I won't give Him anymore.




Hope Your doggie gets well.


All the bests... Bence


HPIM3635_zpse8dd5bee.jpg Jupiter

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hope your baby is ok Farns......grapes/raisins can be downright deadly to pets.

as can common yard mushrooms...one of our furkids was poisoned by some once....after making him swallow enough hydrogen peroxide to make him vomit (vets advice for emergency treatment before leaving for Vet.hospital) he was in hospital for 4 days, but fully recovered.


soooo many things are bad for them. [unsure]


but remember, peroxide can be a lifesaver if administered in time, before medical care.

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Thanks for the info. I had a Golden that ate a bag off foil wrapped chocolate Easter eggs. Foil and all, and she had zero problems, but had interesting bowel movements for a few days. She also hit her head on a culvert running full speed. It shook the ground. She came up wagging her tail looking to play more fetch.

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Guest Farnsbarns

Well, the news is good. She's home and is fine. They gave her a blood test to check her liver and kidney function and it seems it's at 100%. I'm now wiser, tireder and nearly £250 worse off. A lesson learned, it could have been so much worse.

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Glad all is well with your doggie! I knew about the raisins/grapes and onions and garlic and chocolate, but did you know that it is harmful for a dog to eat a PAYCHECK?


When we first got Willow, my husband wasn't using Direct Deposit for his paychecks. Well, one night after work he put his wallet with the live paycheck in it on the table. I was already in bed when I heard my husband yelling and dragging Willow to her crate. I came out to see what the ruckus was when my husband showed me the remains of his check. We put it in a Zip lock bag in our room and my husband had to go into work to explain to his boss that he needed another paycheck. When asked why, my husband told him, "My dog ate my paycheck.". Needless to say that his boss thought he was joking until he was shown the zip lock bag with the remains of the check. My husband's coworkers *STILL* bust on him about this, but at least he has Direct Deposit now! [lol]

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Farns great news your dog is ok!




Just got a new dog, Brynn (short for Brindle) (and a 335).


Both giving me a new leash(lease?) on life - doooh. Be dum dum. Punster here.

Getting my paws into a cherry red gibson. ooh, did it again......


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Well, the news is good. She's home and is fine. They gave her a blood test to check her liver and kidney function and it seems it's at 100%. I'm now wiser, tireder and nearly £250 worse off. A lesson learned, it could have been so much worse.


soooo happy to hear the good news....we worry about our babies ! and other peoples as well.


T-man...happy about Brynn & the 335.....Mrs. B. loves the view behind your "stage" too !

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