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What a talent and from such a talented Dad

Sgt. Pepper

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25 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Well here is a whole thread just to hate on her.  I guess that's being famous.   

If someone starts a thread just to point out what a bad singer someone else is, IMO it's only fair to provide a sample of your own vocals.  What do you say Sgt. Peeper?   Give us a few bars of "Stairway to Heaven" acappella perhaps? 

Oh I know I can't sing so I don't do it. How many people told her how great a job she did cause they are nothing more than people in here entourage to stroke her ego that would tell her that if she f-arted into a mic it would fabulous. She is a joke and her dad is a f-in no talent clown (if in doubt watch and listen to the song he make with Little Nas Malcom X or what ever his name is). And she is just a lame child actor that makes trash to listen to. Sorry you like her, but the truth sometimes hurts. As big as a Beatles fan as I am, I could list the songs that are just absolute poo, but it was The Beatles so put it out and it will sell. Any sub-par song John and Paul wrote and threw to Ringo to sing, expect for a few that were good. I really don't like a lot of the early George songs up until Taxman, then he started really doing some great songs. The movie Magical Mystery Tour was a LSD fueled waste of film. I'm hard on bands I like and don't enjoy mediocrity.

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters in gold

And she's buying a stairway to heaven (voice croaks)

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50 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Saw this drivel and said ya know someone else may what to see how great a singer she really is.


she has become the skank her father dreamed she'd be.  I've heard her do a few tings and sad to say, she is actually a pretty talented kid.  Her ego and attitude is her biggest set back,  I mean really... she's a loon.

on a side note.   was once in a band that opened up for Billy Ray Cyrus at an outdoor venue in Webster Mass (Indian Ranch).   About 10 minutes before we start, BRC's  manager comes into the dressing room and told us after our set, we had 5 minutes to clear out.  No one was to be in that room..  His bass player had just got to  back stage area and was  getting his guitars uncased and acclimated. It was labor day and it was a hot sunny day,  the heat was pretty brutal actually. 

He was a nice guy, very personable...  when the manager left this guy said to us "don't mind that bag of hot air.  You take all the time you need to gather your stuff, Billy wont be ready for a least 40 minutes once your done"    (Ready?? what does he have to other than walk his arse out there and sing some crappy country songs?)

So we do the set, (50 minutes,  it was a blast).. we get our "Stuff" out to the place where we can get it in our cars, took about 15 / 20 minutes maybe..  The we could hang out in the sound pits or just roam the place as we wanted.  From that point on Billy Ray sat in his tour buss for over an hour.    The people that ran the place were pissed.    one of them came up to the sound guy and said "Where the f--- is he?"    "No idea..."



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42 minutes ago, Karloff said:

I didn't give it a listen but I did keep fast forwarding till she took the coat off to get a better look at the boots ... 

They are nice. She likes getting on her knees a lot. I really liked the Cranberries version of Zombie.

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16 minutes ago, Mr. Gibson said:

Her parents spoiled the little sh1t.

They have to kiss her arse because she's got the money.

If it were my kid,I would put her over my knees and give her my version of pain compliance. 

Nothing worse than a rich,spoiled brat.


That is because she was the family cash cow, after the Billy Ray Mullet Achy Breaky money dried up, like all the other young actors and actresses that get used until the shelf life has expired. It is sometimes hard for adults to deal with that industry, now you have a kid and mom and dad who probably know nothing about the industry throw into wads of cash and fame.

If that little trollop can sing, that performance did not prove it to me. The studio with a million takes and auto tune is one thing. Live you have to nail it. Resurrecting a sad Cure song and a Cranberries song did not change my mind of her. Go twerk on that Canadian guy again with your tongue hanging out of your mouth. That was more entertaining. If she wore just what she did in that Wrecking Ball video it would have been better.

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3 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Billy Ray Cyrus estimated net worth: 20 Million

Egad the poor guy must be reusing underwear instead of wearing them once and tossing them out.  

That is what is wrong with America. He's is worth that for giving us all those enjoyable tunes over the years and the fine acting he did on his daughters show, and the people that teach our children make squat. I know my sis in law is one.

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3 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Might be a problem with where you choose to live.  Teachers make a good living in my district. 

Really whats good? They making over 60k a year? Even the average Police officer salary is 40 - 60 a year and they get shot at.

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14 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Average HS teacher salary is $77K (as per teacher.org).   This is in New York. 

Average police salary is $66K in this area (as per salary.org).  

Sadly, the teachers may need to dodge bullets too. 


Ah, she teaches in NC.

