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The one change Gibson made that ruined Gibson guitars.


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15 hours ago, sparquelito said:

I pray for you, brother fujifan.

If this is the be all and end all of your contribution to music, then I can only offer my heartfelt love and prayers for a happier existence for you some day.

PM me, please.
I have many years of experience in counseling and guiding troubled men and women toward a more peaceable and harmonious outcome.

You only need reach out.
I love you, and I'm here for you, little brother.


"PM me, please."

begging other men to pm ypu? I had a feeling you'd eventually sink to this level. What next, you want me to meet you in a truck stop bathroom with a hole drilled in one of the stalls? No thanks buddy

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11 hours ago, OrdinaryNimda said:

There was a video series "Gibson: The Process" where Jim DeCola spoke on this difference of 50s and modern construction techiques. What he said is "they're different, but it doesn't mean one is better than the other". This goes specifically for the "long tennon" debate. We all accept that, he knows what he's talking about.

As far as pricing goes... Gibson is like any other responsible producer. It sells its products for the prices it can get. Meaning, that if anything is "overpriced", people will not buy it.  So they have to adjust their pricing exactly to where they think the market will buy it. Otherwise there'd be surplus and huge discounts at retail shops.

I think Gibson is doing a mighty fine job on everything like its products, pricing, quantities, quality & they even have great videos on YouTube. Just like all the other guitar companies. You have to build great stuff and sell it for a decent price, or you will go out of business. That's the beauty of the free market.😎

" "they're different, but it doesn't mean one is better than the other"."

No, they were better than they are now. Ask any les paul player and they will tell you the modern les paul's don't sound like the vintage bursts. Besides, don't you think it's a bit naive to quote a Gibson employee on the quality of Gibson guitars, especially the guy currently responsible for their low quality? The guy who presides over the worst quality control in Gibson history is your idea of an impartial, unbiased source? Do you really think he's going to tell you that modern gibsons are inferior, even if he himself believed it to be true? Why are you so credulous? You might as well view tv commercials as bible verses, the complete and infallible word of God. It's examples like this that cause me to have no respect for the posters of this forum. "Gibson guitars are the greatest guitars in the world and I know that's true because that's what Gibson told me!"


 Aside from that, tighten the scope. I'm talking about one single change Gibson should make in setting necks, not everything they may or may not need to change.

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7 hours ago, ksdaddy said:

Seems like if I knew all along about the shortcomings of a stepped neck joint, the world would have heard my words long before this. It’s a big world out there but since the 90s it’s been easy to have one’s voice heard over this information superhighway. If it is a recent epiphany, I think I would do a better job of selecting my audience to share it. What, a dozen guys who hang around an old school forum? Especially ones that apparently are quite stupid. “Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.” If we are truly as ignorant, outmoded, and marginalized as you claim we are, then you are wasting your time on us. Google “Les Paul Forum” and share your concrete viewpoints with some of the piranhas in there. I’ll start the Jiffy Pop. 

" If it is a recent epiphany, I think I would do a better job of selecting my audience to share it. What, a dozen guys who hang around an old school forum?"


I have to select you as the target audience because the people simping for Gibson are the only people that don't already realize what I'm saying is true.  what I'm saying isn't something I just came up with, it's a design step taken by Japanese manufacturers that have thoroughly dominated gibson in making gibson style guitars. This is why those greco's and vintage les pauls are so much superior to modern gibson guitars. Gibson makes a lot of crappy guitars at all price levels and the number one reason is the way they improperly set necks. removing that neck heel would prevent them from setting neck incorrectly and they could get the tone and sustain of vintage bursts. That's the bottom line.

 Greco launched the super real line in 1980 and if you want to buy the highest model in that line now then you have to pay 10 grand. Those guitars started life with the perception that they were cheap japanese knockoffs and their price has skyrocketed primarily because the way they set their necks produces quality guitars that have the tone, sustain, and playability of vintage bursts


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4 hours ago, Murph said:

I am NOT giving back all the money I made with Gibson guitars since the 70's....

remember it fondly because no one will make that much money with gibson in the future. it's a dying brand making wall hangers for nostalgic boomers.

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1 hour ago, ghost_of_fl said:

I have a subscription to open ai - I have been messing around with it and I would say "chat gpt" is a bit of a troll and both brilliant and moronically stupid at the same time.    

