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What do you want Santa to bring you, not music related


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Guest Farnsbarns

I've already had a nice V neck jumper for wearing over a shirt from my wife. My dad is getting me a harmonica (does that count in this thread?) I expect to get the obligatory bottle of whiskey from someone. God only knows what my mother might get, the only person who really ever surprises me at Christmas anymore. I lost my step-dad a couple of weeks ago, very sad and I wouldn't be surprised or offended if my mother has got me nothing at all. I just look forward to seeing her. I did a list with mainly guitar and amp building supplies on it. Amps going well, hoping to get some guitar builds under my belt too so mostly I think I'm getting guitar/music paraphernalia.

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Nothing Ive told all family and friends to get me nothing and I'm 100% serious I don't need anything at all and I have to much stuff I'm trying to clear out already so spend it on your kids or yourself or donate it but I want nothing and I hope everyone listens.

I'm kind of with you retro. Mrs G and I had this discussion a month or so ago. I told her that "I don't need anything, I don't want anything, and I'm tired of buying stuff just because you're supposed to buy stuff." I know there are certain things that she'll always need/use and that's what I've done this year - quality, not quantity if you will, and I'm not expecting anything at all. As long as me and mine have our health, I'm happy. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and whatever else to all!

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an interior door handle for my truck !!

it's too danged cold out to be letting down the window to use the exterior handle to get out...


thats so funny, 3 days ago my interior door handle broke. ordered one, hasn't got here yet. sucks having to roll the window down to open the door lol

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A new stereo for my truck, a wiring kit, so I don't have to cut any wires, and a dash kit so it will look factory. I already have the 350 watt amp and a 10 inch sub I took out of the truck I got rear ended in. Ill be bumping again in no time [thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup]

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I honestly haven't for anything this year. But my wife and my mother are assuring me that they have got me the bestest thing ever. This has me worried. I suspect it might be a Robert Graham shirt. I like them very much but would never pay for one. I also wouldn't mind a Beretta Tomcat 380.

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Got a high-end electric shaver. I haven't checked my lottery tickets yet though. [biggrin]


Music wise I didn't go that nuts this year. I got an Alesis sample pad, and updates to Finale, CUBASE and EZDrummer. The wife cleared out my son's play room and converted it into a music room. Once I got things settled in there I'll post pictures of it.

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A toothbrush!


(backstory..... I got a new toothbrush from my dentist.... I brought it home and left it on the counter in the kitchen.... my wife used it to clean the grout...I whined about it....so.....)


It appears that every woman in my life has used my toothbrush at one point to clean something that wasn't teeth.

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Dem00n.... at least she told me about it rather than put it back in the package and put it in my drawer!


(the issue is.... I like to have 6 unused toothbrushes in my drawer. That's why she said she used my new one

because "I have a whole drawer full of them.". So once I have 6 in the drawer, when I get a new one, I toss the one

I'm using.


So, had she used the new toothbrush for herself....fine....but to use a brand-new one to clean grout, when she

could have used my old one...well, that's wasteful!


(she thinks I'm nuts sometimes!)

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A toothbrush!


(backstory..... I got a new toothbrush from my dentist.... I brought it home and left it on the counter in the kitchen.... my wife used it to clean the grout...I whined about it....so.....)

Read this on FB the other day, paraphrased here:


My wife was complaining about me not getting the lawn mower repaired. To make her point, I found her sitting in the front yard with a tiny pair of scissors clipping individual pieces of grass. I went straight into the house and returned a moment later with a toothbrush and handed it to her and said, "When you're done with the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway"...and that's when the fight started. [biggrin]


I bought myself my Gibson Kalamazoo and told the wife it could be for Christmas, so I wasn't asking for or expecting anything. She gave me a few little things to open.

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I told the wife I didn't need any thing for Xmas and to spend the money on the kids so we both agreed not to get the other anything but I ended up getting some stuff any way and she handed me a card and inside were a pair of tickets to see buddy guy and jonny Lang I was stoked

Got to wait till April :(

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I told the wife I didn't need any thing for Xmas and to spend the money on the kids so we both agreed not to get the other anything but I ended up getting some stuff any way and she handed me a card and inside were a pair of tickets to see buddy guy and jonny Lang I was stoked

Got to wait till April :(

SWEEEET!!!! You will enjoy that Im sure

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