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Off the deep end.........

Buc McMaster

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58 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

Sgt. Pepper,    the quote  was from gdecant  who is from Ohio.      Many here in Texas believe the Civil War was about slavery.  As far as  his  "denying millions of people basic human rights! Hmmm".           I'm not sure what that is suppose to mean.  Unless gdecant is confusing Texas with China.   

I'm constantly amazed at how you can take a pleasant thread - about guitars -  and try to turn it into a shyte storm.     I read somewhere that  It takes as much effort to choose to be happy as it does to choose to be  unhappy.   Maybe JVI is on to something. 

I know I am a bad seed, at least I admit it. How may of your political points of view have you taken liberty with, and posted on the forum when we all know we are not supposed to. Watch out about spelling bad words a different way, so it makes it past the filter. I got a personal warning about it the other day.

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Those are gorgeous guitars, Buc. Electrics are such slippery slopes, though. First you get the guitar, then you start shopping for boutique amps, then boutique pedals and on and on. Then after you've got all that, you reach a point where you realize all you really need is a Fender Twin Reverb or even a Peavey Classic 30.

Re: Texas. I lived there 20 years (Amarillo, Brownsville and Dallas) and still have family there. Like any locale, it is what you make of it. Yeah, its politics suck right now, but politics is cyclical, and the state's changing demographics will accelerate that. Texas is the state that gave us Ann Richards, Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins and Sam Rayburn, after all.

When I look at the steady stream of great music, art and food (I'll be making some Frank X. Tolbert chili today...) that flows from Texas, I figure the cycle can be worth putting up with.

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6 hours ago, BoSoxBiker said:

I'm a Tele guy, myself. A Broadcaster, actually, with the 1951 wiring. Led Zeppelin to Keith Richards to Country Twang. I sold my USA Strat and USA Tele and other items to fund. I need to take some of my own pics. For now, one from the online store.



I'd love to have that guitar! Always wanted to get a Telecaster but had trouble justifying it because I have a Strat. But it's definitely on the list. I'm trying to cover the main bases first (single coil, humbucker, mahogany, rosewood, Marshall, Fender etc.), then I'll start getting into Telecaster territory. I hear they're a tad more beefy sounding than a standard Strat. Do you find that to be true?

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4 hours ago, dhanners623 said:

Those are gorgeous guitars, Buc. Electrics are such slippery slopes, though. First you get the guitar, then you start shopping for boutique amps, then boutique pedals and on and on. Then after you've got all that, you reach a point where you realize all you really need is a Fender Twin Reverb or even a Peavey Classic 30.

Re: Texas. I lived there 20 years (Amarillo, Brownsville and Dallas) and still have family there. Like any locale, it is what you make of it. Yeah, its politics suck right now, but politics is cyclical, and the state's changing demographics will accelerate that. Texas is the state that gave us Ann Richards, Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins and Sam Rayburn, after all.

When I look at the steady stream of great music, art and food (I'll be making some Frank X. Tolbert chili today...) that flows from Texas, I figure the cycle can be worth putting up with.

Great musicians come from all over the globe. 4 guys who took the music world by storm came from Liverpool, a long way from Texas.

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6 hours ago, dhanners623 said:

Re: Texas. I lived there 20 years (Amarillo, Brownsville and Dallas) and still have family there. Like any locale, it is what you make of it. Yeah, its politics suck right now, but politics is cyclical, and the state's changing demographics will accelerate that. Texas is the state that gave us Ann Richards, Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins and Sam Rayburn, after all.

Changing demographics? Are you referring to all the commies that screwed up their state and are now fleeing to Texas?

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6 minutes ago, Buc McMaster said:

Sheesh.  Can't you people stay on topic?  Who'da thunk a guitar post would turn into a mud slinging fest...........


I am not surprised at this post.

BTW I think you may still be able to delete the whole thing yourself if it hasn't been up too long.

Best wishes.

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Nice set of electric guitars.  I get the urge and pick them up now and then. I did have them cut down to two, a Gibson Country Gentleman and a Fender Tele Select, but got bored and built me a tele over this winter. Enjoy them and waiting on a video from you.


Edited by Dave F
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4 hours ago, Sevendaymelee said:

I'd love to have that guitar! Always wanted to get a Telecaster but had trouble justifying it because I have a Strat. But it's definitely on the list. I'm trying to cover the main bases first (single coil, humbucker, mahogany, rosewood, Marshall, Fender etc.), then I'll start getting into Telecaster territory. I hear they're a tad more beefy sounding than a standard Strat. Do you find that to be true?

The only two descriptors I can conjure up is that the tele feels like it's got a motor going while the Strat has a glassy sound. To me, they're a mile apart. Lots more, in mind, than say a Les Paul, ES-335 and an SG are to each other.  (That might start a real fight here. LOL )

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1 hour ago, BoSoxBiker said:

The only two descriptors I can conjure up is that the tele feels like it's got a motor going while the Strat has a glassy sound. To me, they're a mile apart. Lots more, in mind, than say a Les Paul, ES-335 and an SG are to each other.  (That might start a real fight here. LOL )

We only fight about what state you don't want to go to. I had a 197? USA Tele like the pic above, It was a tri-burst if I remember right. If I only would have kept it I would be a thousandaire. I dug all my Strats and Tele's. If the quality on Collings acoustics, and I only ever played one, is a good as that electric, its definitely top notch.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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5 hours ago, BoSoxBiker said:

The only two descriptors I can conjure up is that the tele feels like it's got a motor going while the Strat has a glassy sound. To me, they're a mile apart. Lots more, in mind, than say a Les Paul, ES-335 and an SG are to each other.  (That might start a real fight here. LOL )

