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What is a NeoCon? Product of a Liberal environment....


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Here it is in its entirety, the story of NeoConMan.


So, What Is A Neo Con?

I wondered that myself. A few years ago I was driving around in Phoenix one day, listening to Air America.


This was during the 2004 campaign for President and the anti-war, anti-Bush Liberals were finally spreading their wings.

To get an idea of what the nuttiest of the lobotomized Left was up to, I would listen to the radio shows and watch

the Left-leaning news like CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC.

I kept hearing the term "NeoCon" tossed around like it was some sort of grave insult to any conservative within

earshot, so I asked myself "What, exactly, IS a Neo Con?"


Well, Randi Rhoads on Error America had a few call-in guests on her show (couldn't afford to fly them to NYC?)

and the venom and vitriol was dripping from my radio.

"Those EVIL Neo Cons......!!! Cheney and his rich Neo Con oil buddies.....!!! Bush and his Neo Con cronies....!!!"

You get the idea, eh?


I decided to find out what they were referring to - what an evil Neo Con actually was.

Seems the label applies to anybody who voted for Bush. There's a black mark against my name.

Four actually, I voted for him in TX.

Anybody who didn't support an immediate and complete withdrawal of our troops from Iraq got another mark.

Anybody who supported the "Bush" tax cuts that fueled our economy. Got me. Anybody who was a Christian. Ouch.

Anybody who owns guns. Hmmm...., I'm gonna need another score card as fast as this one is filling up!


I had just begun to dabble in web forums of interests ranging from aviation to motorcycles to guitars to Jeeps and Chevy Trucks.

This same rabid and delirious Air America fervor was creeping into every forum I visited, and I noticed how it was

regarded as hip, cool, and "with it" to bash Bush and anything Republican. If ever a dissenting opinion was voiced,

all Hell would break loose and the entire thread would be locked or deleted by the fair-minded and even-handed forum moderators.

I came to refer to them as The Mod Squad to reflect their hitman-like reflexes when a twelve page Bush *****-fest

suddenly turned 'political' because somebody disagreed.....


Registering on a new forum, it struck me that I should just choose a name that states my political, ideological & moral

leanings up front and eliminates any question from the outset.

Heck, with THAT settled, I shouldn't have to even mention politics!


So, the name Neo Con Man was born.

Pays homage to my Liberal opponents (I view them as the enemy of my values AND my nation) and gives them an

acknowledging tip of the hat in a friendly way since I co-opted THEIR phrase.

I am a Conservative, very conservative by most measure, so there's the Neo.


The Left maintains that Bush, the stupidest, inarticulate, incurious, unsophisticated, blind, deaf, and dumb President

of the United States of America is running a Con Game on the nation and 60 million voters are too dumb to read their

obvious signs and mindlessly voted him into office as if brainwashed. Twice. So there's the Con.


I'm a man in this Politically Correct world where everybody should apologize and be ashamed of themselves if they aren't

a card-carrying member in good standing of any of the most pathetic and helpless of Victim Demographics.

You can only be proud if you are incessantly stupid and verbose, gay, or somehow being kept down by "the man" at every turn.

Since I am white, gainfully employed with a respectable income level, pay confiscatory tax rates - and not gay....

I'm just a Man.


Yes, I'm an evil Man with my evil Man penis and I'm wreaking havoc upon every poor, downtrodden, disenfranchised, cold,

hungry, jobless, shiftless, toothless, shoeless, non-Christian, non-white, non-male or non-citizen of this nation.

It's ALL my fault because I'm a Man.


So I put all that together and came up with NeoConMan.

Kinda rolls off the tongue with a certain flair and innocence.

Like I'm a cranium-limited caveman and my I.Q. is somewhere between jellyfish and seaweed.

Properly confined for observation I could be of little harm and little more than a zoological curiosity, in the eyes of the Intelligentsia.

You know them, the Intellectual Titans on most media outlets and college campuses.

The sophisticated brie and chablis crowd.

The ones Hillary Clinton lost to that darling, charismatic Muppet - Barack, the Magic Negro as Rush Limbaugh calls him.


Okay, so I register in a few forums with my NeoConMan alter ego and I was disappointed at the response.

A resounding "Huh?"

Talking to my Conservative friends (I no longer have Liberal friends) I found them to be clueless.

One mentioned Irving Kristol and a Wikipedia entry, but the rest were needing an explanation and a reason to care at all.


One night a few weeks later I was in a forum having a discussion with half a dozen like-minded individuals about tire

inflation, string gauges, locking differentials or something equally mundane when - out of the blue - a post appears

in the middle of the thread of conversation.

It was like a tear gas canister had been thrown thru an open window on my web browser, and went something like;

"You and all your f-ing NeoCon a**hole buddies, how about if Bush f-ing lied and YOU all died!!!

Your Prez has set this nation back a million years!!!

You stupid mother****ers will get what's coming to you, you f-ing NeoCon mother****ers!!!!"



So, I tried to initiate some sort of dialogue with this person behind the angry keyboard. No luck.

