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Guitar playing for couples


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I wonder if the guitar feels somewhat violated?  Four hands working on it instead of the usual two.

I thought the coolest part was in Rabs first video where the guy played the right hand and the girl played the left.  The other stuff would certainly take some practice working in close quarters like that, but to each play a different hand at the same time has got be difficult.

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20 hours ago, rct said:

Mr. and Mrs. Fripp:



Yes I have seen some of these and I am not sure whats more worrying. The fact that they make these videos in the first place or that (according to this vid) they have had over 3 million views since May last year 😮   They have even now made a best of and unseen footage version 😄   What a very strange and bizarre world we live in huh...


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22 minutes ago, rct said:

Good to see him not take himself so seriously.  I know nothing of her except for her two...friends.  Yeah, that's it, friends.


She had a couple of hits in the 80s and is married to him.. Thats about all there is to know  🙂




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