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What's for breakfast,lunch, or dinner?

Mr. Gibson

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Sort of a combo BBQ last night as Mrs Dig did a piece of beef pot-roasted on the hotplate with onions and bacon. I did roast veggies in the BBQ and we ate outside on a perfect evening.


The meat fell apart and the veggies turned out just right, but the hero was my wife's mushroom gravy (to die for) as usual.


I (cough) overfilled my plate somewhat~



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Blueberry muffins for breakfast Deluxe cheeseburger and onion rings at local eatery after church,my mom was buying because we picked her up for Mass and since Sunday's are kinda lonely for her since dads been gone it makes her day that she can hang out and visit with Karen,Mara and I .We enjoy it too.

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1485674774[/url]' post='1831325']

As self-appointed Assistant Mayor of Munchkin City, over at the G. Acoustic Forum, I have to say this is the funniest, and most appetizing ongoing thread on the Lounge, bar none.


msp_thumbup.gif I love this thread. And food! Today the wife and I ate at Cheders as she suggested. I had steak, BBQ ribs, mashed potatoes and cole slaw with bread. I was so stuffed, I had to bring the ribs home with the wife's baked potato she could touch and had that for dinner with some leftover Watergate salad. (That is cool whip, marshmallows, pineapple bits and pistachio pudding mixed together.) very delicious.

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I had a couple of chicken breast fillets that I sliced thin and pounded even thinner. Then I put a block of tasty cheese in the centre and rolled it up, then I wrapped the whole roll in bacon.


Quick to cook on the BBQ and very tasty. Might experiment with a light gravy with say a slight taste of apricot and some mustard?


4 left over to slice for sandwiched today.

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We felt lazy last night so we ent into town to the bowling Club for tea (lawn bowls)


We both had a stuffed chicken breast with heaps of veggies and salads from a help yourself buffet. Very nice too!


It was lovely looking out at the bowling rink with the sun lowering to the west and watching people bowling. It must have been a family night as there were couple and kids everywhere having a great time.

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I crumbed and cooked some school whiting fillets on the BBQ last night!


Hard to cook them that way as you need to have the plate hot enough to brown the crumbs but it's really easy to overcook thin and small fillets like that.


Fortunately I seem to have nailed it and they were moist and succulent. Chips baked in the BBQ and a nice cole slaw and all was right with the world!


Bella had fun too running off around the paddocks chasing bunnies! She was exhausted and asked to be put to bed!

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Had to go to Valentinos for buffet. I got outvoted. Val's is going downhill as their food is getting cheap in quality and everything on the buffet is cold. Pizza, spaghetti, chicken strips, all taste crappy there to me. But the son and wife agreed to take the grandson. Dinner was much better, a Steak Philly Cheese sub with peppers, onions and jalapeño peppers.

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Two great meals. One the other day at the Outback. Ordered a Sirloin steak medium well and they said they make them rarer then most places. Yep, it came medium or rarer then medium and reddish inside. Didn't think I'd like it but it was very delicious. Then the bread was great and garlic potatoes and a salad. That was the only meal. Then today my only meal was a half rack of BBQued ribs, again garlic mashed potatoes a salad and onion rings. Both meals left me stuffed all day and both days, Deb's ideal.

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Darn Mozzie's while your at the Barbie. Gives you a Pash Rash but put a little itch relief on and She'll be right. Did you go inside and have a Slab? (How's that Rob, did I get a A?) I had a bad Turkey Rueban sandwich for lunch that made me sick so dinner was a La Casa pizza for the Super Bowl.

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1486346338[/url]' post='1833112']

Tomato soup with grilled cheese to dip the soup up





One of my favorites 4H. Haven't had it in decades since Deb went Lacrosse intolerant. She can't eat the cheese or milk. I had a hamburger with pineapple, and then Leftover spaghetti for dinner.

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