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Still alive & well..........

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I think this was my fifth hurricane on the coast.  Lost power early Monday morning as the storm raged over the island...........power restored yesterday evening.  Spent a few days sweltering, a few nights by candlelight.........pretty miserable conditions........lost a fence in the backyard.  But here we are on the other side of nature's mayhem, safe & sound.  

I sold the J-185.........an advancing hand issue prevents playing without major pain, so guitar playing is behind me it seems.  A ukulele does cause a minor issue........but I gotta play something, so ukulele it is.  Landed this soprano Ditson Style 0 from 1924-25........found it online slashed to half price and couldn't resist.  Ditson was a large retailer of musical instruments and Martin built ukuleles for them with the Ditson name stamp..............it's a Martin by another name.  This one has some bumps and bruises but it's structurally sound and for such a tiny thing is very loud......incredibly so.  Has a beautiful cut of Brazilian rosewood for the fingerboard and strung with natural gut as it would have been in the 20s.

So I reckon I might chime in here once in awhile.......being guitar-less on a guitar forum is kinda silly..........y'all play nice & have fun!




Edited by Buc McMaster
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58 minutes ago, Buc McMaster said:

Shot this early Monday from the front porch.........street & yard flooded, sheets of rain, 60-70mph winds thrashing the maple tree.........


Looks like weather not fit for man nor beast!

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Glad you were on the 'Good Side"  of Beryl.   Hope insurance covers your fence.   Very sorry to hear your hand problem is such that it caused you to sell your J185. Know you were very happy with it.  I'm sure you've dug deep - but sometimes an Occupational Therapist who specializes in hands - one of the most complicated pieces of our equipment - can come up with a solution to a problem others haven't dealt with.  As Winston Churchill famously said - "Never Give Up. Ever."      In the meantime - you have mastered "Over the Rainbow" on guitar - maybe you can tackle it on the Uke !   A song that lends itself to island dwellers !      G'Luck !! 

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I've found my hands are far worse when I play the mandolin..

The guitar hurts, but the mandolin is nearly impossible!

My "next" instrument of choice is piano.... my arthritis is mostly in my thumbs, so I can't "pinch" my little finger to my thumb.... so I can still play the piano, (such that it is).

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Now that I live on the East Coast hurricanes are a real threat. Went through a Cat 2 or 3 in 2003 or so in Virginia. Lost power for a few days. 

Glad you made it with just a fence as damage, of course it could be worse. 

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As I said in a song, it's hell gettin' old...and I also have made musical compromises in regards to my aging hands.

Yet I still wonder: can a sad or melancholy song be effectively conveyed by ukulele?  Its sound seems to evoke light-heartedness and levity in my ears. Hmmm-  uke blues...

Best wishes in the days ahead    jb

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Sorry to hear about the hand issues, Buc. That’s a tough one. Is there any type of surgery or exercises? Working in newsrooms all my life, I worked with a lot of folks (including two ex-wives) who endured RSI and carpal tunnel issues, and even had surgery. They didn’t play guitar, though.

And I’m glad you’re safe. Lived through Hurricane Alicia on Galveston back in ‘83. That was a wild one. Was working at The Dallas Morning News at the time, and we prided ourselves on our hurricane coverage. I lost count of how many I covered in my time there.

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Thanks, fellas.

Yes, David, Alicia was my first hurricane down here..........been a few more since then.......Ike, Harvey, Allison.  It certainly appears that environmental conditions are slowly changing to make them more frequent and more intense. 

In addition to the right hand issue I've kinda lost my enthusiasm for six strings.  The ukulele is much smaller, much easier to handle and four strings don't require digital gymnastics.  And yes, Mr Blake, the ukulele is among the happiest of musical instruments which certainly suits my demeanor.  Not interested in any surgery at this stage of my life and, honestly, not too concerned with the march of time taking a bodily toll.............it's nature's way.  I refuse to be sustained by pills or a regimen of any kind.  I've always tried to live my life on my terms...........reckon that's a good way to die someday as well.  

Thanks for the support though!

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1 hour ago, Buc McMaster said:

.   .   .   the march of time taking a bodily toll.............it's nature's way.  I refuse to be sustained by pills or a regimen of any kind.  I've always tried to live my life on my terms...........reckon that's a good way to die someday as well.  

Wow. Can relate to all of the above. 

Best wishes.

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23 hours ago, Buc McMaster said:

Thanks, fellas.

Yes, David, Alicia was my first hurricane down here..........been a few more since then.......Ike, Harvey, Allison.  It certainly appears that environmental conditions are slowly changing to make them more frequent and more intense. 

In addition to the right hand issue I've kinda lost my enthusiasm for six strings.  The ukulele is much smaller, much easier to handle and four strings don't require digital gymnastics.  And yes, Mr Blake, the ukulele is among the happiest of musical instruments which certainly suits my demeanor.  Not interested in any surgery at this stage of my life and, honestly, not too concerned with the march of time taking a bodily toll.............it's nature's way.  I refuse to be sustained by pills or a regimen of any kind.  I've always tried to live my life on my terms...........reckon that's a good way to die someday as well.  

Thanks for the support though!

That damn warm ocean water.

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I have never lived any place where I had to take the full brunt of a hurricane.  But I have lived through my share of nor'easters and a twister or two.

Hand issues though have become a fact of life for me.  They have forced me to change the way I approach a guitar several times.  One of those you tell the doctor "it hurts when I do this" and he responds, "then don't do that."  So, I have come up with all kinds of truncated chords to make it easier for my left hand when possible combined with abbreviated open tunings while my right hand is down to mainly my thumb and middle finger.  My wife even kicked in by buying me a "Strum Slide" which is pretty much a dulcimer built to be played on the lap with a bar slide.  When it comes to the guitar though, I figure the day is coming when I will be down to my right thumb and a bottleneck on my left hand. 

Anyway, this one goes out to you.


Edited by zombywoof
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