Conversation finally returned to normal, everything was fine for a day or two, then a different character tossed another

grenade. A couple buddies of his chimed in and it was like a virtual gang beating!

The Mod Squad, fair as always, allowed this to continue until I made the mistake of asking them to explain their

position and justify their lunatic claims about every conspiracy under the sun.

As soon as I challenged them on Bush being compared to Hitler, and creating 9/11, the Mod Squad deleted the thread.


This scenario has been repeated countless times in a dozen forums I participate in.

I'm amazed at how it mirrors the news media.

These people cannot voice this idiocy in a legitimate outlet with normal Americans, so the fringes of the internet is their home.




I am a product of my environment.

The entire NeoConMan schtick (It was a joke at first!) is a direct result of Liberal stupidity.


My enemies in this nation reveal themselves to me, I do not seek them out.

They see my username and simply lose their minds in a sputtering apoplectic fit of rage.

Doesn't take long before they decide to 'educate' me in the error of my ways - always amusing!


I would like to live my life as I want, pay taxes that are reasonable - God asks only 10%.

I want to live in the Liberty that millions of Americans hate to see me enjoy.

I ask nothing of anybody else beyond doing their own thing, paying their own way and leaving me the fxck alone.

I do not see that as being unreasonable.

See more here if you care....


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yawwwwwwwwnnnnn!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

But it means enough to you that you feel compelled to post here....

Thank you for being Exhibit A.






The folks who wrote the Project for a New American Century came up with that name for themselves.

They thought the name "consevative" did not represent what they stood for' date=' a new or neo-conservatism or neocon.

Read their paper to see if you are indeed a neocon.[/quote']

You tell me.

This is all purely subjective.





buc' date=' yer readin' my mind!i was gonna say that based on the length and topic alone.

guess i'll be exhibit "b". i didn't even bother to read it. i can't imagine caring any less. [/quote']

Yet still you post here!

Yep, you're one of them....

Mind if I call you B for short?





Project for a New American Century?


I've heard of them since, but this was in 2004.

I'll look into it more since you mentioned it.


I rarely patronize Far Right sites beyond curiosity and I feel no obligation to ally myself with any.



I see myself as simply a common sense, traditional conservative - same as my Dad, and as my Grandad was.

I attend church on occasion, I own guns, I obey the law, I pay taxes.

I do not think our government should be in the charity business at any level.

I believe in a strong defense that puts the interests of our nation before any others.


I am NOT an extremist but have been marginalized as one by my own nation, so there's the story.

I became a NeoConservative through the efforts of our media and college campuses.


Nothing has changed at my house, or my Dad's.

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Phew! When hate and rage consumes a person.

I'm not going to get into it line by line' date=' get political, or try to insult you, but what happened to you man?

Where does that ^ come from? There has to be something very substantial fueling this. [/quote']

There YOU go calling ME a hater again.

I don't think I'M the one consumed here.....


Read it again, you'll understand what 'happened' to me.

It was people like you.......



Oh, and be so kind as to point out the hate in my post.

I don't see it.



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If you think we're reading all that on a Friday night, you sir are nuttier than most people previously thought. Anyone who visits this forum is very well familiar with the Neo, and his compound. I'm not pro Neo, or Con Neo. I'm just sayin'...



Go out to dinner or something.


It do get old.

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The PNAC think tank existed between '97 and '06. That is a non-subjective fact. These "new" conservatives whose name you like were nothing like the traditional ones you relate to. Many old school conservatives really disliked the ideas of these neos. One big difference was their idea on foreign policy. A traditional conservative is more of an isolationist than these neos. The neos are not as fiscally conservative as a traditional one. You shouild check them out to see if you agree with someone whose name you use.

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There YOU go calling ME a hater again.

I don't think I'M the one consumed here.....


Read it again' date=' you'll understand what 'happened' to me.

It was people like you.......



Oh, and be so kind as to point out the hate in my post.

I don't see it.




[/quote'] "Pays homage to my Liberal opponents (I view them as the enemy of my values AND my nation)"


Signifies hate to me. One typically hates their enemies. Again I could post links to more hate and rage, but why bother? I'm sure there are plenty of people who share almost exactly your set of views. But they don't make websites and post long blurbs on forums, calling everyone who opposes their political viewpoint an enemy of the country. Theres something more to this then just your political views and convictions.


Why is it that you just can't seem to stop at just believing that they are just plain wrong about their opinions? You always have to question peoples intentions (which cant be done properly without knowing someone personally). Call them "f--king retards" or whatever for all I care. Nothing wrong with you thinking that. But when you start questioning peoples intentions, that's when it turns wrong.


Also, the fact that those idiots started with you with their hate and rage on some chat site or forum, doesnt merit you perpetuating it. Its like every kids parents told them "If everyone one else jumped off a bridge, would u do it too?"


maybe you will just always hate "me", maybe not. Not sure at this point. All I know is I don't hate you.

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NeoConMan' date=' you make something banal seem epic.[/quote']


Seems epic to you?