And yes you can see humanity reflected in the technology.   Brilliant and moronically stupid.  

what kind of imbecile would say chat gpt is brilliant? no wonder you idiots are incapable of grasping something so simple, you think genius is a program trained to parrot cnn and wikipedia.

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3 hours ago, Murph said:

So wait.

You're saying Ai is an argumentative arsehole?


you can tell by your profile pic that you're the target audience of gibson- some old guy with one foot in the grave and an overpriced guitar hanging on his wall. you should put it in your will that you want to be buried with your gibson. It's more fit for that than it is for playing on a stage.

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14 minutes ago, ksdaddy said:

should be insulted by all of these posts but for some reason I’m just amused. Kinda like getting roasted by Don Rickles. 

hell yeah - how to catch a bagful with mere crumbs! [lol]

Local knowledge?

Sergeant Pepper?  [laugh]

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28 minutes ago, ksdaddy said:

should be insulted by all of these posts but for some reason I’m just amused. Kinda like getting roasted by Don Rickles. 


15 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

I could lock YOU in a room with a supercomputer for 2 decades and you couldn't build it.  🤡.

You're super good at standing off on the sidelines and taking potshots at other people's creations, while creating nothing yourself. 

Still waiting on that recording of you playing and guitar.  You do play, right?   

"I could lock YOU in a room with a supercomputer for 2 decades and you couldn't build it."


No, but give me two hours and I could build a better neck joint than Gibson.


" You do play, right?   "

Of course I do. That's the difference between me and the average Gibson forum member- I buy guitars to play and you guys buy them for wall art.

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1 hour ago, fujifan said:

"PM me, please."

begging other men to pm ypu? I had a feeling you'd eventually sink to this level. What next, you want me to meet you in a truck stop bathroom with a hole drilled in one of the stalls? No thanks buddy

How many truck stop bathrooms did you have to visit before you learned that that sort of liaison wasn't your cup of tea?
Or did your doctor advise you to give it a rest?

Oh, it's spelled "you", not ypu.
Unless ypu is some sort of truck stop bathroom slang that I'm not hip to.

Anyway, I'm through being kind to you, and endeavoring to offer you counsel on polite sociable behaviors.
You clearly aren't here to pass on any sort of meaningful information.
You are, as others observed early on, a common internet troll.

Adios, Scooter.
It's not been nice knowing you.


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Just now, ghost_of_fl said:

I don't believe you.  You can't even seem to master the quote function of this forum.  It's not that difficult.   😬

And you're wrong about the people who post here, the majority are real guitar players.   Many have posted videos featuring their talents.  Can't you do that too, since you're criticizing them?  Maybe show everyone how it's done?  

I haven't seen any videos. link me to one of your videos of you playing your guitar. I promise I won't make fun of you even if you do play like Gibson builds neck joints.

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17 minutes ago, ksdaddy said:

And the troll is now gone.

Thank me or hate me, either is fine.

Now I have to leave my computer and start admiring the Gibsons hanging on my wall.

I think Fuji was actually Henry J.

Edited by gearbasher
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I think it was Farns testing one of his AI creations on us..

If that is true..  Good job, down to the stupid memes and non sensical talk obsessed with a single aspect only of the way LPs are built over absolutely every thing else that has ever existed....  What a weird thing to focus on?  The tone wood debate I get, but this? It was just weird.


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Usual troll stuff.....right from the title......

1) Mine is better than yours because mine has a special feature that yours has not.  It means yours is useless rubbish.

2) So you are all completely stupid/old and worse.  

Subhuman cattle I think he said.  Anyway it always starts with or very quickly escalates to personal abuse. 

3) I am completely right and the more pushback I get, the righter I feel and the more I can/will insult and bait you.  And -

4) I cannot, will not back down.

Following the above template invariably completely invalidates whatever the argument was/is IMO.

People from a very young age do not like being made to feel 'wrong'.  Accepting you are wrong is like submission at first and there is an art to doing it.   It's harder in cold print too.  

A strange entertainment.


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Funny, when fujiflame first showed up, and started all his nonsense, all I could think of was,

"We just lost a sweet young guy from these boards who passed away at age 31, and for a replacement we get this a$$hole??"


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