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...so that everyone knows they are still the rules... (they are posted in the help section anyway... )



The Gibson forums are intended for users of all ages, please take this into consideration when posting and use common sense and don't post explicit profanity.


Please show respect for all members. Remarks towards others about racism, sexism, origin, creed and handicap will NOT be tolerated and will be deleted by staff, and the poster will be warned, suspended or possibly banned. Your posts and posted images are constantly reviewed by the moderating staff. Any post or image deemed unsuitable will be edited or deleted without prior warning. The member that posted will be warned, suspended or possibly banned.


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16. Gibson Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

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[*Edit by shadow]

18. No Racial, Religious, or Political post will be allowed on the forums.

1st offense warning will be issues, 2nd offense user will be suspended for a week, 3rd offense user will be banned.

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Not at all' date=' just trying to lend a helping hand to those in need (and I quote)


Just because the rules are not re-posted does not give free rein of posting again. Please don't make this a difficult night for me.


By the way, ruler breakers and trespasers, the rules are posted as sticky in the "forum help" part.




I quoted the relevant part only, now if you want dead horse beating you can just read the whole thing in here:



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18. No Racial, Religious, or Political post will be allowed on the forums.


1st offense warning will be issues, 2nd offense user will be suspended for a week, 3rd offense user will be banned.


You forgot rule 18 on your list of rules.




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For what it's worth, I'm on two - well, two and a half - web type "forums" and this is the only music one - the others are pretty much history/philosophy.


There's a lot of banter here which this old picker likes, and a lot of good ideas for music, which I like. And even a bit of tension occasionally among the "regulars" isn't all that bad if it can be kept somewhat down.


Frankly I can't imagine a better guitar-based forum. I've learned a lot and I've been pickin' since '63 and playing music on other instruments before that.


I'll also admit that on occasions this forum makes me feel a little like a battered old ES175 - still as relevant and sounding always better than in the 1950s, but not necessarily reflecting the way that many of the younger guys think about music or guitars. Hopefully some comments by us older guys and the occasional notes on the trials of life among guitar pickers will help some younger guys steer away from some potholes. Yet we all have to take our lumps.


The younger guys, some young enough to be my grandchildren if I were reeeeally old enough to have kids in the first place, <chortle> keep me thinking about new ways of presentation if not some newer music.


Given that I'm also a computer nut and a writer for a general audience, that latter insight into more than my own age group is more valuable than I've often admitted.


I've looked at other guitar forums. This is "it." Thanks mod types, even if it sometimes your efforts seem far under-rewarded for the tummy aches it likely produces at times.



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