Actually, I would have to agree with you in that regard.

It was pretty banal until all the moths flocking to the flame began to resemble a plague of locusts.



I'll call you Exhibit C, and 959 (from across the pond where socialism is accepted as the norm) can be D.


You guys read a couple lines, decide it's bullsh!t, then make a choice.

1. Do I simply click away since this isn't my idea of interesting?

2. Do I leave something behind, like a dog turd on the Information Super Highway?

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These "new" conservatives whose name you like were nothing like the traditional ones you relate to.

THAT is the irony.

I NEVER asked to be called anything other than a conservative.

It was bestowed upon me.





Many old school conservatives really disliked the ideas of these neos.

As I said' date=' I do not associate myself with many of those groups - not even the Libertarians whom I have more in common with idealogically - because of the truly nutty fringe element they attract.





One big difference was their idea on foreign policy. A traditional conservative is more of an isolationist than these neos.

I got it in Spades.

Bring our men home and let the United Nations handle it - for once in their 60 year history of incompetence.





The neos are not as fiscally conservative as a traditional one.

That's where I'm more Libertarian.

I'm not so much for smaller federal government as I am eliminating 90% of it.





You shouild check them out to see if you agree with someone whose name you use.

Will do.

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This from the guy showing us his weaponry and allowing us a glimpse into the importance of his job' date=' then telling the rest of the world we are incapable of owning guns ourselves. Fundamental disagreement I would say...


I don't care who owns guns.

If they can't do it responsibly, [i']then[/i] you take them away and punish them.


Crazy idea, liberty and all....

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"Pays homage to my Liberal opponents (I view them as the enemy of my values AND my nation)"

Signifies hate to me.

I'll say it again - I pursue no one.

They came after me simply for a username!

Would that be much different than a Hate Crime that the Liberals want to label everything with?





Theres something more to this then just your political views and convictions.
Ah' date=' now you're Freud....

Tell me a little about yourself, I'm sure I can demonstrate how fxcked up in the head [b']YOU[/b] are in a matter of minutes...

Care to expose yourself to that sort of risk?




Why is it that you just can't seem to stop at just believing that they are just plain wrong about their opinions?
Why can't THEY?

Will Rogers said it best; "Anybody will meet you halfway' date=' it's just that most folks are a poor judge of distance."[/b']



But when you start questioning peoples intentions' date=' that's when it turns wrong.[/quote']Why is that?

Other people's intentions - from my ex-wife and a few select family members to our Legislature are plotting late into the night a new way to 'liberate' my money from me, restrict my every move, and brainwash my children.

I don't care what they do to you, but it ain't gonna happen here.



Also' date=' the fact that those idiots started with you with their hate and rage on some chat site or forum, doesnt merit you perpetuating it.[/quote']As soon as they tire and move on, here comes fresh idiots with a 'new' angle.

Watch this thread and tell me I'm wrong.....



All I know is I don't hate you.
I love ya man....


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I love ya man....


Neo, let me try to spell out what I am saying with an example of sorts. A legislative body can put out a new law with the thought that they are doing what they think is best for the people. The fact that it isn't what is best (in your eyes) has nothing to do with what their intention was. They intented to help you. Bad action doesnt necessarily mean bad intentions. Some of the sickest SOBs in recorded history probably had good intentions deep down, they were just horribly misguided and/or plain old idiotic. Do you understand what I am getting at here?
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The legislature has done NOTHING to help me in years.

Seriously, I would have to do a lot of research to find a federal law I agree with in the last several years.

Only a couple in the state of Arizona.


Sickest SOB's in history?

Eva Braun loved Hitler.

Saddam Hussein loved his sons.

Mussolini's wife died hanging right beside him.


That what you mean?


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This from the guy showing us his weaponry and allowing us a glimpse into the importance of his job' date=' then telling the rest of the world we are incapable of owning guns ourselves. Fundamental disagreement I would say...


I don't care who owns guns.

If they can't do it responsibly, [i']then[/i] you take them away and punish them.


Crazy idea, liberty and all....


Up until my last post Neo, I never even made any remark or even any reference to guns, I was poking fun at your lengthy government based pontification. If someone asks me what I do for a living, I will tell them, even sometimes supported by a picture, hence your above remark... but I'm curious where it was that "I" stated that the rest of the world was "Incapable of owning" guns??? I have stated that we here in the UK don't need the general population armed. There's enough teenagers dieing on the streets of London through knife crime alone...


We here in the UK are not afforded the luxury of civil liberties under pinned by constitution, if you can't get your head round that then you will never understand why Mr Average Smith next door isn't armed...


My opinion is based on my up bringing, my experiences.. not what job I'm doing or what pony government is calling the shots...


What you do is your business.

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I read it on a Friday night, but I'm off, playing tomorrow night.


I don't understand Liberals either. The first time I voted was for Reagan. The first time. I talked to Rush back around '91/'92 on the phone, but can't tell ya why. It's a secret. He'd remember it.


Best to ya Neo.



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