I'll have to try one then, if that's the case. I would love to play something akin to a Strat (not that I don't love Strats, I do) that has a little more meat to it, but not quite what a humbucker provides. If a Telecaster can do that sort of thing, I'd be ecstatic. lol

Edited by Sevendaymelee
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3 hours ago, Sevendaymelee said:

I'll have to try one then, if that's the case. I would love to play something akin to a Strat (not that I don't love Strats, I do) that has a little more meat to it, but not quite what a humbucker provides. If a Telecaster can do that sort of thing, I'd be ecstatic. lol

Ironically enough, I spotted a Fender Mod Shop creation on AGF last night. It was a Hard Tail Strat. Basically a non-trem. No idea if the bridge is just a plate like a Tele or if it's got the big aluminum piece inside the bridge. It is string through like a Tele, though. Regardless, I'll have to try one someday to see if it's closer to a Tele than a Strat just out of curiosity. 

This video is one I've had in my y'all tube playlist for some time. You'll recognize the song, of course, but it's after the song ends half way through the video that he(Bill Kirchen) goes through this several minute long tour of Rock & Country tones with his tele. This bit has become a staple for his act. This concept can be applied in some form or another to any guitar out there.



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8 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

I had a 197? USA Tele like the pic above, It was a tri-burst if I remember right. If I only would have kept it I would be a thousandaire. I dug all my Strats and Tele's. If the quality on Collings acoustics, and I only ever played one, is a good as that electric, its definitely top notch.

I came within inches of getting a Collings CJ45 T a couple months ago before my J45 started to fill in (sonically speaking) The difference between the Collings and selling the J-45 turned into a Carr Telstar bow-teek amp. I almost got a smaller watt version of the Swart like Buc (the OP of the thread that got ruined), but went with something that had an attenuator. 

My previous 2012-2013 USA Tele & Strat pairing were both bursts, too. I do wish getting the new tele didn't have to cost me a standard issue Tele, but that's life. These 70th anniversary broadcasters are the cat's butt.

BTW, @Buc McMaster, in my picture is a Kemper profiling amplifier. Some people have profiled some Swart amps. That's the closest I've got too one, but what a tone monster that Swart profile is. It's as good as any amp profile as I have in my Kemper. It had me looking at Swarts, too. I mean, Reverb and Temelo, too? Sheeesh.

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48 minutes ago, BoSoxBiker said:

I came within inches of getting a Collings CJ45 T a couple months ago before my J45 started to fill in (sonically speaking) The difference between the Collings and selling the J-45 turned into a Carr Telstar bow-teek amp. I almost got a smaller watt version of the Swart like Buc (the OP of the thread that got ruined), but went with something that had an attenuator. 

My previous 2012-2013 USA Tele & Strat pairing were both bursts, too. I do wish getting the new tele didn't have to cost me a standard issue Tele, but that's life. These 70th anniversary broadcasters are the cat's butt.

BTW, @Buc McMaster, in my picture is a Kemper profiling amplifier. Some people have profiled some Swart amps. That's the closest I've got too one, but what a tone monster that Swart profile is. It's as good as any amp profile as I have in my Kemper. It had me looking at Swarts, too. I mean, Reverb and Temelo, too? Sheeesh.

There should be just one thread called Post Whatever Here. Tell me one and I mean one subject we have not discussed 100 times over?

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19 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

That was a Tele is for. Commander Cody was a killer, what would be considered today an Alt. Country act. He's coming to Richmond I should get tix.

I saw him, oh man, maybe 8-10 years ago? Quite a show. A little 3-piece trio with a ton of sound. Good old school roots rock grit stuff.

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20 hours ago, Murph said:

Sweet Strat, Buc. I had one that was very nice once.

Thanks, Murph.........however..........since the Collings arrived the Stratocaster has fallen out of favor.......big time.  The hollow body with Filtertron pickups, the short scale (strung with .011 tuned down a half step) is just a monster that suits my style SO well.  Got the neck and the Bigsby sorted.......great playability and such a soulful tone.  Seriously considering getting off the Fender as I do not like stuff hanging around that I don't make use of.........call me fickle that way.........

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13 minutes ago, Buc McMaster said:

Thanks, Murph.........however..........since the Collings arrived the Stratocaster has fallen out of favor.......big time.  The hollow body with Filtertron pickups, the short scale (strung with .011 tuned down a half step) is just a monster that suits my style SO well.  Got the neck and the Bigsby sorted.......great playability and such a soulful tone.  Seriously considering getting off the Fender as I do not like stuff hanging around that I don't make use of.........call me fickle that way.........

That’s my view too. If I get bored with it or I don’t play it goes to someone that hopefully will. I got over big huge dreads and only kept my D-15M as my go anywhere I don’t care if it gets a ding on it beater.

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20 minutes ago, Buc McMaster said:

Thanks, Murph.........however..........since the Collings arrived the Stratocaster has fallen out of favor.......big time.  The hollow body with Filtertron pickups, the short scale (strung with .011 tuned down a half step) is just a monster that suits my style SO well.  Got the neck and the Bigsby sorted.......great playability and such a soulful tone.  Seriously considering getting off the Fender as I do not like stuff hanging around that I don't make use of.........call me fickle that way.........

I'm the same way. Sold my Strat, swapped my ES-339, swapped off my old 72 Recording Les Paul.

I still have a 91 Tele and a Studio Les Paul, and a few other electrics that I NEVER play. Literally have to crank the old Boogie and Prosonic and Champ a few times a year to keep the caps from drying up. I'll eventually sell/swap it off for more acoustic stuff.

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