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columbine and gun control???

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It's not made to kill scores of people in a relatively few seconds -- like your prized assault weapons.


4 Questions.


You answered none.


Are you related to Obama?


Hoyt Obama.................

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It's not made to kill scores of people in a relatively few seconds -- like your prized assault weapons.


An estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000 Hutus and Tutsis would beg to differ.


1994 Rwandan genocide:


"Out of a population of 7.3 million people - 84% of whom where Hutu, 15% Tutsi and 1% Twa - the official figures published by the Rwandan government estimated the number of victims of the genocide to 1,174,000 in 100 days (10,000 murdered every day, 400 every hour, 7 every minute). Other sources put the death toll to 800,000, including 20% Hutus. It is estimated that about 300,000 Tutsis survived the genocide."


The assault weapon of choice? The Machete.

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To get back on topic. One school who had a tragic killing, has enlisted anonymous armed marshals who have blended into the student body. Like Air Marshals, very few know who they are. But they are there and they are armed. Attending classes, living in dorms... The student body feels safer now.


Should the students be given carte blance permission to concealed carry? Heck No! These kids seem to forget the admonition to look both ways before crossing the street... Something happens to kids when they leave home for the first time. They seem to come down with a bad case of the 'stupids'. I know, because I was one of them. I don't think we can trust just ANY student to remember when it is appropriate to unholster a weapon when many can't remember to put a coat on when it's 20°F outside.


I think the weaponry better left to trained individuals.

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A Virginia School killing that doesn't get much press:

January 16, 2002 Appalachian School of Law Grundy, Virginia 3 dead, 3 injured. His killing spree ended when two students, off duty police officers, who were armed, confronted the perpetrator.


How come the "Big Three" network media purveyors didn't seem to think it necessary to run a story on this incident back in January of this year?

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TommyK -- I

I'm going to have to read up on this Napolitano chick. Sounds like she makes Pelosi look like a conservative.............Heretofore, the illegals have been unwilling to be counted as that puts them on the INS radar. Let's hope they don't forget that.


Some links











Americans like Tea Parties.:




This is not just "officer Krumpke" this is a cabinet level officer reporting to O and she has declared anyone who THINKS differently that he and she as enemies of the federal government -- including Christians, veterans, gun owners, those who believe in the Bill of Rights, those who don't agree with -- a different opinion NAFTA, her border policy, federal authority, gay marriage, pro-choice, what she and O do.


This is the FIRST time in US history that a religion has been an enemy of the state (you how we USED to have a Constitution that protected freedom of religion and of beliefs... in fact freedom of speech. Well not any more.


She is going to rearrange all of that and O has not retracted a word of it. She has 8 years to unfold her program .. and it is not protecting the US from Moslem extremists -- it is getting rid of conservatives. That is her program.


Effective in every computer those of us who are on her list are wearing a yellow Star of David on our sleeves .. like in Nazi Germany. Proud to that I am and that I am a veteran and that my great grandfather was decorated at Kennesaw Mtn -- and his son (grand father) at Chateau Thiery and my uncles in WWI =-- my cousin was at Chosun and I was a destroyer sailor. Proud of THAT... her kind spit on us when we came back to the U.S. So they have had power 4 months and again they are spitting on us. There is nothing magnanimous or "big" about them. Small minded petty and vindictive.


They have a big agenda and they are advancing it as fast as they can: Communism (and Fascism -- and interesting mix). By good fortune they already own the means of production (AIG and the auto makers) .. that took Hitler a couple of years. They own the banks (Wall Street) and have "nationalized" all means to produce capital. Napolitano is the new SS -- the Himmler. She is already acting OUTSIDE of the law. You are watching it unfold.


They have replicated Hitler and Stalin less than 4 months. (but nobody remembers either of them_

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the problem with people like "fast eddie" hoyt, is that he wants the government to tell you what you need. does anyone need an AR-15? which btw is NOT an assault weapon by definition, only by libtards. does anyone need mcdonalds? do you need 4 bedrooms? do you need more than 1 child? do you need a dog? facts, stats and reality dont get in the way of emotional, knee-jerk legislation.


get it? for better or worse, firearms are a right in this country. i dont want anyone- hoyt, obama, etc- telling me what i need. the only person who bosses me around is my wife. :-

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the problem with people like "fast eddie" hoyt' date=' is that he wants the government to tell you what you [i']need[/i]. does anyone need an AR-15? which btw is NOT an assault weapon by definition, only by libtards. does anyone need mcdonalds? do you need 4 bedrooms? do you need more than 1 child? do you need a dog? facts, stats and reality dont get in the way of emotional, knee-jerk legislation.


get it? for better or worse, firearms are a right in this country. i dont want anyone- hoyt, obama, etc- telling me what i need. the only person who bosses me around is my wife. [-(


Exactly. Well said.


To expand further, I don't need DHS, NSA or other law enforcement ignoring the Constitution in order to "protect" me.

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Our different takes on this are similiar to the answer' date=' "Which came first the chicken or the egg." Part of the reason to protect one's self is that the criminals are armed. Your argument is that the criminals arm themselves because the law abiding citizens are arming.

The stats say different. When the law abiding citizenry of whatever country are dis-armed the lawless are still armed and are less deterred from committing crimes against another person.