What is the starting pay for teachers in NC?
Teachers would receive a pay raise at the start of the school year, compared to the House budget, that stipulates raises starting in January 2020. Senate leadership indicated all teachers would receive a raise. The base pay for beginning teachers starts at $35,000, and the salary schedule would max out at $52,520.
How much money do cops make in North Carolina?
Salaries by years of experience in North Carolina
Years of experience Per year
1 to 2 years $35,222
3 to 5 years $39,828
More than 10 years                        $58,292


I made more when I was in the military.  
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Yeah I guess you need to make 20 to 30 k more when you live in a place where it cost as much as my house for an apartment that has a one room and a toilet.

The only guy with a mask on is one of the guitarist. He's the only one who is gonna go home and be able to taste and smell stuff.

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She needs pain compliance, I'm sure of it.

Strap across the back,leather belt across the upper thighs. If welts don't show,repeat as often as necessary.

They should've nipped it in the bud.

She does what she does because without pain compliance they end up the way they are.

Part of the do fa self generation.

Miley you are spoiled,rotton,selfish brat, give it all away,join a convent while there's still time.

Like me,you are no fukkin good and never were.

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Looked like the drummer and keyboard player had 'em on too, to me.

I don't like or follow her either - BUT

-She is young, beautiful, a star in her prime and can sing well enough - at least as well as say, Taylor Swift

-She has a proper LIVE band with 3 guitarists in it, one of whom is playing a Gibson LP Custom

- Her music is directed to her fan base, people who like it and buy it.  I imagine most of them are a lot younger than the average male Gibson forumite.

We are  old -  so can't and never will understand it.   It doesn't have to be deep and meaningful, it's POP music.




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22 minutes ago, jdgm said:

Looked like the drummer and keyboard player had 'em on too, to me.

I don't like or follow her either - BUT

-She is young, beautiful, a star in her prime and can sing well enough - at least as well as say, Taylor Swift

-She has a proper LIVE band with 3 guitarists in it, one of whom is playing a Gibson LP Custom

- Her music is directed to her fan base, people who like it and buy it.  I imagine most of them are a lot younger than the average male Gibson forumite.

We are  old -  so can't and never will understand it.   It doesn't have to be deep and meaningful, it's POP music.




Good music is good no matter who makes it and no matter when it was made. Her stuff, is your right, made the the social media addicts that can't look away from their phone for a millisecond and are too busy seeing how many "likes" their stupid cat video got that they posted on F-agbook. Can you imagine some 20 something trying to wrap their head around a song like Close To The Edge or The Gates Of Delirium.  Their heads would implode.

Oh by the way what The Beatles did back in the 60's was called Pop Music.  And what did that band ever do that made music history - let's see - EVERYTHING.

Paul McCartney wrote Yesterday 4 days before he turned 23. Not bad for a snot nose kid from Liverpool who can't read music.

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1 minute ago, ghost_of_fl said:

It's as simple as this:

If you want to listen to a band like the Beatles, go listen to the Beatles

If you want to listen to Miley Cyrus, go listen to Miley Cyrus

If you think Frank Zappa was a better singer than either of the above, go see a hearing doctor  😂

Yeah I would rather have Ray White sing , Flo and Eddie, or Napoleon Murphy Brock. Miley may be able to sing better than Frank, but she will never play a guitar like him.  The thing is Zappa was a musician. Miley is just a waste of a load.

And you to can listen to Taylor if that is what you are into.

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1 hour ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Meh Zappa had to hire Steve Vai to play the hard parts.  🤭

...And Steve Vai hired Devin Townsend who (it is told) s**t in his guitar case!!  One up on Miley and her Dad, then!!

Devin's a star now too....fanbase, online shop, T-shirts etc, Ocean Machine Devin Townsend Guitar Pedal, plenty CDs.   Worth a couple of million.  

Zappa hired some excellent guitarists.....:-k

Now will one of you play "Whipping Post" please?


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I watched the Foo Fighters Saturday night from The Troubadour. I enjoyed that and even donated a few bucks. It was part of this same fund raiser posted here but I wasn't aware Miley Cyrus was involved. I'm not a fan or anything, but I watched some of the video posted above and honestly didn't find it horrible. Her singing was more on key than many live acts I hear that I am fans of.  

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7 hours ago, jdgm said:

...And Steve Vai hired Devin Townsend who (it is told) s**t in his guitar case!!  One up on Miley and her Dad, then!!

Devin's a star now too....fanbase, online shop, T-shirts etc, Ocean Machine Devin Townsend Guitar Pedal, plenty CDs.   Worth a couple of million.  

Zappa hired some excellent guitarists.....:-k

Now will one of you play "Whipping Post" please?


FZ played Whipping Post when I saw him. Only lousy musishnins played with Frank.

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2 hours ago, Fish Crumpet said:

Once you've experienced great female talent, there's no going back (the voice isn't bad, either).  Speaking of talented dads, Sam's is Joe Brown, notable English picker...


What's with the pic of Peter Sutcliffe? 

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