The stats posted by CB are from 2001 I believe so are not valid for the UK now. Recent Home offices reports show a fall in crime in the UK over the last several years.

Kings College Universities dept of Justice studies cites 2001 as the peak of gun crime in the UK)


Gun crime has fallen by 26 percent in the last two years in London alone.



The gun crime that we do hear about is mainly gang vs gang. Regarding this they can shoot themselves to oblivion as far as I am concerned :D

There are a very small amount of deaths per year from kids with guns (mainly under privellidge areas and often gang related incidents) and others are a cross section of crime.

In 2008 there were 42 gun related deaths across England, S.Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Not to appear flippant but not bad considering we have a population of 60,943,912!


Personally I think it is good to keep in mind how statistics are not absolutes. Political parties are constantly being creative with the variables which make a statistic look in their favour.


Dramatically, on my youtube account, it said my Walton Guitar piece had risen by 18 percent in views. I rushed on the link and now see it has 28 views :)

A trivial but valid example how percentages also seem more dramatic.



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I love your dog.


We have an 80 pound Shar Pei that is' date=' like 8 months old. We have many $ in this big lover. He is the bomb, and might bite yer a$$.


Best to ya.




i love dogs. i have the greatest job in the world... i work at a boarding kennel/obedience traing facility! i get PAID to play with dogs all day... it just dont get any better than that.

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...The gun crime that we do hear about is mainly gang vs gang. Regarding this they can shoot themselves to oblivion as far as I am concerned :D...


... The stats say different. When the law abiding citizenry of whatever country are dis-armed the lawless are still armed and are less deterred from committing crimes against another person.


These demon children have no concern for anyone else but themselves. They have little regard for what or whom is down range of their target. The most profound evidence of this is the 'gangstah' grip. Holding the grip horizontal as opposed to vertical. It may look cool (to themselves), but it shows their ignorance of proper use. Because of recoil, A horizontal grip provides less control, less accuracy and puts those down range, either right or left, of the target at risk. This shows their childish ignorance and self absorbed hedonism. Anyone within a mile of their discharge is at risk, as that is the normal range of the projectile.


Moreover, these are 'turf' wars. The turf is your front yard. When they get it sorted out, the 'winners' get the right to sell their dope to you and your kids, in your driveway. They get the right to do pretty much whatever they want... in your front yard. Rest assured you do have a vested interest in what these nincompoops are doing to each other. Because, you ..... are next.

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I think "those "liberals just enjoy anal-retentive-gun nuts going beserk on the internet and wasting lot of time posting BS that just proves our point(s).




BTW -- I meant to comment on the beautiful engraved shotguns posted earlier. I don't think those were made to kill people. Those rambo looking things so many here seem to covet' date=' are a different story.[/quote']Hey you know, the deal is if you are into guitars/gear, chances are real good you're gonna have some kind of gun fetish as well. it just comes with the territory. Most especially for us Yankees. Part of the culture, lets face it. Besides you have to admit, a Kalashnikov is an amazingly designed weapon, end of story. I'm all for some kind of gun control though. The NRA type saw is always " criminals will always find guns" but how do they find them? Maybe some tighter regulation on dealers on to WHO they sell to, more than WHAT they sell? I dont know. I DO think the violence issue is more related to socio-economics than anything.

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Hey you know' date=' the deal is if you are into guitars/gear, chances are real good you're gonna have some kind of gun fetish as well. it just comes with the territory. Most especially for us Yankees. Part of the culture, lets face it. Besides you have to admit, a Kalashnikov is an amazingly designed weapon, end of story. I'm all for some kind of gun control though. The NRA type saw is always " criminals will always find guns" but how do they find them? Maybe some tighter regulation on dealers on to WHO they sell to, more than WHAT they sell? I dont know. I DO think the violence issue is more related to socio-economics than anything.




I do not believe hoarding and carressing "assault weapons" is part of the guitar culture for most.


I tend to agree with the your take on gun control.

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Quote: The NRA type saw is always " criminals will always find guns" but how do they find them? Maybe some tighter regulation on dealers on to WHO they sell to, more than WHAT they sell? I dont know. AND I tend to agree with the your take on gun control.


LOOK AT MEXICO -- they had absolute prohibition on guns -- illegal to possess as much as an empty shell casing. They toss you in a Mexican prison and forget you. Hellish anti gun laws. So nobody has any guns right? WRONG. The criminals have 50 caliber machines guns and guns "capable of shooting down aircraft!" The criminals travel around in CONVOYS like the military. Now the streets of most of the border cities are patrolled by the Army. Humvee's, 50 calibers mounted, Armored Personnel Carriers, Assault vehicles. Mexico is a military stet now. That is what gun control laws get you.


In the US we have tried to prohibit alcohol. Read the history of THAT. Here in the U.S. we prohibit non-prescription drugs -- read the history to THAT. At one time there were laws (in the U.S.) prohibiting abortion -- read the history of that.


Conclusion: it is impossible to ENFORCE absolute prohibitions and it gives rise to extreme criminality every time. IN FACT -- you cannot force the population to do what it does not agree with -- including stop signs, cell phone in cars and seat belts. If 95% basically agree with the law, then you can force then 5% to comply. If 95% do not agree (draft card burners) there aren't enough resources to force it to happen. (Witness Mexico)(today)

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